Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Tucker visits with Devon, Abby, Dominic, and Tucker and have a talk. Abby tells Tucker she doesn’t trust him but, she thinks Dominic needs his family. Once Tucker is gone, Abby tells Devon that she is only letting Tucker see Dominic for his sake. Abby and Devon have sex on Delphine’s couch because it feels right for them to be together.

Jack and Kyle are not happy that Diane is going to move back into the Grand Phoenix as part of her plan to make Jeremy think that she wants to reconcile with him but they can agree to support her despite the fact they think her plan is too dangerous and may not work.

Phyllis and Ashley are upset because Jack and Kyle can’t see that they are being manipulated by Diane. Phyllis is hurt that Summer is taking Diane’s side in the situation and refuses to talk to Summer to try and fix things between them. Summer admits to Daniel that Diane has brought a lot of problems to town with her and she doesn’t like the way everyone is acting like it is all Phyllis’ fault. Summer tells Daniel that she hopes Kyle will take the blinders off about his mother before it ruins their marriage. Ashley arrives home and interrupts an almost kiss between Diane and Jack and asks what is going on between them.

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