Y&R Short Recap Friday, April 29, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chloe tells Chelsea that Rey died of a heart attack so she won’t keep blaming herself for his death.

Sally tells Adam that she also faked a terminal illness to hold on to her former boyfriend Wyatt when she lived in Los Angeles. Adam also admits to Sally that he faked an illness in his past. Adam tells Sally he is glad that they can be honest with each other and talk about everything. Adam tells Sally that he is falling in love with her.

Nikki tells Victor that Diane is alive and back in town. Kyle decides to meet with Diane to hear why she faked her own death.

Kyle asks Jack and Phyllis to take Harrison out of the house because he doesn’t want Harrison anywhere near Diane yet. Diane arrives at the Abbott house and Kyle opens the door with a hurt and confused look on his face.

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