Days Short Recap Friday, April 15, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sonny told Chad that he wants to stay to make Leo pay for what he did to him. Chad refused to help him go after Leo again. Sonny thought Jackie Cox was the key to making Craig see the light. Sonny searched her name and found out she was in New York. Sonny told him they could use the company jet and be there in no time. Chad thought he was obsessed with Leo. Chad said that it was Craig’s business to keep seeing Leo. Abby ran into Leo at the town square. He wanted to set the ground rules if they were going to live in the same town. They started arguing until Leo told her that he was having a double wedding with his bff, Gwen. She put her sister down some more before she admitted that she was the Matron of Honor.

Gwen and Xander showed up and saw Leo and Abby arguing. Xander wondered why the sneaky man was back in town. Leo was jealous that Gwen was marrying the one he had a crush on. Gwen wanted them to put the differences aside. She said Leo and Xander are her only friends in town. Xander was willing to have the double wedding. They walked off just after someone gave Leo an envelope. He found out that Craig wanted a prenup. Abby went home and found out Chad was going to New York with Sonny to find Jackie Cox. She told Chad she was standing up for Gwen at the wedding. She said the wedding was tonight. Sonny said they were running out of time. Rafe called for an arrest warrant for Ava. Nicole was worried the tape wouldn’t be admissible evidence. She thought Ava would get off and come after them. He said if he didn’t do it, she would keep threatening them. Rafe said he wouldn’t let Ava ruin what they took long to find.

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