Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Kate: You told abigail that lucas was the one who kidnapped sami?
Chad: I did.
Kate: Why did you do that?
Marlena: It was so good to see will. I miss him already.
Lucas: Yeah. Well, he’ll be back soon. It’ll be nice to have the whole family together.
Marlena: , That’s– that’s exactly what he said.
Lucas: Did he?
Marlena: He did.
Lucas: Hm.
Marlena: Yeah, before he left for the airport. And, in fact, he used that exact phrase, “the whole family.”
Lucas: Ah-huh.
Marlena: Uh-huh. And then roman gave you a wry little smile and said something about planning a party?
[Cell phone buzzes] Oh, looks like I have to get to an appointment. So you’re off the hook– for the moment.
Lucas: [Laughs]
[Sneaky music]
Shawn: Is there a problem with the couch?
Jan: It’s okay, I guess.
Shawn: Well, you’ve spent entire days on it before and you haven’t had a problem.
Jan: Today is different. Today, I have my first appointment with marlena.
Shawn: So?
Jan: So normally a patient travels to their therapist’s office, not the other way around. Of course, I can’t do that because of the bed rest and high-risk pregnancy, not to mention this lovely piece of jewelry.
Shawn: Look, if you think I’m taking that thing off of you–
Jan: No, I fully accept that I’m under house arrest. Houseas not designed for a person who’s about to undergo a major psychological breakthrough. With that said, I can make sure that the conditions are as close to perfect as possible.
Shawn: Well, like you said, it’s your first session, so I’d keep my expectations low.
Jan: I know I won’t become mentally healthy overnight. But mark my words, I will get there. I will be the mother our baby deserves.
Belle: I was just returning your robe. I didn’t know you were in here.
Ej: Obviously not.
Susan: Oh! Well, I’ll be. Th-there it is again.
Abigail: There’s what again?
Susan: Abigail, I just got this feeling, you know, this very powerful feeling that there is a foreign presence among us. Yeah, there’s someone here that’s not supposed to be in this house.
Abigail: Huh. Well, maybe it’s the tooth fairy.
Susan: Say what?
Abigail: Well, thomas said he was down in the basement playing hide-and-seek with his sister, and he ran into the tooth fairy.
Susan: [Groans] She and I are not on good terms.
Abigail: You had a falling out with a fairy?
Susan: She owes me a buck fifty for my wisdom teeth. Hmph. Do you think she’s flittering around down there still because, you know what, I’d like to have a word with her.
Abigail: You know, I think I’m gonna go down there and I’m gonna take a look.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”
[Soft orchestration]
Shawn: Thank you for making time to see jan.
Jan: Yes, dr. Evans, thank you so much. I have a really good feeling about this. And I promise I’m gonna be the best patient you’ve ever had.
Marlena: We’ll take it one step at a time and see how it goes.
Shawn: I’m gonna head out. I’m gonna, you know, give you two some privacy, okay?
Jan: Will you be at the police station? I’m not stalking him. I just like to know where he is in case something happens with our baby.
Shawn: Actually, I was gonna head to your place, marlena, see if belle’s there. See if I can get her to reconsider the separation papers that she had me just sign.
Marlena: Um, belle’s not at our place.
Shawn: Where is she?
Belle: I should go, and you should get dressed.
Ej: Did harold send up that breakfast tray? The steak and eggs I can’t wait for you to try.
Belle: Uh, no, actually, it seemed to have disappeared.
Ej: Disappeared?
Belle: Yeah, cook said he prepared the tray, and harold went to go get it, but it wasn’t there.
Ej: How odd.
Belle: Yeah. I don’t know what happened.
Ej: Perhaps a hungry little fairy stole it.
[Both laugh]
Abigail: I’m gonna go see if I can find this tooth fairy.
Susan: In that creepy basement?
Abigail: Yeah, thomas said he ran into someone who made him promise to keep quiet.
Susan: That’s very strange.
Abigail: It is, which is why I’m gonna go and I’m gonna check it out. So will you just let the nanny know where I am?
Susan: You sure you don’t want me to go down there with you? Like I said, I do feel a presence, and it could turn out to be mean, mean, mean.
[Cell phone rings]
[Shrieks] Jeez louise! That thing scared the dickens out of me! Ooh!
Abigail: Ugh. Statesville. Hello? Yeah, I’ll accept the charges.
Gwen: Abigail, I’m so glad you picked up.
Abigail: What do you want?
Gwen: I need to see you.
Abigail: Well, I don’t ever want to see you again.
Gwen: Look, I know that you hate me, but I’m hoping you’ll still come to see me today anyway. Please, it’s extremely important. With relapsing forms of ms,
[Smooth rock music playing]
Lucas: Hey, can I get a refill?
Clyde: Oh, sorry, man, I’m just about to take my lunch break. Care to join me?
Lucas: No. No, I don’t drink. But I thought that was you. I thought I saw you sneaking around the kitchen last night. I said to myself, “no way clyde weston works here, no way.”
Clyde: Well, gainful employment is a condition of my parole, and roman needed a cook.
Lucas: He couldn’t find someone more qualified to fill the position? He had to pick someone who terrorized the whole damn town?
Clyde: Nah, that’s all behind me. I’m a family man now. And from what I can tell, so are you. Saw you in here with your daughter last night.
Lucas: Yeah, that’s right. You can stay the hell away from allie, all right?
Clyde: No, no, I just meant to say that I couldn’t help but overhear part of your conversation. Sounds like you had a little dustup with ej dimera.
Lucas: Yeah, I did. What’s it to you?
Clyde: [Laughs] I ain’t defending the guy. In fact, you might say that any enemy of ej’s is a friend of mine.
Lucas: Really? Why would you say that? You had a problem with ej?
Ej: It seems the morning is quickly getting away from us.
Belle: Yeah, you know, I should get out of your hair. I’m sure you have a busy day.
Ej: Not as busy as I’d like since gabi is still in charge of dimera.
Belle: Ah. Yeah, I can’t believe your sister voted to retain her as ceo.
Ej: And chad and I have no intention of letting that stand, believe me.
Belle: Good. Well, maybe we can strategize about gabi and clyde weston?
Ej: You haven’t told anyone, have you?
Belle: What, that clyde weston had his sidekick shoot you, leave you for dead, and then let everyone believe some random mugger did it? No, I haven’t told anyone.
Ej: Good, because as I’ve told you, turning in clyde isn’t an option.
Belle: I know. I understand.
Ej: But I do have a plan to exact my revenge.
Belle: Yeah, so you say. But I think you should scrap that plan and let me come up with a way to bring clyde to justice legally.
Ej: Of course, of course. Tell you what. Since you’ve missed out on breakfast, perhaps we can scare you up some lunch.
Belle: Or we could call it brunch, and I could try that steak and eggs after all.
Ej: You won’t regret it.
[Soft dramatic music]
Marlena: Belle and I had a bit of a problem last night.
Jan: Oh, dear. Not about me, I hope.
Marlena: Yes, in fact, it was. Belle found out that I was treating her, and she was upset, and she didn’t come home last night.
Shawn: Where did she go, the salem inn?
Marlena: Uh, no. Actually, she spent the night at the dimera mansion.
Shawn: I got to go.
Marlena: Wait, shawn, wait!
Kate: Did we not just have a conversation about this where I said “do not say anything about the kidnapping?” And then you tell your wife?
Chad: I didn’t have a choice.
Kate: Don’t give me that. Don’t give me that. This is all about your guilt over the fact that you let your brother take the blame for a crime he didn’t commit, and then, what, it doesn’t matter at all what happens to lucas?
Chad: It’s not like that.
Kate: Okay, okay. So why don’t you tell me what it’s like then, why you would do something so incredibly stupid?
Chad: Because abby wanted to find out who really kidnapped sami. She wanted to make it her next investigative piece.
Kate: Okay. Why didn’t you just talk her out of it, chad?
Chad: I tried, but she refused to let it go. And then one of her leads panned out, she was able to track down the other henchman that lucas hired to kidnap sami.
Kate: The one who left town?
Chad: Yeah. He was arrested in wisconsin, unrelated charges. Abby had planned to go to milwaukee today to talk to him. I wasn’t gonna let her just leave the state to go find out the truth when I could tell her myself.
Kate: You just don’t know that she was going to find out the truth.
Chad: The guy was gonna talk, kate.
Kate: No. You don’t know that. You don’t know that he would open his mouth. Why did you?
Gwen: Abigail, please, I’m begging you. Can you please come out here today? I never would’ve phoned you, I promise. I never would’ve if it wasn’t really urgent.
Susan: Oh.
Gwen: H– hello?
Susan: You didn’t say goodbye.
Abigail: [Sighing] Hmm. No, I didn’T.
Susan: May I ask who was on the horn?
Abigail: It was my sister, gwen. She wants me to come down and visit her in the prison, says it’s important.
Susan: It’s a good thing you put the kibosh on it. I wasn’t getting a good feeling.
Abigail: No, neither was I, but I never do with her. Damn it.
Susan: What? What’s wrong?
Abigail: She’s just– she’s in my head now, and I can’t help wondering what it is she wanted.
Susan: [Spluttering] You’re not gonna go down there, are you? Remember, curiosity killed the kitty cat.
Abigail: Well, then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a “kitty cat.”
Susan: Oh, yeah, that’s what they all say.
Marlena: Shall we begin?
Jan: We shall. Can I ask you just a– a very quick question first?
Marlena: Go on.
Jan: Are belle and ej officially together now?
Marlena: Jan, if you’re not gonna be serious about this, I will not be treating you.
Jan: Oh, no, no, I am very serious. I just–it’s what you said before about belle spending the night at the dimera’S. I assumed she’s with ej, and so I was just curious how you felt about it.
Marlena: This conversation is about you, not about me, and certainly not about belle. Do you understand?
Jan: Yes. Forgive me, I’m just a little nervous. I just really need this to work, so I can be a good mother to my baby.
Marlena: Is that the reason you’re doing this?
Jan: Of course. I told you that. I thought you believed me.
Marlena: Well, I’d like to, but a part of me is afraid this might be a performance on your part, that you might be pretending to want therapy in order to appease shawn. And of course using me in the meantime to further that relationship.
Jan: No. I’m doing this for myself and for my baby. That is it. I swear, no other reason.
Marlena: Given your obsession with shawn and your attempts to try to break up shawn and belle, you can understand why I might be a little reluctant to believe you.
Jan: I do. But I can assure you, dr. Evans, that is over.
Marlena: All right. Well, if I see any sign at all that you are up to your old tricks, these sessions will end.
Jan: There will be no signs, I promise. All I want is to get better, just like ben weston did. And he told me that being in therapy with you was what really helped him more than anything.
Marlena: Ben’s worked very hard.
Jan: Right. And he explained to me that in order to get past the terrible things he did, he had to face them head-on.
Marlena: That’s true. And it wasn’t just a matter of ben thinking about what he had done. He had to think about how he’d hurt people. He had to empathize with them. He had to feel their pain. Are you willing to do that?
Jan: Yes. I’m more than willing to–
[Cries out]
Marlena: What is it?
Jan: Oh!
Marlena: What’s wrong? Jan–
Jan: I’m feeling their pain, and mine too. Oh, god! Oh, god!
Ej: [Clears throat] Uh, mother?
Susan: Huh?
Ej: Mother.
Susan: Oh, what? Oh, you don’t–don’t mind me. I’m just–I’m feeling for tooth fairy vibes.
Ej: Naturally.
Susan: Now, belle, I understand that you stayed over last night.
Belle: Uh, yes. I–how did you know that?
Susan: Oh, it wasn’t premonition, I can tell you that, but no, it was harold. Harold told me. Wh–ooh. Hoo. Ah, sheesh. I’m sorry, just getting–
Ej: Now what? Mother, what are you doing?
Susan: I’m sensing something. Just hold on.
Belle: Tooth fairy vibes?
Susan: Oh, no.
[Laughing] A different kind! Whoo!
Ej: And what kind is that?
Susan: The kind that tells me that something is going on between the two of you. Is there something going on between the two of you?
Shawn: You know, I’d like to know the answer to that myself.
Chad: Yeah, you’re right. I should’ve just stood by and done nothing while my wife went off to confront a violent felon about his role in a criminal conspiracy. What was I thinking, putting a stop to that?
Kate: Okay, okay. I get your point.
Chad: Thank you.
Kate: Don’t thank me yet though because I am going to need assurances that she doesn’t tell a soul.
Chad: She won’T.
Kate: All right, I– that’s not enough.
Chad: Kate, I need you to trust me on this.
Kate: Well, I need more then.
Chad: Like what? What, do you want me to have my wife sign a nondisclosure agreement?
Kate: Hm.
Chad: I was joking.
Kate: Well, I’m not joking, because it’s about lucas’ freedom. He could go to prison, chad.
Chad: For the last time, abby is not gonna say anything to anyone.
Kate: How do you know that?
Chad: Because she promised me she wouldn’T.
Gwen: Abigail. You came.
Abigail: Yeah, you know, it was the strangest thing. After I hung up on you, I realized I really did want to see you. I kind of missed you, gwen.
Gwen: Really?
Abigail: Of course not. What could I possibly miss about you? Your vicious lies? The endless number of ways you hurt people that I care about?
Gwen: Then why did you come?
Abigail: Because you said it was important. So I thought maybe you were gonna finally tell me what actually happened with my grandmother.
Gwen: That’s still eating away at you, is it?
Abigail: Whether or not you murdered her in cold blood? Yeah. It is, because I, unlike you, have some sense of humanity and decency.
Gwen: Well, sorry, sis, this isn’t about laura. It’s about somebody else who’s very, very important to you, someone that I’m sure you would not want to get hurt.
Abigail: I have zero interest in playing games, gwen. So tell me why I’m here or I’m gone.
Gwen: It’s about jack.
Abigail: What did you do to my father?
Gwen: Our father.
Abigail: What did you do?
Gwen: Oh, god, relax.
Abigail: Relax? You just– you just said he could get hurt.
Gwen: Yes, well, he can if he’s not properly celebrated.
Abigail: What?
Gwen: If I’m not mistaken, tomorrow is his birthday.
Abigail: And?
Gwen: Well, I can’t exactly throw him a party, can I? Or take him out for a nice meal. But I just–I– I want him to know how much I care for him and that I wish I could be with him and send him my love. So I made him a gift. And I’m hoping that you can deliver it to him.
Lucas: What’s your beef with ej?
Clyde: Did I say we had a beef?
Lucas: You implied you were enemies, so–
Clyde: Well, that’s probably too strong a word. See, I brought him a business proposition a little while ago, a very lucrative one. He turned me down cold, so I guess you could say I’m deeply disappointed.
Lucas: You’re tight enough with ej that you can pitch him business ideas?
Clyde: Well, we were cellmates at statesville for a while, got to know each other pretty well. That boy’s a talker, he is.
Lucas: Oh, I’ll bet. Bet he talked about himself the whole damn time, didn’t he?
Clyde: Actually, he talked a lot about you. He didn’t have a lot of nice things to say either.
Lucas: He talked about me? Why?
Clyde: He had to vent.
Lucas: About what?
Clyde: About your wife’s kidnapping. Wouldn’t shut up about it. Day and night, swore he was innocent. Said he shouldn’t be in prison. But that you should be… since you’re the one who really did it.
Belle: Shawn, what are you doing here?
Shawn: What, me? What are you doing here? Your mom said you stayed the night.
Belle: Well, she shouldn’t have; it’s not your concern.
Shawn: You’re my wife.
Belle: Well, we’re legally separated, so I’m under no obligation to tell you where I sleep, especially when you have a psychopath living in our house.
Susan: A psychopath?
Belle: Oh yeah. Jan spears. Haven’t you heard? She’s pregnant with shawn’s baby.
Shawn: It’s not what you think, okay? Look, belle, I know– I know that you’re upset.
Belle: No, I was fine until you barged in here and started interrogating me.
Shawn: Nobody is interrogating you. But, you know what, susan just asked a very good question. What’s up with you and ej?
Ej: You don’t have to answer him.
Shawn: Do you mind? I’m speaking to my wife here.
Susan: In my son’s house.
Ej: Thank you, mother, but I can handle this. You want to know what’s going on? Well, I’ll tell you. After a series of deeply upsetting events, belle needed a place to be to feel safe and comfortable. She chose to come here. And you’re welcome to stay for as long as you like. Now we were about to have brunch, so you can see yourself out.
Shawn: I was right.
Belle: About what?
Shawn: About why you wanted to get separated. You said that this had nothing to do with you and ej. And then five minutes after I sign those papers, boom, you move in with him.
Belle: I did not move in with him; I’m just staying here.
Shawn: Oh, are you seriously trying to argue semantics, counselor? Belle, you and I both know damn well what’s going on here.
Belle: Nothing is going on here except me trying to find a place I can stay where I don’t feel betrayed and/or insulted!
Shawn: Oh, and you sure figured that out, didn’t you? Oh, or maybe ej figured that out. Oh, and I’m sure that he is so pleased with himself, ’cause I know that he’s been trying to steal you from me for a while now. And you know what? He succeeded.
Belle: Shawn, you are so wrong.
Shawn: No, I–no, I am right on the money. Come on, let’s face it. All right, you go from– from working with him to living with him, and now? And now you’re sleeping with him, aren’t you?
Jan: Ah! Oh, god, it hurts! It really hurts!
Marlena: Can you describe the pain?
Jan: It’s terrible pain. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Help me, please.
Marlena: Jan, try to stay calm.
Jan: How can I stay calm? Dr. Evans, I think I’m in labor.
[Crying out] We hit the bike trails every weekend
Abigail: You made dad a gift? Hm, well, here I thought you were only capable of making trouble and misery.
Gwen: I happened to work very hard on this gift. I had to start it over three times just to get it right.
Abigail: You’re serious? You actually made something? What the hell is that?
Gwen: What’s it look like, abigail? It’s a mug. You know, for tea, coffee?
Abigail: Poisoned champagne?
Gwen: I made it in art therapy. Look, it says “dad” right there.
Abigail: [Laughing]
Gwen: Really? Really, you’re laughing?
Abigail: It’s just so pathetic.
Gwen: Will you give it to jack or not?
Abigail: Why don’t you just mail it to him?
Gwen: Mail it to him from here? Really? It would take months if I did that. Or he might not even get it at all.
Abigail: Something tells me he might be okay with that.
Gwen: Look, it might not be a cashmere sweater or a gold watch, but this was the best that I could do, okay? And jack has been very kind to me. He’s gotten justin to help reduce my sentence. So I just–I just want to show him my gratitude.
Abigail: Well, you know, you could always try not committing more crimes or not being the biggest bitch who ever lived.
Gwen: My god, you are doing this all just to punish me, aren’t you? You want our dad to think that I forgot about his birthday while you, what, get to all celebrate together in the horton house?
Abigail: Dad’s in boston.
Gwen: Oh. Well then, you being the perfect, lovely, great daughter of his then aren’t you gonna go fly out there and be with him on his birthday?
Abigail: You know, actually, I was thinking about flying up there to surprise him.
Gwen: Well, that’s great then. You can just put my gift in your carry-on bag, can’t you? Look, I know you hate me. But jack doesn’T. And he’s all I have left. So it would absolutely mean the world to me if you could just please just do this one favor for me. Please give him the mug.
Abigail: Okay. Yeah, fine. I’ll take your mug.
Gwen: Thank you.
[Tense music]
Abigail: Whoops.
Kate: Okay, so abigail promised you that she wouldn’t say anything. Why didn’t you tell me that right away?
Chad: Look, she hates lying. But in this case, she understands that it’s for the greater good. She doesn’t want to destroy my relationship with ej, and she doesn’t want to send her uncle lucas to prison. She knows it would destroy her mother.
Kate: Well, I mean, that’s an assurance, but it’s not a guarantee, right?
Chad: Well, it’s as close as you’re going to get.
Kate: Oh, my god.
Chad: You’re lucky I told you. I didn’t even have to.
Kate: Why did you tell me, chad?
Chad: Why else? Because I’m an amazing guy, heart’s as big as all outdoors.
Kate: Actually, that’s true, you know.
Chad: Yeah, right.
Kate: No, it is. I know that I’ve given you a number of reasons not to give a damn about me and, well, it seems like that you still do.
Chad: Yeah, I do. And I know this involves your child, and I can relate to that, so I want you rest assured you don’t have to worry about lucas. Okay?
Lucas: Ej told you I kidnapped sami, huh?
Clyde: Oh, yeah. Said it was a frame job. No doubt about it in his mind.
Lucas: Well, you know what? I’m not surprised, because when a person can’t live with their own guilt, they project their feelings onto others. So, you know.
Clyde: You could always sue him for slander. That is, if what he says is not true.
Lucas: I’m not taking ej to court. I don’t need that messy court battle. Plus, I don’t need the money right now anyway.
Clyde: Hm. Must be nice. You know that business opportunity I mentioned earlier, might be a blessing that ej turned me down.
Lucas: Why’s that?
Clyde: ‘Cause I think you’d be a much better partner.
Jan: [Groaning] Oh, god! This is the worst. Please help me.
Marlena: Okay, well, just try to stay calm. We’ll figure out what we’re dealing with. That’s good.
Jan: [Groaning]
Belle: I am not sleeping with ej. I’m sleeping by myself in a guest room. And the only reason I am is because I can’t spend another night at my mom’S.
Shawn: Okay, look, I get that you’re upset with marlena. But belle, you could’ve gone to the salem inn. You could’ve gone to any hotel. You knew that coming here would send a message.
Belle: Oh, well, I’m sorry I wasn’t really thinking about messaging. I was too busy dealing with the shock of being utterly betrayed by my entire family!
Shawn: Oh, belle, come on! Everybody is on your side. You’ve got to know that.
Belle: Oh, really? How would I know that? I mean, I was already living my worst nightmare. You know, the woman who has been terrorizing me for decades is having my husband’s baby and living in my house. And now my mom wants to be her therapist. And my husband and my father just go along with it.
Shawn: Jan needs help. She needs it. And if she doesn’t get it, that innocent baby is gonna suffer. Look, as hard as it is, I’m praying–I’m praying that your mom succeeds– for everyone’s sake.
Susan: And she will, she will. Dr. Marlena can work miracles. Okay, I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.
Belle: All right, fine. Let’s look at a fantasy future where jan is all better and isn’t a homicidal maniac anymore. What then? What? We’re all just gonna live happily ever after?
[Cell phone ringing] I’m sure that’s her now.
Shawn: No, it’s actually your mother. When I left the house, they were just starting their first session.
Belle: Oh. Well, maybe she’s calling to say she’s all cured.
Shawn: Marlena, hey. What’s going on? Is everything okay? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I’m on my way. Okay. All right. I got to go to the hospital.
Belle: What? Why? What’s wrong?
Shawn: Jan’s in labor. We women are in the know about everything.
Clyde: You know that opportunity I mentioned. It’s very lucrative. You put a little money in, you take a whole lot out. You interested?
Lucas: I’d say there’s no way this opportunity is legal. So I’d like to stay out of prison.
Clyde: So far, so good, huh?
Lucas: Sorry, what was that?
Clyde: I’m just saying that if you change your mind, you know where to find me. And I got to say, if ej were going around saying that I’d committed a crime and I didn’t, I wouldn’t be too happy about it.
Lucas: I’m not happy about it either, but there’s nothing I can do.
Clyde: Oh, there’s always something you can do. You might just need a little help doing it. So who knows? Maybe we could help each other.
Lucas: Maybe.
Clyde: You think about it.
Gwen: What the hell did you just do that for?
Abigail: You should be thanking me; I put that thing out of its misery.
Gwen: That thing was a gift for our father, and you just deliberately destroyed it.
Abigail: You destroy everything that you touch! You hardly have a right to complain!
Gwen: What is wrong with you?
Abigail: With me? Are you joking? You tried to ruin my life! And when it didn’t work, you decided to torment me forever about the death of my grandmother! And you have the audacity to ask me for a favor?
Gwen: You didn’t have to bloody break it!
Abigail: Honey, you’re lucky that’s all I broke.
Gwen: It’s okay. I’ll just make another one.
Abigail: Great. Make a whole damn set. Lord knows you’re gonna have plenty of time for it.
Gwen: You selfish bitch! I am going to make you pay for this!
Abigail: Hm. Mm-hmm.
Belle: Did he just say jan’s in labor?
Ej: I’m so sorry, belle.
Susan: I think I’m gonna shove off now.
Ej: What do you have planned for today, mother?
Susan: Uh, nothing.
Ej: Then you should join us for brunch.
Susan: Uh, no, thank you.
Ej: Not hungry?
Susan: Oh, no, I’m–I’m as hungry as a horse. It’s just I don’t want to be the third wheel on the buggy, if you catch my drift. Oh, elvis, I–I’d like to remind you of something, you know, the same thing that that dreamy detective reminded you of before. Huh? Belle brady– you know, mrs. Belle brady here, is still married, and you are still married to her sister. And I know, I know–I know your samantha has moved on, but I don’t think you have, son. And I am not the teensiest bit convinced that you are over her. So there. So.
[Playful music]
Shawn: Yeah, that’s right, ms. Spears didn’t violate the terms of her arrest. Her ankle monitor went off because she was admitted to the hospital. I’m on my way to see her right now. Yeah. Yes, I will– yes, I’ll clear everything up with her probation officer as soon as possible. All right. Thanks. Where’s jan?
Marlena: She’s just been admitted. She’s in a room up the hall.
Shawn: Okay. Thanks. With depression, you just feel…blah.
Kate: Lucas? What the hell are you doing?
Belle: [Sighs] God. No matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it, I just– I just can’t believe that jan is at the hospital right now about to deliver my husband’s baby.
Ej: It does seem as though you just learned she was pregnant.
Belle: Yeah. I’ve known longer than I’d like. But she went into labor a lot sooner than she was supposed to. This baby’s gonna be very premature.
Ej: Well, then, maybe there’s a bright side. Maybe this child won’t survive.
Jan: Shawn, thank god you came.
Shawn: Yeah. Of course I did.
Jan: It’s too soon. The baby can’t come yet.
Shawn: Look, it’s okay, all right? The doctors are gonna take good care of you.
Jan: And what if something happens? I already love this baby more than anything in the world. And I’m scared. I’m so scared, shawn.
Shawn: Everything’s gonna be all right, all right? I’m here. I’m right here.
Chad: So gwen asked you to bring a mug to your father, and you smashed it to bits?
Abigail: I dropped it. You know me. Butter fingers. It was an accident.
Chad: Really?
Abigail: Nope. Nope, did it on purpose. Gwen was not too happy about it. In fact, I would say she was positively horror-struck.
Chad: I bet. What’d she say?
Abigail: Only that she would, wait for it, “make me pay.”
Gwen: [Breathing heavily] It’s gwen. Who else would be bloody phoning you from prison? Look, I need to talk to you about abigail. If I don’t get to spend my father’s birthday with him, then neither does she.
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