Y&R Short Recap Thursday, October 6, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nick and Sally decide not to label their relationship and just keep enjoying wherever the relationship takes them. Noah asks Nick if he has considered how Summer will feel when she finds out he is dating Sally. Noah doesn’t want to tell Allie how he knows.

Allie asks Noah how he knows Audra Charles but after they talk more he tells Allie she was the woman he dated in London that was a toxic relationship for him.

Billy tells Abby that Tucker crashed Kyle and Summer’s vow renewal, and that Tucker wants to make amends with Ashley. Abby tells Billy that Tucker, will have to go through her first he wants to get to Ashley. Tucker goes to Chancellor-Winters to invite Devon to lunch so they can talk. Devon and Tucker have lunch at Society where Tucker tells Devon that after a lot of soul searching he has realized that he needs to live his life to the fullest and reconnect with family. Tucker wants to meet Dominic and Devon tells him that can be arranged, but he has to talk to Abby and Chance since he shares custody of Dominic with them. Abby sees Devon and Tucker talking and tells Tucker to stay away from Ashley and Dominic.

Chelsea talks to Sharon about the situation with Connor and Johnny, and Sharon tells her she needs help right away.

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