Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 17, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Well, I’m less than thrilled, but it’s a necessary evil.

Tucker: Yeah. And I appreciate your candor, as always. I know you’re not thrilled about my coming back to town and trying to reconnect with Ashley.

Jack: No, but I am pleased with your lack of progress in that regard.

Tucker: So you must have enjoyed her storming out just now.

Jack: Well, I would have preferred she throw a drink in your face, but storming out we’ll have to settle for.

Tucker: Yeah, I know you’re protective of her and i appreciate that. I admire it, actually. It’s exactly how I would feel in your situation. But my wanting to make amends with her is genuine ’cause, Jack, my relationship with her is the best thing that ever happened to me.

************””””** *******”””

Sharon: Because there is a pattern here, Nick. You and Adam tend to pursue the same women — Chelsea, me, and now Sally.

Nick: Well, obviously, we have excellent taste.

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