Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 6, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Diane. Welcome to the resurrection club. First rule of resurrection club is we don’t talk about the resurrection club.

Diane: Hello, Adam. You’re not as shocked to see me as I would’ve expected.

Adam: Well, my father spoiled the surprise.

Diane: Oh, I should’ve known.

Adam: Mm.

Diane: Mm.

Adam: Mm. You know, back when it really did look like you had bought the farm, I wanted to send you a “bite me” card for leaving things in a way that I would be implicated in your death, but i couldn’t find a forwarding address to hell.

Diane: I regret many things about that time.

Adam: How could you even stand to look at yourself in the mirror?

Diane: Well, I justified my actions by telling myself how resourceful you were, not that it’s any excuse.

Adam: Got to do what you got to do, right? I mean, half the people wanted you dead, and you did not disappoint. Everyone thought you were pushing up daisies. Really, it was impressive. But as someone who knows firsthand — and this is the second rule of resurrection club — once you’ve escaped, it’s the best idea not to come back.


Diane: Oh.

[Chuckles] I see what this is.

Ashley: You have no idea. Welcome back, bitch.

Diane: Ashley.

Ashley: You look pretty good for a dead person.

Diane: Thank you.

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