Days Short Recap Monday, September 12, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny told Ava that he liked having her around. They started making out. She stopped him and told him she was old enough to be his mother. She talked to him about the reasons why they shouldn’t be together. She said her husband just died. She said she saw him Jake. She felt like she was losing her mind. He said EJ might be the reason why she felt that way. He said EJ had a history of driving women crazy. Li told EJ that he was closer to Jake than anyone. EJ told him to go to a retreat now that Jake’s service was over. Li said he would do that as soon as Gabi was finished saying goodbye to Stefan. EJ wondered how long it took to say goodbye to someone who has been dead for years. He said Gabi’s heart still belonged to Stefan. EJ and Li got into an argument over Gabi not being over Stefan. Li told him to mind his business. EJ said Stefan was his brother and Li and Gabi were about to consolidate power at DiMera so it was his business. Li said it wasn’t a mission. He said it was love. They talked about Ava. EJ said she was shrewd and off her rocker. Ava told Johnny that nothing was going to happen between them. She said the way he defended her and flirted with her lifted her spirits and ego. EJ walked in and assumed they made love. He told her to get out of the mansion. Johnny said he would leave if she did. EJ said it would be a win/win.

When EJ left, Johnny and Ava decided to move in the Salem Inn. He said it wouldn’t be about sex. He said he loved how his father thought they were having sex. He said he didn’t try to have sex with her to stick it to his father. He said he genuinely liked her. Gabi told Stefan’s urn that she had to move on from him despite their wonderful times. She said he was the love of her life and always would be. Stefan walked in the crypt. She was shocked to see him. She thought he was Jake. He wanted to know why everyone kept calling him Jake. She couldn’t believe he could be Stefan. She said she donated his heart to Julie. He told her what Rolf did. She kissed him. He stopped kissing her. He said he couldn’t stand her. She wanted him to remember loving her. Li walked in while they were talking. She told Li that Stefan was alive. She wanted to take Stefan to the hospital so he could get his memory back. He told her that she forgot that he was in love with Chloe until Gabi ruined things. EJ was upset when he found out Ava and Johnny were living together. Stefan ripped into Gabi about not loving her. When Stefan left, Li tried to hide his excitement.

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