Days Short Recap Friday, May 20, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ and Johnny were happy that he signed over the shares. He said it was the least he could do for him. He felt guilty for what he did. EJ was glad he was healthy and okay. Chad walked in and saw them together. Chad and EJ were ecstatic that they were about to get rid of Gabi. Belle arrived at the DiMera mansion to Chad and EJ that she got everyone’s proxies. She said Peter Blake would be will be at the meeting through video conference. EJ told him that he and Chad mended fences. They were getting along. Chad felt guilty as he told him that Jodevil set up. Chad wanted him to look forward instead of focusing on past regrets.

Belle decided to confront Jan. Jan wanted her to clear out her office so she could make a nursery for the baby. Belle reminded her that she was going back to prison when the baby is born. Jan told her that she had no intention of going back. Belle said she wasn’t going to destroy her marriage. She said that she and Shawn were committed to each other. Jan let her know that Shawn was at Ciara’s place to ask if tbey could babysit together. Belle yelled at her as Shawn walked in the house. He wanted to know what happened. Allie went to see Tripp at the hospital. She thanked him for saving her life. She wondered why he sacrificed his life for her after what she did. He said that he still loved her. He didn’t expect her to say anything, but she said she loved him too. He knew it was possible to love two people. He wondered if she still had feelings for Chanel. Chad called Li about a shareholder meeting to get rid of Gabi. He thought it was a mistake and assured Gabi that he was on her side. After he left, Jake and Gabi counted the tally votes. She thought she was out, but Jake suggested they make calls to see who they could convince to change their vote. He called Kate, but she hung up. Jake called Peter to bring him to their side. Gabi called Johnny and he told her that he was siding with his father. Gabi, Jake and Li joined EJ and Chad during the stockholder’s meeting. The votes were counted and Gabi was out. There was a sudden video call. Kristen popped on the screen and wondered if they forgot about her vote.

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