Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Gwen picked on Jennifer for hitting her and leaving her for dead. Jennifer apologized to her. Jennifer said she remembered doing it an hour ago. She told Gwen that she was high. She also said she was thinking about Abby. Gwen said she was there to save herself and not because she was sorry. Jennifer said that wasn’t true. She said she was there to get help. Gwen said she heard that story before from her mother. She said she knew addicts lie. Jennifer said she was right. She said she would do the right thing and turn herself in. Gwen said she didn’t think she would get clean in prison. She told Jennifer not to do it. She said she knew how much Jennifer was suffering because of Laura and Abby’s deaths. She said she wasn’t surprised Jennifer tried to numb the pain. Gwen said she cared about her. Gwen said she wished someone had told her mother they cared about her. Gwen said she was too needy to do it then, but she could do it now. She said she would tell the police Jennifer didn’t hit her. Jennifer asked why she would cover up for her. Gwen said she wanted to make sure she did what her mother didn’t do. She said she couldn’t take Jennifer away from Jack after what happened to Abby. She said it would destroy him. Leo told Jack that Gwen got her memory back. Leo said Gwen knew Jennifer was the driver. He said if Jack wanted it to go away, he had to write a check. Jack asked if Gwen knew he was there. Leo said she didn’t, but they talked about it. He said he wanted a million dollars. He said he would go to the police. Jack said he would wire him the money.

Jack went to Gwen’s room at the hospital. He told Jennifer and Gwen that Leo was blackmailing him. Jennifer told him what she did to Gwen. Gwen said she wouldn’t say anything. Jack said Leo could still go to the police. Gwen told him not to give Leo anything. Jack asked why she was doing this. Jennifer said she was his daughter and loved him. When Jack went home, he saw Leo. Leo asked if he had the money. Jack said his plan backfired. He told Leo to get out. Leo left. Jennifer came home and apologized to Jack for lying about the pills and for almost killing his daughter. She asked if he could forgive her. He apologized for not seeing how much she was suffering. She wanted to know what she should do. He said whatever it was she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Chad helped Stephanie with her press release. She said it was hard to concentrate since Kayla has been sick. Paulina showed up and said she was owed an apology. She said the election was one month away and her numbers were down. She wanted Stephanie to get things done by the end of business. Stephanie said she wouldn’t be able to do it. Chad told Paulina that Stephanie’s mother was in the hospital. He told her to give Stephanie a break. Paulina asked why Stephanie didn’t delegate her responsibilities. Stephanie apologized and told her she would get the job done. Paulina said she could let Chad help her. Chad told her who Chad was. Paulina offered her condolences. When Paulina left, Chad and Stephanie talked about her hiring more people. He offered to work for her.

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