Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Traci advises Billy to consider meditation to get over his mental block about his podcast. Traci also advises Billy to be honest about how he feels regarding the possible merger of Hamilton Winters and Chancellor Industries. Billy tells Lily that from a business standpoint the merger is a great idea but personally he worries he won’t have a place in the new company. Lily assures Billy he will always be her right-hand man professionally and personally.

Devon tells Lily that he had a dream that Neil was smiling at him and he thinks Neil approves of the merger. Devon wants to see how the podcast venture goes before he thinks about the merger.

Jack is hurt and saddened that he will never have the chance to get to know Keemo. Jack is grateful to Phyllis for persuading him to go to Los Angeles because at least he knows Keemo forgave him.

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