Y&R Update Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Update written by Barbara

At Newman Enterprises, Nick tells Victoria about how well Christian did with his older cousins at the Christmas Day gathering and how he was exhausted from all the activity. He also gives props to Victoria for dealing so well with the situation involving Johnny finding out that Chelsea is his bio mom.

Victor lets Nick and Victoria know that he had a conversation with Adam earlier that day, which did not go well because Adam has no desire to return to the family company. Nick says that Adam will never change to which Victor replies that this is coming from someone who is competing with his brother       romance. He adds that Nick needs to stop cavorting around with Sally Spectra. Nick becomes frustrated, tells Victor that if this type of talk continues, he won’t like how things will be between them, and leaves.

Afterward, Victor lets Victoria know that he thinks she’s doing a fantastic job running Newman Enterprises.  He adds that he wants her to learn how to take a step back, take a deep breath

At Crimson Lights, Sally is sipping tea and flashing back to her date with Nick when they sat on the park bench and she started feeling nauseous. Adam comes into the coffeehouse, sees her and saunters over. He notices that she is drinking herbal tea and asks since when does she drink that because she has triple espresso for her afternoon pick-me-up. Adam notices that there’s something off about Sally so he asks her what’s wrong.

After a short while, Chloe comes into the coffeehouse for a business meeting with Sally so Adam excuses himself and gets a coffee to go. Like Adam had, Chloe notices that Sally is drinking herbal tea and wonders why.

Chloe is eating a huge cinnamon roll and when she offers to share it, Sally says no, that she’s fine with just the tea. She also mentions that the aroma is bothering her.

The women get down to work, preparing their business proposal for Chancellor-Winters.

At Society, Summer and Phyllis talk about the latest happenings in their lives.  Phyllis tells Summer that Danny is in town and Summer excitedly says she hopes he’ll have time for a visit with her. When Phyllis mentions to Summer that Daniel has offered her a job with his gaming platform,  mentions that Daniel has offered her a job with his gaming platform for Chancellor-Winters. Phyllis tells her that she has been hoping that Summer would change her mind about firing her and rescind the notice of termination.

Summer says that Daniel’s job offer is a perfect fit for Phyllis and is great, but Phyllis lets her know that she was hoping that she would change her mind about firing her and rescind the notice of termination. Since this isn’t going to happen, Phyllis tears up and gets weepy, telling Summer that she has lost her daughter. Summer tries to assure Phyllis that this is far from the case, but Phyllis isn’t having it. She gets up and leaves the restaurant.

At the Abbott house, Jack tells Diane that she shouldn’t have left the cabin and returned to Genoa City with Kyle, Summer and Harrison. This doesn’t matter to Diane as she says that they must stop Jeremy. Trying to assuage Jack’s concerns, Diane tells him that she got away from Jeremy once before and she can do it again. She wants to set a trap for Jeremy to get rid of him.

In his suite, Jeremy looks at the briefcase full of cash, picks up a roll, and flips through it. His phone rings and it’s Diane. She tells him that she wants to talk with him, but not on the phone. She wants to meet with him in person.

Victor asks Victoria if she is stll trying to acquire Chancellor-Winters. Victoria tells him that she lost her inside source of information about the company, and she has lost leverage.

At Society, Nick sits down at the bar with Adam. Nick gives props to Adam for doing such a good job at Newman Media and laying down a solid foundation for Sally there.

Over at Crimson Lights, Sally apolgizes to Chloe about having left abruptly to use the bathroom. Chloe asks Sally if she could be … and does not complete her sentence. Knowing what Chloe is implying, Sally says it’s not possible.

When Sally returns to her suite, continuing to feel sick, she looks at the calendar on the phone There’s a knock on the door and it’s Nick arriving for their date. He mentions that they’re supposed to have drinks and she cancels, saying she’s feeling under the weather.

At Society, Jeremy is waiting for Diane at a table, doing something on his phone. Diane shows up and he is happy to see her. She tells him she wants to broker a truce, something to settle her debt and wipe the slate clean. Jeremy asks what she has in mind, as Jack lurks in a corner in the hallway leading to the restaurant’s kitchen.

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