Days Short Recap Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad caught Stephanie covering up Paulina’s opponent’s poster with Paulina’s. Stephanie said it was an impulse. She said she wanted to make sure Paulina won. He said he had no doubt Paulina would win. He wanted to take Stephanie out for dinner to celebrate if Paulina won. She said she already had plans with Alex. Chad wondered why she changed her mind. She said she wanted to thank him for the file which saved her job. He said going out to dinner with Alex would make him think she wanted to be with him. She said her opinion about Alex changed. She said she was going to dinner with an open mind. She said Chad was the reason why she wanted to open up to someone again since he wasn’t interested. He wanted to know who said he wasn’t interested. She told him how she heard him talking to Alex about it. He said he didn’t know how to answer Alex’s questions about his feelings for her. He blurted it out. He said he wanted to see where the attraction would take them. He said he was still grieving Abby. He said he wasn’t ready to see anyone seriously. He said he didn’t know if he would ever be. He said he was glad she was ready to date again even if it was Alex. Abe met Paulina in her office. They checked the polls and saw they were leading. Leo came in and said Paulina had messages from the governor and Sloan. Abe wondered why Sloan kept bothering Paulina. Paulina said Sloan wanted a job as her lawyer, but she couldn’t take no for an answer.

When Abe left, Leo admitted to Paulina that Sloan was still bothering him for the money he owed her. He asked Paulina for an advance in his salary. Paulina agreed to give him the money. She got an alert about a meeting and had to give him the money later. Sloan showed up at the Kiriakis mansion and accused him of taking her file. He said he didn’t take it. She didn’t believe him. She walked out of the mansion. Sonny asked him about the file Alex said he stole it for Stephanie. Sloan went to Paulina’s office. She saw Leo. He told her she would have her money. She said she would send in her associates. He was afraid and went in Paulina’s safe. He thought she wouldn’t mind. Sloan noticed the blackmail file in the safe. Abe and Paulina found out they won the election. He said that he was grateful that he was elected, but he was stepping down as mayor to support his wife. Paulina thanked her family and everyone who helped her. While everyone was celebrating Paulina’s victory, Shawn showed up to arrest Chanel on suspicion of murder.

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