Y&R Best Lines Monday, September 5, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: Uh, you know, no one’s a bigger Blackhawks fan than me, but, realistically, I wouldn’t look for any more Stanley cups for a while.

Traci: What a disappointment. So, who do you think in the NBA would be a contender?

Kyle: Uh [Chuckling] NHL. NBA is basketball.

Traci: Right. I knew that. I knew that.

[Both laugh]

Summer: Nice try, you two.

Kyle: Hey, babe. Um, what’s Harrison up to?

Summer: He’s working hard on his dinosaur puzzle, just like you’re down here working even harder on trying to keep something from me.

Kyle: I, uh — what do you mean?

Summer: You and your mom had your heads together earlier, and now you’re down here talking about hockey with Aunt Traci? And we both know she has zero interest in sports.

Traci: Oh, come on. I would not exactly say zero.

Summer: [Chuckles] Stop tormenting your aunt — and me.


Chance: There we go. Oh, what a treat this is.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Chance: Spend the whole day off with you? Are you kidding?

[Sighs] I love how you read my mind and put this whole thing together. Thank you. Sent Dom and nanny to the zoo so we can get plenty of alone time together. And you put together just the most perfect playlist for a perfect picnic in the park.

Abby: I don’t remember telling you about a playlist.

Chance: You didn’t. I just know you.

Abby: [Chuckles] Well, if you like that, you are gonna be blown away by lunch. I went to that little French market that you love so much, and I bought the whole place out. Let’s see. There’s a baguette, still warm from the oven, brie with fig jam, rare tenderloin, a little chocolate mousse for dessert. And, look, a vintage bottle of —

Chance: What happened? Did something spill?

Abby: [Sighs] Apple slices and cheddar fish crackers — sippy cups? This is what I packed for Dominic.

Chance: [Chuckling] Oh, no.

Abby: [Chuckling] Aw!

Chance: Well, Louise is gonna have one hell of a lunch today. She’s going to wonder why you sent her to the zoo with wine.

Abby: Not just wine.

Vintage wine. Ugh, this is what happens when you have two identical picnic baskets.

Chance: Well, you know what? It is my lucky day because i have been craving apple slices and little fish crackers all day. So, I hope you brought enough for both of us. I’m about chow down.

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