Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Alex wanted Stephanie to print up a press release. She told him that she said she needed his help with Paulina first. She knew the file she was looking for was in Sloan’s cabinet. He was sure he knew where the key was, but he didn’t think it was a good idea to steal from Sloan. Stephanie thought Sloan crossed the line when she went after Paulina. She told him about what Paulina could do for the town as governor. He let her know what she was asking of him. He wasn’t comfortable going over there with an agenda. She walked out the room. Paulina left a message on Stephanie’s phone about the file. She thanked Stephanie for everything she did to calm down the threat. Sloan showed up at Paulina’s office to let her know that she knew about Stephanie and Chad’s counterfeit money scheme. She told Paulina that the price went up now thanks to their scheme. Sloan wanted her to put the money in an offshore account. She gave Paulina the account number. She said if the money wasn’t in her account by the next day, her career and Chanel’s life would be over. Later, Sloan and Alex were intimate with each other. He blindfolded her so he could get in her file cabinet. He found the file marked Price and was going to look through it. The doorbell rang while he was looking in the file.
Stephanie went to see Paulina. She fired Stephanie on the spot. She begged Paulina to give her a chance to fix things. Paulina didn’t have a choice. She had to pay the blackmailer. Stephanie apologized to her. She said she would be sorrier when she told Victor and her other clients to leave her. Kayla tried to convince Joey to stay in Salem. He didn’t think it was a good idea to stay in town. She wanted him to be happy wherever he is. He noticed a present she got. She looked at the card and saw that it was from Orpheus. Steve walked in the room so Kayla told him about the card from Orpheus. Kayla thought Orpheus would be thinking about her, Kate and Marlena now that he’s back in Statesville. Steve made a call and found out that Kate and Marlena got the same card. He assured Kayla that Orpheus wouldn’t win.
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