Days Opinion Article 6/12/22

Opinion Article


by Marlene  6/12/22

Chad, Abigail, Thomas and Charlotte in "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

Another storyline has gone wrong on “Days of Our Lives.” With so many tragedies and heartbreak in our society now, we look for a soap opera to brighten up our day and bring us some happiness when we’re watching. The murder of Abigail Dimera just makes us think about children losing a mother, growing up without a mother and having hardship in their life. No matter how rich the DiMeras are, this will be a tragedy for Thomas and Charlotte. I believe you do not break up a very strong couple whom we have seen grown up on the show. I do know the actress, Marci Miller wanted out, but that does not mean that the writers had to really bounce her out by murdering her character. Destroying the lives of Jennifer and Jack and her brother JJ, whom adored her is reprehensible. This is not romantic, fun or interesting.

Days has to come back to family togetherness and characters that are bringing joy to the show. I do agree some episodes are interesting, like Paulina covering for Lani in the shooting of TR, and Belle and EJ having a love affair. But these are good episodes without murdering any of the characters. A note to the writers: please bring more family episodes that can make your viewers smile, to bring joy and lighten up problems that most viewers are facing in real love.


Lani and Paulina on "Days of Our Lives" on Peacock

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