Y&R Best Lines Thursday, January 12, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Son, when are we gonna start meeting someplace a little more happening? Clearly, this place isn’t taking off the way you’d hoped.

Noah: Alright, well, maybe not for a happening guy like you, but I seem to be satisfying all my other patrons. You know, besides, this place is my life now. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Nick: I’m as content as you are.

Noah: Okay, I’m gonna ask you something. Fair warning — you might not want to answer it right now.

Nick: [Laughs] Well, now I’m curious. What’s up?

Noah: This whole sally thing. I’m interested to know how serious it is.


Nick: How serious is the Sally thing? I don’t know, man. How serious is the Allie thing?

Noah: She’s amazing. We love spending time together. We support one another, and i appreciate her more and more every day.

Nick: Same.

Noah: Ah, it’s just — it’s that type of love I could really be grateful for, especially after all the Audra stuff. Every day I wake up and I am excited to nourish our relationship and watch it grow.

Nick: [Chuckles] You sound like a self-help guru.

Noah: What can I say? It’s special. She offers support and stability, consistency. It’s just — it’s really nice.

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