Days Short Recap Friday, March 18, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena yelled at Stefano’s portrait at the DiMera mansion. She yelled at the portrait for unlocking the gates of hell 25 years ago. John came in the room. She told him the devil hasn’t gone away. She said he left her soul to enter Belle’s. Marlena said it was her fault. John didn’t think it made sense for the devil was in Belle. He said he would have seen the signs in Belle. He said he wanted to see her for himself. She said Belle was sedated. She said Johnny was with her. She said he knocked Belle out. Johnny taunted Belle while she was unconscious. He said he wondered what he would do when she woke up. He put his hands around her neck. John asked what he was doing. Johnny said he was checking to see if she was still alive. John went to check on Belle. He said they should call Shawn. Marlena said Shawn had a hard day with Eli getting shot. John said Shawn needed to know. Johnny agreed with Marlena. John didn’t care what he had to say. When Marlena opened Belle’s eyes, they were yellow. John was finally convinced. John said he had to perform the exorcism. He said love saved Marlena and not a priest, he hoped it would happen again.

Kayla talked to Steve about Eli. She told him that the board wanted her to fire Marlena. Craig walked by and wondered why they wanted Marlena fired. Steve said the conversation was private. She recognized him. Leo showed up. Steve and Kayla brought up Leo’s past. Craig said Leo changed. Craig asked about Marlena again. Leo said something disturbing. Steve and Kayla were upset with Leo. Craig tried to make things right. Craig and Leo left. Craig got a message from someone who knew he was getting divorce and why. Craig said everyone at the hospital loved Nancy. Craig said the poor treatment could freeze him out of important circles. Leo told him to pick up where he left off in Salem. He told Craig to take Kayla’s job. Johnny wanted to strangle Marlena. John showed up. He told Johnny to leave. He said he didn’t want the devil to get inside of him. Johnny said he didn’t want to leave, but they insisted that he did. John told Marlena to leave too. Chad went to see Will and Sonny. They told Chad that him Leo was back in town and dating Chloe’s father. Chad was shocked. Will and Sonny came up with a plan. They wanted Chad to make Leo’s dream come true. Chad wondered how he was supposed to do that. Sonny said by going to bed with him.

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