Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 1, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chelsea: Adam?

Adam: Yeah. You decent?

Chelsea: Have I ever been?

Adam: Well, good point. I’ve seen every version of you, so just let me in.

Chelsea: [Sniffles, sighs] Okay.


Phyllis: A lifetime ago, right. That was my rise from the ashes after all the bridges had burned. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Nick: Come on. Yeah, you could have. When there’s something you want, I dare anyone to get in your way.

Phyllis: You say that like it’s a good thing.

Nick: I mean, it can be. If the Grand Phoenix was in the hands of anyone else, it would have just been some other hotel, you know, come and go, but you created this luxury destination where everybody keeps coming back. It’s unforgettable, like you.

Phyllis: You’re just saying that because it’s true.

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