Y&R Transcript Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Victoria: Ashland?

Ashland: Hello, my darling.

Victoria: You were up and out of the house so early this morning. Is everything alright?

Ashland: I’m fine.

Victoria: I’m surprised you’re here. I just stopped by to tie up some loose ends before our temporary CEO takes over. So, have you had a chance to mull over our next steps? Do you have any plan that you want to share with me yet?

Ashland: Uh…I’ve actually been thinking quite a bit about what to do next. [ Sighs ]

Victoria: And?

Ashland: I’m beginning to have second thoughts.

Victor: Hey. I thought I’d find you here.

[ Door closes ]

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Hey.

Victor: So, any additional evidence that Ashland is moving forward with his plan?

Adam: Not since he broke in and I let him get through my computer’s firewall. There’s no indication he planted any files on my computer. Have you heard anything more from Victoria?

Victor: No. I haven’t.

Adam: Well, then how do we know that the plan is definitely still on? Maybe she called it off.

Victor: No. It is still on.

Adam: Well, then where are we in the scheme of things? Are we in the beginning stages? How much warning am I gonna get when things move along? And what should I be expecting when I get busted for framing Ashland? ‘Cause I have a kid to look out for. What am I supposed to tell Connor? And more importantly, the really big one, is do you honestly believe that this is the smartest move to make?

Sharon: I can just see the wedding invitation now — “Sharon Rosales is honored to invite you to the wedding of her daughter, Mariah Copeland, to the love of her life, Tessa Porter… on Friday the 13th of May. The brides will get married standing under a ladder to thumb their nose at superstition.”

Nick: You know, I was, uh — I don’t know. I thought it was a little weird, the Friday the 13th thing, to start, but I’m coming around to it. It’ll be fun and unique.

Sharon: It’ll definitely give people something to talk about. I’m just glad the wedding isn’t this month.

Nick: I know we don’t have a lot of time, but it’ll all work out.

Sharon: How can you be so calm? I mean, this ’70s theme — that’s — ’70s glam is a lot of work, you know? I know that Noah came up with a beautiful design plan, but now we have to figure out how to build it. They’re talking about doing it in a theater. Those are booked months, if not a year, in advance. Will there be a rehearsal dinner? Hey, you know what we need?

Nick: What?

Sharon: We need to have daily meetings about this from now up until the night of the wedding. That’ll give us a fraction of the amount of time we need to actually do this right. Why did I let Mariah and Tessa go without nailing some of this down?

Victoria: Second thoughts about what? Are you feeling okay? I’m really worried about you after that spell that you had recently.

Ashland: No. Really. I’m fine. I am. And when I — [ Clears throat ] When I said “second thoughts,” I was referring to our trip to Tuscany.

Victoria: Well, you were the one who made the decision to cancel it.

Ashland: I know, and I stand by that decision. It’s definitely the smartest move. It’ll give us time to prove that Adam is the one who’s been setting me up.

Victoria: Then what’s the problem?

Ashland: I was just looking forward to having time alone with you, away from the sneering eyes and the false accusations.

Victoria: Also known as a typical Newman family dinner.

Ashland: [ Laughs ] That’s funny. I imagine growing up with that family you had to develop a complex sense of humor. But you’re not fooling me. I can see the toll this has taken on you.

Victoria: We’ll keep each other strong.

Ashland: Hey, I have the skin of a woolly mammoth.

Victoria: That is not true.

Ashland: [ Laughs ] See, you only say that because you know me better than anyone ever has. Okay. Alright. Yes, this is starting to wear me down a bit. I’m just sorry that we missed the opportunity to, um — to regroup, to reconnect.

Victoria: So true. And Italy is so beautiful this time of year. There’s so much fog. It covers everything like a thick blanket. You can lose yourself.

Ashland: We will get back to Tuscany eventually. But until that day, I…

Victoria: We’ll create an oasis for ourselves and make ourselves untouchable while we find proof that Adam is behind all of this.

Ashland: Once we clear my name… and the truth comes to light.

Victoria: Is there something else that you want to tell me?

Nick: Sharon, if Tessa and Mariah think they can pull the 13th off and it’s the date they really, really want, then we can make it work.

Sharon: Oh. Can we?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] I’m just saying, you got a lot of people around here who are willing to jump in and help.

Sharon: You know what? You’re right. I should give you a to-do list. How about you scour the entire Midwest for authentic ’70s decor? I’m talking wall coverings, chairs that somewhat match with Noah’s design plan, and then accumulate as much of it as you can, like enough to fill a theater.

Nick: Fine. Got it covered. What else you got?

Sharon: Next is — tell me what’s wrong.

Nick: I guess I am, uh, worried about Victoria and Ashland. Uh, Vick says she has a plan to get him out of her life. She finally told us all what it is.

Sharon: Doesn’t sound like you’re too impressed with her plan.

Nick: I just didn’t want to bring it up, you know, while everyone was talking about Mariah’s wedding plans.

Sharon: Oh, the last thing that Mariah and Tessa need to hear about right now is a marriage that was entirely based on a lie.

Nick: Yeah, all the talk about, you know, dresses and venues — it’s a good diversion.

Sharon: But now that everyone’s gone?

Nick: All my questions and concerns and my very strong desire to rip Locke apart have come right back.

Sharon: Would it help you to talk through Victoria’s plan?

Nick: Uh… I really think it’s best if you don’t know what it is. I will say that Victoria’s plan makes her complicit, and I think that crosses a line.

Ashland: If I had known the universe was saving you for me, I would have lived an entirely different life, a life so wholesome that no false accusation against me would ever stick.

Victoria: You know it’s too late for regrets now.

Ashland: You have temporarily sacrificed the job you’ve worked your entire life for to stand by me. I just wish there was some way I could think of to make that up to you.

Victoria: No, I don’t want you to jump through hoops for me.

Ashland: Victoria —

Victoria: This is my choice. I feel very good about it.

Ashland: I never thought I could love anyone as deeply as I love you. And that took me by surprise. I hate the feeling that one day that could all just fall away.

Victoria: It won’t.

Ashland: No, I know. I know. We’ve talked about this before. It’s been on my mind ever since I’ve had to face the possibility that you — you could just walk away from me if you believe those lies.

Victoria: You make it sound like you’re afraid that might actually happen. Are you doubting our plan now?

Ashland: No, I-I believe we can pull it off. The question is, are we going about it the right way?

Victoria: What do you mean?

Ashland: I snuck into Adam’s office while you were talking to your family.

Victoria: You did?

Ashland: I managed to get into his computer. I was looking for evidence that he’s the one who framed me.

Victoria: I didn’t realize you had already done something so bold. What did you find?

Ashland: Nothing that would implicate Adam as the one who’s behind the lies.

Victoria: No, of course not, because Adam is too smart to leave a digital trail on his work laptop. This is personal for him. We have to dig deeper.

Ashland: Yeah, that’s the thing. I’m not sure I want to dig deeper.

Victoria: Will it take more time and extra manpower? Absolutely. I mean, I never said that it was going to be easy, but trust me, we’re gonna uncover Adam’s mistakes. There’s got to be evidence somewhere.

Ashland: When I was in Adam’s office, I heard Adam and Sally’s voice outside the door.

Victoria: Oh, my god. Did they catch you?

Ashland: No. For a minute, I thought they might, but it hit me — I was behaving like some lowlife criminal. And I… I mean, yes, I’ve done things like that in my past, but I put that man behind me when I fell in love with you. And yet there he was, back again, up to his old tricks. And I hate myself for it.

Victoria: Oh, Ashland. I am so sorry.

Ashland: And now I’m realizing that the only way for our plan to work is for us to go further down that path. And I’m afraid it will destroy our love for good.

Victor: I thought we were all on the same page. Are you now questioning the details of Victoria’s plan?

Adam: Am I not allowed to do that? Isn’t this entire thing revolved around me?

Victor: Son, Ashland Locke has taken the bait, okay? He’ll now come up with some proof that you’re out to get him.

Adam: Right, which everyone will believe because, hey, it’s Adam.

Victor: But we all know it’s a charade, okay? He will come up with some evidence that you’re out to destroy him. Then we all say we are sorry, but we ask him for evidence. He will then plant that evidence in your computer.

Adam: And maybe he will figure it out. I mean, the guy has managed to outwit us many of times.

Victor: We will catch him red-handed, which will give me reason to nullify his contract with Newman/Locke, and he’ll be out.

Adam: Yeah. Sounds so simple.

Victor: And Victoria will be free of that man. You will emerge from all of this unscathed. Now, are you having doubts about your role in this whole thing?

Adam: Look, I understand the plan. And I will stick to my role. The black sheep. But I’m just getting a little tired of always having to prove what a team player I am. Hell, it was my idea to improve Victoria’s plan by me staying on as temporary CEO, and then you can pretend to fire me when Ashland plants and then find the evidence. All of this — it sounds great on paper, right? But if you actually think about it, Victoria’s idea is dependent on far too many details. There’s a ton of potential pitfalls, and I just want to make sure that you’ve considered all the flaws.

Victor: Such as?

Adam: First of all, she was inspired by the plan to trick me into publishing disparaging articles about Billy’s drinking and his gambling. It was a scheme so weak that, when she found out about it, she shut it down.

Victor: So what? She may now have come up with a plan that’ll actually work.

Adam: Okay, look, my biggest issue is this entire thing hinges on Ashland planting faked evidence. And I gave him the opportunity to do that, and he didn’t take it. So, possibly he knows that I gave him access to the computer.

Victor: Son, Ashland’s days at our family business are numbered, one way or the other. So, uh, you can stop worrying about Newman/Locke.

Adam: Yeah. Um, well, about that, I think that we should talk about it.

Victor: I give you my word, Adam, that after all this has been said and done, you will return to your position at Newman Media and Victoria will resume the role as sole CEO of Newman Enterprises.

Adam: I will play my part, as agreed.

Victor: Good.

Adam: But I just think you’re putting way too much faith into a half-baked plan that Ashland might already see right through. And if that’s the case, while we’re distracted, thinking that we’ve got everything under control and the plan is working, he’s out there plotting his next move.

Victor: Let him. It’s a chess game. I’m good at it. Very good at it.

Victoria: Nothing about this plan is gonna damage our relationship. The two of us fighting this injustice together — it’s only gonna make us stronger.

Ashland: And I want to believe that, but everything that’s happened, everything that is about to happen could fundamentally change what we have together. Are we about to cross a line to protect our love, only to destroy it in the end?

Victoria: Do you still believe that Adam is the one framing you?

Ashland: Yes, I do. You said it yourself. He’s the most obvious culprit. But we didn’t find any proof.

Victoria: That’s because he’s really good at covering his tracks.

Ashland: Yes, but time is of the essence here, which means we’re going to have to fabricate proof. We are gonna have to plant evidence for this — for this plan to work. Do you understand that? [ Sighs ] So far, we’ve been focused on proving that Adam is the one who’s trying to set me up here, right? But now I’m seeing the bigger picture. Now I’m seeing what has to happen, what we have to do. And I can’t in good conscience ask you to be a part of that.

Victoria: That is not your call.

Ashland: I’m gonna ask you again. Do you understand what we are about to do? We are about to embark on a scheme to defraud, exactly the same thing that your family is accusing me of doing, and that lie almost cost me your trust and your love. Now, as far as I know, unless you’re keeping something from me, you’ve never been an active participant in anything like this.

Victoria: Well, sometimes you have to bend the rules.

Ashland: I’m not talking about business gamesmanship here. This is entirely different.

Victoria: I agreed to stand by while you and my father and Adam decided to turn the tables on Billy.

Ashland: Yes, but you insisted on staying out of that loop. You said no details.

Victoria: Because I didn’t want to get involved.

Ashland: So, why are you willing to do this now?

Sharon: The way you’re talking about Victoria’s plan, it sounds like you’re worried for her safety.

Nick: I am. You know, I’m relieved that she doesn’t seem to be believing any of Ashland’s claims and that she wants to get him out of her life. But a lot could go wrong.

Sharon: He is just despicable. You know, it’s bad enough that he lied about being sick, but then to use a fake diagnosis as a power grab?

Nick: I knew he was trouble from the first moment I met him.

Sharon: Makes me wonder what else he’ll do to get what he wants.

Nick: Every time I think he has sunk as far as humanly possible, he breaks through to a new rock bottom.

Sharon: And there’s no way to convince Victoria to try a different course of action?

Nick: She won’t listen. Ever since she found that Ashland was lying to her, she is determined to handle this on her own. The only saving grace is I know Dad’s security team is keeping a very close eye on her.

Sharon: Well, that doesn’t make me feel any better. It makes me scared that he thinks that necessary. And this could put you in danger, too. There’s no knowing where Ashland’s gonna draw the line if he feels like the entire Newman family’s antagonizing him. Is this an all-out war?

Victoria: Perhaps I would feel different if we were framing an innocent man. But we’re talking about holding someone who is guilty accountable for what he has done, and I am furious with Adam for trying to taint your reputation by concocting this scheme.

Ashland: You’re saying Adam will get what he deserves.

Victoria: Do you know that way before he tried to frame me for switching my father’s medication he conspired with Jack to come up with a fake diary in which my father admitted to murdering a man? That’s what Adam does. He comes up with fake evidence to frame his enemies.

Ashland: But that was the “old Adam,” right?

Victoria: I will never truly believe that Adam has changed.

Ashland: But…

Victoria: But what?

Ashland: But what if we’re wrong? What if, by some gross miscalculation on our part, it turns out Adam is innocent? Are you willing to take that chance for my sake? Are you willing to go that distance with no remorse? Because I couldn’t live with myself if one day you turn around you and regret the decisions you’re making right here, right now in this room, and you resent me for it because I led you down that path. Do you understand that?

Victoria: Where is all this talk coming from? You seemed so sure earlier. You knew that Adam was guilty.

Ashland: Yes. Adam is guilty. But this — this is putting you in an impossible position. Look, I’ve told you before, I kept things about my past from you because I didn’t want to taint what we have together, what we share, but this right here — you will know how low you are sinking. And you’ll tell yourself that you’re doing it for me and that one day you’ll resent it and you’ll blame me, and I will be the man who made you cross that line. Victoria… I love you so much. But I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’m taking you to the point of no return.

[ Liquid pouring ]

Sally: So, how did things go with Victor?

Adam: Oh, he was nice enough to let me know, once Victoria’s plan succeeds, I get to come back to my little job right here.

Sally: After you’ve been the fake fall guy for the family and everyone turns against you?

Adam: Yep.

Sally: But that whole convoluted plan could have never worked without you. So, once you help them rid their company and the town of Locke, they just discard you, even before they see what you’re capable of as CEO? The whole reason that you took the plan in the first place was to prove yourself a better leader.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: [ Sighs ] I wish I’d been there with you.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Why is that? So he would have two people to ignore?

Sally: No. So I could make sure that he understood your concerns about Victoria’s plan.

Adam: Oh, well, I laid them out for him. We didn’t see eye to eye. Only thing I didn’t point out is that Ashland already has a fall guy. He’s been blaming Dad all along. I mean, why not just finish what Ashland started and let Dad be the bad guy?

Sally: That would have gone over well.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] No, it’s just — it’s abundantly clear why I am the person being thrown under the bus in Victoria’s plan. It just furthers the family view that, uh, I’m the disposable one.

Sally: Victoria might think that, but Victor does not, and Nick is on your side. He said himself that he thinks that you’ve changed. Look, just bide your time. Play along. That way, you have more opportunities to prove yourself. Think about it. In your short time as temporary CEO, you’ve already managed to sell Victor on a bigger and better streaming service.

Adam: Ohh, well, actually, that might have backfired. Since my pitch had creative content, it might have just convinced him that my place is right here at Newman Media.

Sally: Well, it’s not that bad here.

Adam: It is the age-old dynamic. I will never be the kind of heir that Victoria represents.

Victoria: I’m not afraid to cross that line to save you, protecting you and your reputation, and that’s honestly what matters to me the most.

Ashland: Or we could just… walk away.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] You can’t mean that.

Ashland: I do. Why don’t we just go somewhere, start something new?

Victoria: We couldn’t.

Ashland: If you’re that angry at your family for trying to break us up, maybe it’s time for a clean slate.

Victoria: You would really consider doing that, like you did when you buried Bobby DeFranco and reinvented yourself as Ashland Locke? You would just reset everything and start over? I mean, could you really walk away from everything that we’ve created at Newman/Locke?

Ashland: We’ll start a new empire.

Victoria: [ Laughs ] Just like that?

Ashland: You are the only thing that matters to me. Us. Our love. I never believed I could feel this intensely, this profoundly about anything, and I want to protect that. I want to protect you in the best way I can. Just think about it, okay? It could be incredible. Making something of our very own.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Ashland.

Ashland: It’s okay. No, I’m not gonna press you on this. To be continued for now.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ]

Ashland: I think I’m gonna head home for a bit.

Victoria: Are you feeling alright?

Ashland: Yeah. No. I’m fine. I, um… nothing a little rest won’t cure. [ Chuckles ]

Adam: I have tried to be good. I’ve done what I consider to be a monumental job at walking the straight and narrow, um, changing the way that people see me, working on my relationships with my family. I mean, you would think donating a kidney to Faith would persuade everyone once and for all.

Sally: That was very noble of you.

Adam: Then there was Victoria’s wedding. I was the one that got Gaines out of the way. The reason that, uh, she and Locke were even able to get up there and, uh, choke out their vows. So I suppose this is all my fault.

Sally: Mm-hmm. 100%.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ] I’ve just tried to be the best father that, um, I can be to Connor. [ Clears throat ] I’ve tried to make good choices, be an example, you know, be someone that he can look up to. And Chelsea. Chelsea — I have done right by her.

Sally: You were a lot more forgiving than I would have been under the circumstances.

Adam: I gave her a job. I didn’t fight her for sole custody. And I tried — I tried so hard not to break her heart because that was the right thing to do. The old Adam wouldn’t even know what those words meant.

Sally: You’re turning your life around.

Adam: Well, that’s what I’m saying, is I was finally getting to a place where my family was trusting me again. They were including me, and they were expecting me to show up. I mean, I’d proved to them that I wasn’t like Locke. That I didn’t need to lie and cheat to get the life that I wanted. And how do I get rewarded? As being the fall guy. And then when my services are no longer needed as a punching bag, they can just kick me to the curb? [ Scoffs ] I don’t know. I mean, what is the point in being the good guy if that is how they all still see me?

Nick: It’s just complicated, you know? It’s involving a lot of double and triple cross, a lot of moving parts, some loose cannons.

Sharon: Could one of those be Adam?

Nick: I thought you said you had enough to worry about with Mariah’s Friday the 13th wedding.

Sharon: Uh-oh. Speak of the devil.

Nick: Is it Ashland?

Sharon: He is on his way over here.

Nick: Well, I better go. I don’t think I can control myself around him.

Sharon: Don’t worry. I’ll handle him.

Ashland: Hello, Nick.

Nick: I’ll talk to you later.

Sharon: I’ll see you soon.

Ashland: Well, I’m guessing you’ve been brought up to speed as to why I’ve fallen out of the good graces of the Newman family. What are the chances of my getting a good cup of coffee anyway?

Sally: Being the CEO of Newman Media is not exactly kicked to the curb. You are the head of a major communications company that you have managed to turn into an unmitigated success.

Adam: Mm.

Sally: Congratulations. You shouldn’t give up just because Victor made one of his transparent power moves. He obviously was mad that you were challenging the plan, so he put you in your place by reminding you that he has the power to demote you.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I got the message.

Sally: But he also has the power to promote you. So, if you want to be a leader, lead. And don’t look for permission. And also, count yourself lucky for all of the opportunities that you’ve been handed ’cause most people don’t get the millions of chances that you’ve had to reinvent themselves or the resources at their disposal.

Adam: Thank you.

Sally: For what?

Adam: Um…your honesty. And for reminding me that, uh, it’s easy for me to sound like a selfish and insensitive jerk. I know that you’ve had to work a lot harder to get where you are than I have.

Sally: Well, I’ve never fooled myself into believing that the world is fair.

Adam: Mm.

Sally: Besides, from my brief exposure to the Newman family dynamics, you are a saint for what you’ve had to put up with. And I know that you’ve had to jump through hoops of your own to get where you are now.

Adam: So, I’m forgiven for my little pity party?

Sally: Well, you’re lucky that you have me to keep you in line.

Adam: [ Laughs ] Agreed.

Sally: Do me a favor. Please don’t let this get under your skin. You have done a monumental job of turning your life around.

Adam: Mm. I’m just glad you didn’t know the old me.

Sally: Well, the one I’m with now is phenomenal.

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

Sally: And you will get a chance to make your move, and when you do, I know it will be amazing.

Ashland: Huh. I have the feeling that this is gonna be the coldest cup of coffee I’ve ever had.

Sharon: You’re more than welcome to visit a different establishment.

Ashland: [ Chuckles ] And you have the right to refuse service to anyone, so I guess I should be thanking you for not kicking me out.

Sharon: Oh, I, uh — I give the cold shoulder to everyone who lies about having cancer.

Ashland: You know, I heard about your recent health crisis, and I’m really sorry you had to go through that. But for what it’s worth, I am innocent of the claims made against me.

Sharon: I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really do. But —

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Nikki: Hey. I saw Ashland leave your office, so I knew the coast was clear. What’s going on? Has something happened?

Victoria: In a way.

Nikki: Well, did he have more fake evidence to use against Adam?

Victoria: No, just the opposite. Ashland is questioning whether we should go through with this plan to blame Adam.

Nikki: Oh, really? And why is that? Does he think it might backfire?

Victoria: No, it’s bigger than that. He claims that he doesn’t want to force me to cross the line and get my hands dirty.

Nikki: Wow. That’s the last thing I would have expected.

Victoria: Ashland has dropped this charade that there’s proof that Adam is behind everything, and now he says that he’s going to have to plant it. And he doesn’t want to drag me down into it. I had to practically beg him to frame Adam so that Ashland would still believe that I’m on his side.

Nikki: Oh, my god. I cannot believe how manipulative he is. He wants you to think that he actually loves you and that he suddenly has a conscience? He’s despicable. Victoria, what are you thinking?

Victoria: In all the time I’ve known him, he’s never sounded so sincere.

Sharon: Your coffee. May you drink it in good health. You know, when I was sick, I found that green tea — oh. What am I talking about? Barking up the wrong tree.

Ashland: I was really hoping you would give me the benefit of the doubt, but, uh… well, I fully intend to exonerate myself.

Sharon: And bring the real criminal to light. Well, I won’t hold my breath. Excuse me. I have some to take care of.

Ashland: Of course.

Sally: Um… do you want to leave?

Adam: Actually, um, give me a moment with Ashland. I’ve got an idea.

Sally: Be careful.

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Ashland.

Ashland: Oh, look at that. It’s the new pretend CEO. Uh, let me give you two pieces of advice. Uh, don’t spend too much time on projects that won’t come to fruition, and don’t get too comfortable. The, uh — the title, the power — it’s all gonna be gone in a flash. Excuse me.

Adam: Well, hey, don’t leave yet. I’m here to make a deal.

Nikki: Ashland is a liar, a con man. That’s what he does. And he’s damn good at it. He has been working us from day one, until we learned the truth.

Victoria: I think there’s more to this.

Nikki: Honey, don’t fool yourself. He knows his days are numbered, and he’s looking for a clean exit. Or maybe he’s figured out what we are planning and he wants to get away before we can pull it off.

Victoria: He said that we should escape.

Nikki: What are you talking about?

Victoria: He asked me if I would be willing to walk away from you all and the company and go somewhere and start fresh.

Nikki: Oh, yeah, as if either one of you would walk away from your companies. I think he has grown suspicious and he is testing you. Sweetheart, after everything that’s happened, everything that we know, don’t tell me that you were tempted to run away with him. Victoria?

Ashland: I thought I made it clear when we spoke earlier that I’m not interested in making any deals.

Adam: Well, this one is different. This offer comes without any threats.

Ashland: I see. And by whose authority do you make this offer?

Adam: Mine. I am representing the Newman family. Now, we are prepared to give you $500 million to walk away.

Ashland: “Walk away.”

Adam: Well, start over somewhere else, which seems to be one of your greatest talents. You leave Newman/Locke. You leave Victoria today.

Nick: Why is everyone so upset? Has Victoria’s plan hit a snag?

Nikki: Well, now Ashland seems to be conflicted about framing Adam.

Nick: Well, honestly, so am I, Vick. Uh, I hate to say it, but I never, ever liked your plan. It forces you to cross a line that I’m not comfortable with.

Victoria: That’s funny because Ashland shares that sentiment. He told me earlier that he doesn’t want to drag me to the point of no return.

Nick: Well, it looks like Ashland and I finally agree about something.

Victoria: I disagree. I’m not selling my soul to oust my husband. I’m just allowing him to perpetuate the crime of coming up with false evidence to frame Adam. It’s still the strongest plan that we have.

Nikki: Well, the only problem now is that Ashland is having second thoughts. Has what Ashland said made you question your decision? Victoria, after everything that has happened, despite everything, is there still a part of you that is in love with him?

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