Days Short Recap Monday, July 11, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kate talked to Chad about Lucas. She didn’t want him getting into another relationship with Lucas. They talked about how he kidnapped Sami. Johnny was convinced EJ was still in love with Sami. He thought he was upset that Sami was marrying Lucas. He didn’t care that they were getting married. Johnny didn’t believe that Belle was the one for him. EJ reminded him that Abby was murdered in that house. Johnny still thought he was into Sami and using Belle to get back at her. Lucas almost slipped and told Will why he felt guilty. He ended up telling him that he blamed himself for Sami’s accident. He felt he was the reason why she wasn’t there for Allie when she was being possessed. Kate talked to Chad about the man she loved giving his daughter away to the man who kidnapped her. She mentioned Lucas knowing about Abby finding out the truth about him. Chad reminded her that she said he didn’t know that Abby knew what he did.

Lucas told Will that he had a slip up. He got drunk. Will wanted him to tell Sami the truth. He said that he would tell Sami what he did. Marlena told Sami that she talked to EJ. She told her that EJ remembered what happened when he got shot. She told Sami that Clyde shot him. Sami was upset about it. She was convinced she was doing the right thing by marrying Lucas. She knew Lucas would never hurt her the way EJ did. Kate told Chad that she had to tell Lucas that Abby knew the truth. She wanted to protect her son. Chad wanted to know when she told him. She said she told him right after he told her. Kate told him that Clyde killed Abby. She said Lucas would never hurt Abby. He wanted to know what she was going to do. She was going to live with what he did. She walked away from him. Chad didn’t think that was true.

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