Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, August 3, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chloe: Blech.

Sally: What’s wrong?

Chloe: All of these people.

Sally: What people are you talking about? Hopefully no one whose name is on the building because they sign our checks.

Chloe: You know, as a rule, I am generally irritated by most of the Newmans, but in this moment, I am specifically irritated by all of these national media parasites who just want to get the scoop on Ashland Locke’s death. Vultures.

Sally: Chloe, you do realize that we’re a part of the national media, right? So, are you calling us vultures?

Chloe: No, no. I’m talking about all of the reporters who have come into town, who are trying to uncover some angle that no one else has found.

Sally: They’re not evil. They’re just trafficking in the most valuable commodity of the day — information. All of their platforms are covering Ashland’s death, and they need to find an angle.

Chloe: Well, I doubt they’re gonna find out that Nick punched Ashland at Victoria’s house the night that Locke died.

Sally: What did you just say? Their confrontation got physical?


Chloe: It’s true. Nick clocked Ashland the night he died. Probably not long before the accident.

Sally: And this was at Victoria’s house?

Chloe: Exactly.

Sally: What was Ashland doing there?

Chloe: I don’t really know. I just know that it got really heated between Ashland and Victoria, so Nick had to step in.

Sally: Wow. And you found this out from your trusted source that rhymes with “fleven.”

Chloe: You know there are actual words that rhyme with his name. You don’t have to make up something.

Sally: Yeah, but it’s more fun to say fleven. So, what else did kevin tell you?

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