Days Transcript Monday, April 11, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Victor: So if maggie or sarah need anything, anything at all– right. As if my prayers would do anybody any good.

Sonny: Henderson said you wanted to see me.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Won’t take but a minute. I’m making you ceo of titan.

Gwen: Gabi, hi, I was wondering–

Gabi: I don’t have time to talk.

Gwen: Well, i just gonna ask you if you spoke to jake.

Gabi: Yeah, i went to go see jake, but we didn’t talk because he was in bed with ava vitali.

Ava: Tripp, hey. Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay and I’m– jake dimera is letting me stay at his place. Yeah, no, no, no, I don’t want to keep you, I know you’re busy at the hospital. Okay, I love you, too. Jake, what’s wrong?

Jake: My back.

Gwen: Jake was with ava vitali?

Gabi: It sounds worse when you say it. Ugh.

Xander: God, what a morning this turned out to be.

Gwen: Ha. Why, yes, xander, my love, of course you can have my coffee.

Xander: You’re sore because I took a sip of your coffee?

Gwen: No, I’m sore because you left this morning and you didn’t say anything. Where have you been? I woke up, you were gone. You could’ve left a note or something.

Xander: Sorry, I had somewhere I needed to be.

Gwen: Somewhere being sarah’s hospital room, right?

Xander: No. I went to see rolf to find out why his bloody antidote didn’t work.

[Tense music]

Gwen: There you are. Rolf’s antidote. Well, good thing I kept an extra dose of rolf’s mind-altering drug. So now you just need to switch them. Just switch them. Just switch it with the antidote, do it. Alter sarah’s mind even more. And what did he say?

Sarah: Blech!

[Knock at door]

Tony: RenéE.

Sarah: What do you mean “renee”? My name is sarah.

Tony: Sarah. Thank god. But your voice–

Sarah: Are you trying to play a trick on me? You know my name is sarah. You’re my daddY.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Rafe: Your lawyer’s on the way. Anything you need?

Anna: I need you to take these off. I have been here for almost 12 hours!

Rafe: Yeah, i’m so sorry you had to stay overnight. It was too late last night for you to be arraigneD.

Anna: You are the police commissioner, rafe, you could’ve done something. You still caN. Call the hospitaL. Sarah is probably ready to drop the charges by now. And then we can forget this whole thing ever happened.

Gabi: Oh, there you are. I need to talk to you.

Sarah: Is something wrong, daddy? You look sad.

[Gasps] Mommy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Maggie: Oh, hI, honey.

Sarah: I’m so bored.

Maggie: You have fun, sweetie.

Sarah: I’ll be very careful. No scribble-scrabble.

Maggie: Okay.

Tony: Maggie? What’s going on?

Maggie: [Sighs] Whatever drug was in the syringe, somehow it made sarah regress back to her childhooD.

Tony: Oh, my god. I’m so sorry.

Maggie: Yeah. I just have to believe that they’re gonna figure this out. But if i ever see kristen dimera again–

Tony: You– you said that she had regressed.

Maggie: Mm-hmm.

Tony: I don’t want to upset you, but I think this is important. Before you got here, she kept referring to me as “daddy.”

Maggie: Oh, tony. I’m so sorry.

Sarah: Mommy! Are you trying to trick me too?

Maggie: Oh, what do you mean, honey?

Sarah: You just called daddy tony. His name is mickey.

Xander: Rolf just kept insisting that the antidote should’ve worked.

Gwen: Are you sure that it didn’t work? I mean, she only just got it last night.

Xander: I talked to maggie this morning, and sarah still thinks she’s a little girl.

Gwen: Oh, that’s something I didn’t see coming.

Xander: You and me both.

Gwen: I’m sorry that sarah’s not better, but at least that makes your decisions easier.

Xander: What?

Gwen: You–you said– xander, you said that if the drug didn’t work, if it didn’t help her recover, if she didn’t remember the life that you had together, that you would let sarah go and that you would continue forward with marrying me.

Xander: I know what I saiD.

Gwen: But you don’t want to let sarah gO.

Xander: I have to see her, gwen.

Gwen: She’s a tad young for you now, don’t you think?

Xander: Oh, wow, that is– wow, that’s very funny. Do you have any more very funny jokes about a woman whose life was stolen from her?

Gwen: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It just slipped out.

Xander: Gwen, I know you’re in a hard spot here, but I thought you were on board with sarah getting help. You even agreed to go and see rolf if chad couldn’t get the antidotE.

Gwen: Yes, I did, I know, I did agree to thaT.

Xander: I just need to know this situation with sarah is temporary, that’s all. That’s why I need to see her, talk to maggie. You have to understand thaT.

Gwen: Yes, I do. Go on. I do hope that you and maggie get some good news.

Xander: Thank you. I’ll see you later.

Gwen: Okay. Don’t hold your breath.

Maggie: That’s righT. That’s right, honey. Silly me. I won’t make that mistake again.

Sarah: It’s okay, mommy.

Tony: She just called me mickey. I thought her father was neil curtis.

Maggie: He is, but sarah at that age didn’t know that yeT.

Sarah: Mommy, come color with me.

Maggie: I will in a second, sweetie.

Tony: This must be so hard on you. To assume your daughter was going to be cured then– and then this?

Maggie: Yeah. And then this. You know, I was more than ready to wait for that drug to be vetted. But not our anna. She injected sarah with the drug before we even knew what was in it. And now we don’t know when or if sarah’s ever gonna come out of it. Oh, I know this is difficult for you, tony. Especially since you were so willing to help uS. But it’s all your wife’s fault.

Anna: Excuse me! We happen to be in the middle of something here!

Gabi: Yes, well, so are we. And obviously you’re not going anywhere.

Rafe: This had better be important. I’m about to have a prisoner arraigned.

Gabi: Anna? The dimeras will have her out before dinneR. I’m here to talk to you about another criminal.

Rafe: Who?

Gabi: Ava. I need to talk to you about her.

Rafe: No, you don’T. You already got what you wanted, she has moved out.

Gabi: Oh, yeah, she’s moved out on you and moved in with jake.

Ava: See, i told you, I told you to take the bed.

Jake: And believe me when I say that I’m regretting not taking you up on that right now because I just spent the last 45 minutes in the shower hoping that the hot water would relieve the spasm. I got to get sigrid on the phone.

Ava: Yeah. Is sigrid good with spasms?

Jake: Get your mind out of the gutter, okay? Sigrid is masseuse at the salem inn who dimera keeps on standby.

Ava: Ah, forget sigrid. Get on the bed.

Jake: For what?

Ava: So i can give you a massagE. It’s the least I can dO.

Jake: You? Massage?

Ava: Yes. Okay, so I may not be swedish and I’m definitely not licensed, but I have been told that i have magic in my hands.

Jake: I’ll be the judge of that.

Ava: Okay, watch yourself. Careful therE. Oh, okay.

Jake: Ow!

Ava: BreathE.

Sonny: I’m sorry, you’re making me ceo of titan?

Victor: Philip missing and presumed dead has really hurt the company. I need you to get it back on track.

Sonny: Do you remember that I have a husband, a home, a family, a life back in phoenix?

Victor: Move them in here. We’ve got plenty of room.

Sonny: You want them to move in here?

Victor: Didn’t I just say that?

Sonny: Then you haven’t changed a bit.

Victor: It’s remarkable, isn’t it? God, it’s gonna be great to have a kid in the house again. Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, you got a lot to do!

Sonny: I’m sorry, uncle vic. Didn’t work.

Sonny: The whole bulldozer technique. All right? If, and that is a very big if, if I am going to do this, you’re actually gonna have to talk to me. All right? And listen to me too.

Victor: Oh, come on, boy, it’s a waste of time.

Sonny: Okay, well, thank you. This has been greaT. I’m gonna go, but it’s been really nice talking to you.

Victor: All right, all right. Sit down. I’ll listen.

Sonny: I am business with my brothers. I cannot just walk out on them.

Victor: Oh, come on, your management heavy already.

Sonny: I have to talk to them. All right? And will too.

Victor: All right, talk to will. Tell him that his daughter would be much better off closer to her mother.

Sonny: What are you even talking about? You hate gabi.

Victor: But the mother- daughter relationship is sacred. So, I listened and you obviously have to make this move, for the sake of your daughter.

Rafe: Ava moved in with jake? How’d that happen?

Gabi: How’s that bitch get anything to happen? She manipulated him. She claimed that she had nowhere to go because you threw her out. Are you kidding me? The head of the vitali crime family, she can’t fend for herself? She can’t pay rent? No, she did this to torture me.

Rafe: Torture you?

Gabi: Yeah, now that I can’t shove my nose into her relationship with you, she’s using jake.

Rafe: Okay, this is even a little self-absorbed for you.

GabI: No, no, it’s not. She was more than happy to make me think that she was having sex with jake, of course she assured me that they were not, but even if it wasn’t her primary goal, screwing with me, it’s a perk for her.

Rafe: Okay, great. What does this have to do with me?

Gabi: Look. I’m trying to work things out with jake. Somehow, some way. But if ava’s in the middle of this, I cannot make it happeN.

Rafe: Again, what does this any of this have to do with me?

Gabi: Rafe, you are the one person that can put ava in her place once and for all. All you got to do is arrest her.

Jake: Ahh. You sure you know what you’re doing?

Ava: Yeah. It’s just like kneading pasta dough.

Jake: So, what, I’m rigatoni now?

Ava: Okay. You know this is gonna work a lot better if you keep your mouth shuT.

Jake: Okay. Ohh! That’s it! That’s the spot! Oh, that is the spot.

Ava: Here?

Jake: Yeah, that’s it. Oh, my god, keep going, keep going, do not stop, you were right, not only is magic in your hands, david copperfield’s doing a residency in your fingerS. Oh! Whoo!

Ava: BreathE.

Gwen: I think I’ll wait.

Anna: Oh, it’s about time!

Tony: I was at the hospital.

Anna: With sarah, right? So? Did the drug work yet?

Tony: In a way.

Anna: Well, what’s that supposed to mean?

Tony: She doesn’t think she’s renée anymore.

Anna: Oh, thank god! Then she’s been cured.

Tony: No, anna, she’s not been cured.

Xander: So there’s no change?

Maggie: If anything, she’s gotten worse. She’s–

Xander: Just tell me, maggiE.

Maggie: She called tony “daddy.” I talked to her doctors and they said that she’s shown no sign of improvement.

Xander: Well, maybe this is just temporary. You know, maybe it’s just an initial reaction to the drug.

Maggie: Xander, the doctors said they ran more brain scans. Her brain appears to be even more damaged than it was beforE. Rrest her? For what? Staying at jake’s isn’t exactly a crime.

Gabi: No, but what she did was you waS. Paying those perps to say you planted evidence.

Rafe: Yeah, but I have no proof that she did that and I kind of need proof before I arrest heR. You know, innocent until proven guilty?

Gabi: I know there’s proof. I’m sure of it. There has to be a trail that leads to heR.

Rafe: Okay, well, if there is, we haven’t found it yet.

Gabi: It’s because you don’t know where to look. Give me the keys. Give it to me and I can guarantee you that bitch will end up behind bars.

Jake: Ahh, thank you, ava. Sigrid has nothing on you.

Ava: Told you. So, feeling better?

Jake: Oh, yeaH. Very much. So much so I’m gonna go and get that air mattress and believe me when I say I’m going to spare no expense.

Ava: Jake, be careful, all right?

Jake: Yep. Copy that.

Gwen: Well, this has turned out to be a very interesting morning.

Ava: What the hell are you doing here?

Gwen: I know what you’re doing here. I could hear you.

Ava: What are you talking about?

Gwen: I could hear you and jake going at it all the way out there in the corridor. Jake was particularly vocal.

Ava: No, no, no. [Laughs] No, I was giving him a massage. He threw his back out from sleeping on the floor.

Gwen: Come on, it’s me, it’s gwen, you don’t need to give me this cover storY.

Ava: No, it happens to be the truth.

Gwen: It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I’m not here to talk about jake.

Ava: Okay. What are you here to talk about then?

Gwen: I’m here because I need to talk to you about xander, right now.

Xander: Oh, maggie, I’m just– I’m just so sorry.

Maggie: I know, sweetie. Me too.

Xander: Is there any way I can see her now?

Maggie: You know what? It can’t hurt. Actually, I was going home. I thought I’d take a shower and change clothes. If she asks where I am, will you tell where I went?

Xander: Of course, just take your time, all right? Get some rest.

Maggie: You know, the night before your wedding, I said to victor that sarah was going to live happily ever after. Instead, her life has become a nightmare. Gotta go.

Sarah: Sarah and eric, sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-G. Of course, I’ll marry you, eric. And we’ll have a baby. It’ll be a little girl.

Xander: Sarah?

Sarah: Who are you? My mom said I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.

Xander: No, no, it’s all right, I’m not a stranger, we– we actually know each other.

Sarah: We do?

Xander: Sarah? Sarah, please look at me and see if you don’t remember.

Sarah: What’s your name?

Xander: My name is xander. And you and I, we– we loved each other very mucH. So much that we were going to get married. Please try and remember, okay? Please? Try?

Sonny: Okay. So, moving my family in here, making me ceo of titan, that’s all for ari’s sake?

Victor: Well, it is if it workS.

Sonny: [Laughs] You know, I missed you back in phoeniX.

Victor: Aww.

Sonny: Yeah. It’s like poison ivy.

Victor: Come on home. All is forgiven.

Sonny: There is nothing for you to forgive. On the other hand, this whole conversation is just an example of what it would be like if I didn’t come back. You would be manipulating me, demanding that i be at your beck and call 24/7.

Victor: I think your father needs you. I’m really worried about him.

Sonny: You’re incorrigible. And I would be a fool to say yes.

Victor: You’re tempted though, aren’t you?

Sonny: Look, I have to talk to will about it, okay? And if he has any objection, the answer is a categorical no.

Victor: I think his parents need him too.

Sonny: They’re not even here.

Victor: They’ll come back. They always do. Maggie. How are you? How’s sarah?

Maggie: Not gooD. The doctors told me she’s worse.

Victor: Oh, maggiE.

Maggie: Anna did this. And anna is going to pay.

Anna: Sarah thinks that she’s a child? But that drug was supposed to cure her.

Maggie: Well, sarah’s doctors recommended that it be analyzed and tested before they used it.

Anna: Well, good, then at least she’s not renée dumonde anymore. So, go to tell rafe so he can release me.

Tony: I’m not sure.

Anna: Tony, I am sure. If sarah is now a child, she’s in no position to press charges.

Tony: Her mother is.

Anna: What?

Tony: AnnA… maggie is furious. She wants you to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Rafe: I can’t give you my case file. It’s police property.

Gabi: The case is closeD. Who’s going to notice one file missing a couple days?

Rafe: It doesn’t matter, okay?

Gabi: Okay, you know what matters is that you were set up. And you went to prison because of her. And you’re just gonna let her get away with it?

Rafe: NO.

Gabi: And another thing. You think she’s given up? When it comes to revenge, she’s a “try, try again” kind of gal.

Rafe: If I were to give you that case file, trask would have my head. And my badge. And yes, she would notice if one case file were missing.

Gabi: FinE.

Rafe: But there might be a way.

GabI: What way?

Rafe: The da’s office to give my lawyer a copy of everything that the police have. If I were to waive my attorney/client privilege, I could give you a copy.

Gabi: You would do that?

Rafe: Yes. I would do thaT.

Gabi: Rafe! You’re not gonna regret this!

Rafe: Yeah, right, sure I won’t. Because everything always goes great when you’re in chargE.

Gabi: OH. Listen to me. I am going to make ava pay for what she did to you. With your help or without it.

Rafe: Okay, listen to me though. You be careful. You do not know what ava is capable of.

Ava: You switched out the antidote? How is that even possible?

Gwen: Because I still had some left from when I used it on abigail.

Ava: So you had that just tucked up on the odd chance that down the road you might wanna drive somebody else out of their mind?

Gwen: Well, thank god I did because you and I both know that if rolf’s antidote could bring back sarah, xander would go back to her in a heartbeat.

Ava: Okay. So, on the one hand we have a nice woman, a doctor who helps people whose losing her, you know, mind. And on the other hand, we’ve got you, who’s losing her boyfriend.

Gwen: I thought you’d understand.

Ava: No, I understand. Yeah, I do understand. I’m just a little taken aback here because I ran a crime family and I think this is cold.

Gwen: Okay, you can can the sermon. Okay? Because it’s donE. I have– I did what i did, and sarah now thinks she’s a child, and nothing can be done to change that.

Sarah: I can’t marry you.

Xander: Why not?

Sarah: Because when i grow up, I’m gonna marry eric.

Xander: Eric brady?

Sarah: Yes. I have a crush on hiM.

Xander: Sarah, you’re not gonna marry eric.

Sarah: I am so! You’re not the boss of me. And I can’t marry you ’cause eric’s gonna marry me.

Xander: Yeah, well, he married you all right, to his brother.

Sarah: What?

Xander: He performs a ceremony when you marry his brother, rex.

Sarah: Eric doesn’t have a brotheR.

Xander: Yes, he does. His name is rex. Eric doesn’t know about him yet.

Sarah: I don’t want to marry a new person, I wanna marry eric. And have his babY.

Xander: You have his baby, but–

Sarah: But what?

Xander: Don’t listen to me, I’m just– I’m just making up silly stories.

Sarah: So I don’t have to marry you?

Xander: No. You don’t have to marry me.

Sonny: All right, here you gO. Is there anything else I can do?

Maggie: No. Thank you, honeY.

Sorry: Are you sure? Should I go see sarah?

Maggie: No. Xander’s there. She– she probably wouldn’t know who you were.

Sonny: Well, in that case, I’ll leave you two alone.

Maggie: Yeah, thank you.

Sonny: But please call me if there’s anything I can do.

Maggie: Okay.

Sonny: Hang in therE.

Maggie: Yeah. What choice do I have?

Victor: I’m so, so sorry. But you know if anybody can get sarah through this, it’s you.

Maggie: Keep telling me that.

Anna: Maggie wants to press charges against me? That’s outrageous.

Tony: No, anna, it’s not outrageous. Playing god with sarah’s mental health because she had this sad illusion that she was renée? Because it inconvenienced you? Now that’s outrageous.

Anna: You’re always mad at me lately, tony.

Tony: You know, sometimes, your insight astounds me. Now don’t cry. Don’t, please.

Anna: But tony, chad said that dr. Rolf said that was the antidote.

Tony: Yes, and the doctors wanted to rigorously test it to make sure it was. To make sure it didn’t make things worse! But you didn’t allow that to happen because you knew better!

Anna: I was sincerely trying to help. It’s not like I killed sarah. I mean, she’s just a different kind of off.

Tony: No, anna, it’s not “a different kind of off.” It’s worse. Do you realize that sarah has to spend the rest of her life possibly thinking she’s a five-year-old? Maggie has to spend the rest of her life perhaps in taking care of heR. There’s no one to blame about this. Except you!

Ava: So, instead of the antidote, sarah got a whole new dose of what screwed her up in the first place?

Gwen: Not to put too fine a point on iT.

Ava: Okay, so I’ve got a question for you. Why in god’s name are you sharing this with me?

Gwen: Because, ava, I needed someone to talk to. Somebody who understands why I did what I did. I mean, my god, look at what you did to rafe.

Ava: Okay, hold on a second there, all right? Okay, here’s something for you. Rafe, he did have sex with nicole. He did lie about it. He was guilty. Sarah never did anything to you. Hell, sarah never did anything to anybody.

Gwen: Whose side are you on?

Ava: Does it matter? Do you even really care? You know what? You’re probably right about one thinG. I am probably the only person who understands you. And what I understand is that you will do whatever it takes to get whatever you want. And you haven’t changed a hair on your head since you landed in saleM.

Gwen: A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to dO.

Victor: Maggie?

Maggie: Yeah?

Victor: I probably shouldn’t ask this, but whenever you talked about sarah growing up, you always talk about a sweet, happy chilD. What’s she like now?

Maggie: Sweet. HappY. She hates being in the hospital. But she seems happy.

Victor: Well, if we can’t pull her out of this, I will do anything and everything in my power to see that she stays that way. We can’t help the hell that this is all putting you through, but I can say that we’ll take care of her. And make sure she stays happy.

Maggie: Victor… Thank god you showed up at my back door that day.

[Sweet music]

Rafe: Well, your lawyer just calleD. He should be here any minute.

Anna: Rafe, what’s gonna happen to me? Am I going to prison?

Gabi: I have to tell rafe how accommodating his lawyer is. She doesn’t want ava to get away with this either. Watch you, ava vitalI. I’m coming for you.

Gwen: How it’d go at the hospital? Is sarah any better?

Xander: No, she’s worse.

Gwen: Really?

Xander: The latest brain scan show that the supposed antidote has just damaged the brain even more. Now she thinks she’s a little girl.

Gwen: You saw her?

Xander: She thinks she’s gonna go up and marry eric brady.

Gwen: Wasn’t he–

Xander: Father of her baby, the baby that died.

Gwen: Well– I’m sorry, that must’ve been really, really hard for you knowing that she’s hung up on eric.

Xander: I mean, at this point, I don’t really care about any of that anymore. Honestly, if she thinks she’s a child, who cares if she wants to grow up and marry eric if that makes her happy?

Gwen: I’m sorry.

Xander: You were right.

Gwen: I was?

Xander: I got my answer. It doesn’t look like sarah’s gonna recover from thiS. She had absolutely no idea who I waS. That part of my life iS… truly over. But ours isn’T. Ours is just beginning. So let’s get married.

Gwen: Ohh. [Chuckles]

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