Days Transcript Friday, March 4, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Anna: What is taking them so long? It’s almost dawn, and they’re still not home. Tony? Oh, tony. Thank god you’re home. Oh, golly, I’ve been so worried. Are you all right? Let me look at you.

Tony: Yeah, I’m fine. Kristen got away, but chad and i were able to bring abigail, steve, and kayla safely home.

Anna: Oh, well, that’s wonderful news. I have to admit, I had a queasy feeling when I heard where you were headed.

Tony: Yeah, that island does hold some history.

Anna: Yes. Especially since it’s where you and renee dumonde had your romantic idyll.

Tony: Oh. [Laughs] That was a lifetime ago.

Anna: Yes, yes. Of course it was, and it’s silly of me to even bring it up, especially since we know that woman is long dead.

Tony: Actually… renee was there.

Sarah as renee: Why am i being held in this hospital against my will?

Kayla: We just want to run some tests.

Sarah as renee: And as I told you, there is no need for tests. I switched out the poison with goat’s milk.

Steve: Yeah, so you said.

Sarah as renee: And you both ate it, and you’re fine, so there was nothing wrong with that chicken.

Steve: This isn’t about the chicken, sarah.

Sarah as renee: Stop calling me sarah!

Ava: Oh… those three losers who framed rafe better not have ratted me out.

Chad: Hello, ava.

Ava: Chad dimera. What are you doing here?

Chad: I’m here to find out why you kidnapped my wife and who helped you do it.

[Soft mysterious music]

[Knocking on door]

Gwen: Xander, there’s someone at the door.

Xander: Hmm? Oh, bloody hell. I’ll get rid of whoever it is. You better have a damn good reason for waking us up at this hour. Abigail. What are you doing here?

Abigail: I came straight from the plane to tell you the truth about what gwen did to me.

Anna: I don’t understand. We both know that renee dumonde died years ago.

Tony: That’s right.

Anna: But you just said–

Tony: What I said was that renee was on the island. What I meant was “renee.”

Anna: Okay. Now I’m totally lost.

Tony: Well, you see, she is renee, ’cause that’s what she calls herself.

Anna: But she’s not renee?

Tony: No, but she actually believes that she is.

Anna: All right. Well, then who is she really?

Tony: Sarah horton.

Sarah as renee: Again with this sarah nonsense.

Kayla: It’s not nonsense. It’s who you are, and the only reason that you think it’s not who you are is because of the drug that you were injected with last year.

Sarah as renee: How could a drug make me think that I am someone else?

Steve: We’re not sure yet.

Kayla: That’s why we need to do an mri and a ct scan, so that we can see if there’s any lasting damage to your brain.

Sarah as renee: I can assure you that my brain is not damaged. Now, I’d like to get home to tony and my long-lost brother chad.

Ava: I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even know your wife.

Chad: Well, the police believe otherwise.

Ava: Oh, so that’s why I’m here. They think I kidnapped abigail and did what with her?

Chad: Locked her away on a deserted island, where I just found her.

Ava: And you think I brought her there?

Chad: Maybe not personally, but you were masquerading as sarah horton at the airfield when abigail was knocked out.

Ava: I didn’t lay a hand on her.

Chad: Maybe not, but someone hit her from behind, knocked her unconscious, and you were there. So who was it, ava? Who was helping you?

Ava: Abigail, you don’t have to do that.

Abigail: Oh, I think I do. What am I supposed to do? Just let you walk away–

Chad: You can sit and act innocent, but I’m not leaving here until you identify your accomplice.

Gwen: Xander, don’t listen to her. You know she would do anything to hurt me.

Abigail: Oh, I would do anything to hurt you?

Xander: What’s this all about, abigail?

Abigail: She’s been lying to you, xander, and I have proof. The pilot ratted her out.

Xander: Pilot? What pilot?

Abigail: You didn’t want him to know the truth about what really happened to sarah, because you knew he would dump you so fast.

Xander: Sarah? What does this have to do with sarah?

Gwen: Nothing, nothing. Don’t–don’t believe her.

Abigail: Sarah has been held prisoner on a deserted island for the past year.

Xander: What?

Abigail: And gwen has known about it for months.

Gwen: Xander, I can explain.

Xander: How could you do this? How could you do this to me! What’s going on, gwen? You all right?

Jennifer: It’s 9:00, jack.

Jack: I know. I know. You know why I know? Because you told me it’s 8:45 about ten minutes ago.

Jennifer: Yes, but it landed an hour ago, so what is happening?

Abigail: Mom?

Jennifer: Where–abigail!

Jack: Oh, she’s here!

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh, baby.

Jack: Sweetheart. Oh, you made it home.

Jennifer: So glad you’re okay.

Jack: Yes.

Jennifer: Let me look at you. Are you okay?

Jack: Oh, my gosh. Are you hurt? Is–

Abigail: No.

Jack: Is everything okay?

Abigail: I’m fine. I’m fine. I just thank god chad found me and brought me home.

Jennifer: Where is chad?

Abigail: He went to go confront my kidnapper.

Ava: As I told your wife on the runway, the mask was just a harmless prank.

Chad: Let’s say that’s true. You still stood there and did nothing while someone knocked out my wife and dragged her onto that plane. Now, who was it?

Ava: I’m sorry. I can’t answer your question.

Chad: You can, but you don’t want to. Yet. You know, my brother and I–we talked to ned granger.

Ava: Ned granger?

Chad: He was the one who told us where abigail was, because he was the one that flew her there.

Ava: Okay.

Chad: And he said that kristen was there when they arrived on the island, so she’s not the one that knocked her out.

Ava: Like I said, I’m sorry, but I cannot answer your question.

Chad: Then you’re just gonna have to answer to the police.

Ava: I haven’t committed a crime.

Chad: How about accessory to kidnapping?

Ava: I had nothing to do with it.

Chad: Okay. I know all about your past. These crimes might seem meaningless to you, but this is about my wife. You understand? The mother of my children. And I’m gonna make damn sure that someone pays for what they did to her. But it doesn’t have to be you. You can walk out of here with a slap on the wrist. All you have to do is turn on your partner.

Gwen: Bad dream.

Xander: I’ll say. Do you remember what it was about this time?

Gwen: This time?

Xander: Gwen, it’s been happening to you quite a lot recently–I mean, waking up in a cold sweat, pale as a sheet.

Gwen: Yeah, I suppose it has been happening more, from time to time, hasn’t it?

Xander: And this time, would it maybe help to talk about it?

Gwen: Maybe. It was about dr. Snyder.

Xander: Snyder? I haven’t thought that swine for a minute. No wonder you’re so rattled.

Gwen: Yeah. It was terrifying actually. We had just thrown him down, in the lake, and his body sank, but then his body rose up, and–

Xander: And what?

Gwen: And… well, he started yelling at me, and he was telling me that I am the scum of the earth, and he told me that you didn’t really love me. He said that you were just using me to get over sarah. You were there, too, and confirmed it.

Xander: Oh, gwen. I hope your subconscious didn’t come up with this dream because you doubt my feelings for you.

Gwen: I don’t know why I had the dream. All I know is that it scared me half to bloody death.

Xander: Do you know what i dreamed about last night?

Gwen: No. How could I?

Xander: I dreamed that you and I were married, and we had four kids–two boys, two girls–all with your great, big, gorgeous eyes.

Gwen: Really?

Xander: A lovely house. White picket fence. A golden retriever called dumpling.

Gwen: Dumpling?

Xander: And you were telling me that you’d just been voted wife and mother of the year.

Gwen: Did I? Well, lucky me. Really? Did I say who said it?

Xander: No, no, no. You didn’t say, and I didn’t ask, but you were very pleased with yourself, understandably, and I was incredibly proud of you.

Gwen: You didn’t dream that, did you?

Xander: No, I didn’t, but I daydream about it all the time.

Gwen: Well, that’s very lovely.

Xander: Gwen, do I have to remind you we’re getting married soon? Would that be happening if I didn’t adore you and want to spend the rest of my life with you?

Gwen: No. Of course not. I know that your feelings for me are genuine. I know that you love me, and I cannot wait to be your wife.

Xander: But then why all these bad dreams, hmm? Unless–

Gwen: Unless what?

Xander: Are you nervous about abigail coming home?

Gwen: Why would I be nervous about it?

Xander: I don’t know. You tell me.

Kayla: I know that this is a lot to process, but chad is not your brother, and you are not a dimera. Your name is sarah horton, and I can prove it.

Sarah as renee: Please let me out of here.

Kayla: I can’t do that.

Sarah as renee: Why not?

Kayla: Because there are a lot of family and friends who love you and miss you. Please let us do these tests, okay? I am confident that I can come up with a treatment plan for you. Abigail recovered from a very similar condition, and so can you.

Steve: Kayla’s right, and we want to help you any way we can.

Sarah as renee: Okay.

Kayla: Really?

Sarah as renee: Yeah. Whatever’s going on with me, I want to know the truth about my life, so run the tests.

Kayla: Great. I think you’re making a wise decision, and I’ll set them up.

Steve: And I’ll let you get some rest. You hang in there, okay?

Sarah as renee: Thank you. Thank you both.

Kayla: Okay. I’ll be back.

[Pensive electronic music]

Your mission:

Jack: So ava vitali was under the mask?

Abigail: She was the one who’s been masquerading as sarah.

Jennifer: Why would she do that?

Abigail: She claimed that it was a prank. Of course, I knew it was more than that, and I told her so, but when I did that, next thing I know, someone came up behind me and just conked me over the back of the head.

Jennifer: What?

Jack: Do you know who it was?

Abigail: No, but chad’s with ava now, and he’s determined to find out.

Ava: If I give you a name, you think I just get to walk?

Chad: Well, you know how this goes. The da isn’t interested in the accomplice. They’re gonna want the big fish.

Ava: So all of a sudden, you’re an expert in knowing what the da wants?

Chad: Well, my wife is the victim, and my name happens to have a lot of pull in this town, so I can talk to trask and convince her to offer you a deal.

Ava: You have no way of knowing that she’s gonna say yes.

Chad: And what’s your alternative, ava? Hmm? I mean, I know whoever knocked abby out and dragged her onto that plane is the real culprit. Why would you want to go down for someone else’s crime?

Steve: Yeah, at least everyone’s safe. Okay, I’ll let you know if there’s anything else to report. I’ll talk to you soon. Yeah.

[Cell phone beeps]

Kayla: Was that maggie?

Steve: No, brady. I was waiting to call maggie until we get sarah’s test results.

Kayla: Well, that makes sense.

Steve: Hopefully, we’ll be able to give her some good news.

Kayla: Well, the tech is ready, so I’m gonna go pick her up and bring her down for imaging.

Xander: Hey, I understand. I know you’re still not on the best of terms with your sister.

Gwen: Yeah, you could say that.

Xander: Yeah. You were very upset when she accused you of pretending to be sarah and rejecting me again.

Gwen: Yes. That was quite hurtful.

Xander: But she, and jack, and everyone else now knows that it couldn’t have been you, so–

Gwen: No, of course not, because I was there, in the square, when sarah and abigail were together.

Xander: Exactly. You know, and in the end, it all worked out for the best anyway, didn’t it? I mean, sarah coming back here gave me the closure I needed, and I can’t say I particularly enjoyed being rejected again, but it reminded me that I’m finished with her too.

Gwen: Which is why you proposed to me.

Xander: Because you and i belong together, gwen, and now there’s nothing gonna get in the way of us being mr. And mrs. Xander cook.

Kayla: Okay, sarah. Everything’s set up.

[Quiet dramatic music]

Anna: So sarah is still convinced she’s renee?

Tony: Yes, and not only that, she’s acting like she’s madly in love with me and that she wants to pick up from where we left off all those years ago.

Anna: That’s absurd. You tried to set her straight, I hope?

Tony: Well, of course I did, but nothing I said made a dent. She’s stuck in this emotional delusion.

Anna: Oh, the poor thing. Well, where is she now?

Tony: Steve and kayla took her to the hospital to get some tests. Hopefully, they’ve gotten through to her by now.

Anna: Hopefully is right.

Tony: Well, she’ll just have to accept that you are my one and only love of my life.

Sarah as renee: Get your hands off my tony.

Tackling tough messes can

take more time than you have,

Ava: You make a compelling pitch, but I think I’m gonna take my chances. If the cops had anything on me, they’d have already arrested me.

Chad: Well, they had enough to drag you down here.

Ava: They’ll have to let me go soon.

Chad: I would not count on that. At the very least, you’re a witness and a person of interest in a kidnapping.

Ava: Oh, I’m always a person of interest. I’m used to that.

Chad: Well, you enjoy your quiet time, then, but if things do take a turn, and you decide you don’t want to go to prison, give me a call.

[Tense music]

Gwen: You know, I never did ask you why you go by cook and not kiriakis.

Xander: Oh, well, I ditched my birth name a little while ago. Complicated family history.

Gwen: I like cook.

Xander: It is a lot easier to spell than rizczech, but you don’t have to take it, if you don’t want to. Or maybe you could do, like, a hyphenate or–

Gwen: Gwen cook sounds absolutely perfect to me.

Xander: Me too. Mrs. Gwendolyn cook.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone rings] Who’s calling at this ungodly hour?

Gwen: I can’t imagine. Hello?

Ava: I need to see you right now. Get your ass down to the police station.

Abigail: No news from chad yet.

Jennifer: Well, he’ll get some answers. The important thing is, you’re safe. You’re not hurt. Everybody’s fine.

Jack: Although I’m sure it was terrifying.

Abigail: It was. Gosh, but I’m just so damn grateful to be back. And thank you both for staying on just to take care of thomas and charlotte.

Jennifer: Oh, honey, it was our pleasure.

Jack: Yeah.

Jennifer: Please.

Abigail: I mean, the kids being with the two of you, I bet they hardly missed me at all.

Jennifer: Oh.

Jack: Oh, no. Like, every five minutes, it’S… “when’s mommy coming home?”

Jennifer: “Where’s our mom? Where’s mommy?”

Abigail: Well, now that I am home, as much as I have missed having you here, I guess you can go back to boston.

Jack: Okay. Well, we know “the spectator’s” in good hands with you, and both your mother and i would like to tell you how proud we are of what a good writer and good journalist you’ve become.

Abigail: Thanks, dad. And I have you and mom to thank, just for being my role models, and for inspiring me, and yeah. And I guess I have my next big story.

Jack: Oh, do you? What is it?

Abigail: The kidnapping of sarah horton.

Jennifer: The kidnapping?

Abigail: Yes. She was on that miserable island too.

Jack: Sarah was there?

Abigail: Yeah. Kristen had been keeping her captive there since her wedding last year.

Jack: So xander was right. Sarah was in trouble.

Abigail: She sure as hell was. Yeah, and then I just accidentally stumbled upon the fact that it was kristen masquerading as sarah who actually broke it off with xander.

Jack: And not sarah?

Abigail: Not sarah. Mm-mm. Which is, of course, so terribly sad and, you know, not just because it wasn’t sarah who broke xander’s heart, but then poor woman ends up being kristen’s prisoner for months and doesn’t even know where the hell she was.

Jack: Kristen’s a sadistic maniac.

Abigail: And unfortunately, she’s never gonna pay for this crime, just like she hasn’t for so many others, because I’m sure it’ll come as a shock, but she got away.

Jennifer: Of course. She is sadistic and very clever.

Abigail: In the worst possible way.

Jack: But sarah’s alive and well?

Abigail: Alive, yes. Well, not so much.

Steve: We should have known she was playing us. We never should have left her alone.

Kayla: Well, she had us both fooled.

Steve: Well, she couldn’t have gotten too far.

[Cell phone beeps]

Kayla: Sorry. Dr. Johnson. Oh. Okay, thank you.

[Cell phone beeps] That was the head of hospital security.

Steve: They find sarah?

Kayla: No, but they did catch her on the security cameras leaving the hospital.

Steve: Give you three guesses where she went. The first two don’t count.

Sarah as renee: Did you hear me, anna? Step away from my tony.

Anna: I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this is my tony. I understand that you’re confused, but tony and I love each other.

Sarah as renee: He would have never even looked at you twice if he knew I was alive.

Tony: Okay, can we please just take a step back?

Sarah as renee: Your marriage is a sham, anna. You probably tricked him into it.

Anna: What are we gonna do about this person?

Tony: Let’s just try to keep her calm. I’ll call kayla.

Sarah as renee: You are not calling kayla, and I am not going to be calm while this tramp tries to steal my life!

Anna: Tramp? Excuse me.

Tony: That’s uncalled for.

Sarah as renee: Well, it’s the truth, so get your hands off of my man, pack your bags, and get the hell out of my family home! Life’s been hard enough.

Anna: I’m trying very hard to be patient with you because I understand that you’re ill, but I’m not going anywhere. This is my home.

Sarah as renee: Really? Is that your father on the wall? I didn’t think so.

Anna: Well, he’s not yours either. Tony?

Tony: Listen.

Sarah as renee: Hello, daddy. I’ve missed you.

Anna: Do something.

Sarah as renee: You know what you can do, tony, is tell this washed-up floozy to hit the bricks.

Anna: You know, that’s enough. If anyone’s going anywhere, it’s you.

Sarah as renee: Over my dead body.

Anna: Well, that can be arranged.

Gwen: It’s a bit early, don’t you think?

Ava: Well, it’s not my fault the cops hauled me down here before I even had my morning coffee. You alone?

Gwen: No, I’m not. What’s up?

Ava: Well, what’s up is that I am being held for questioning in connection with the abduction of abigail dimera.

Gwen: No kidding.

Ava: Yeah, no kidding, and chad was just in here grilling me about who I saw hitting his wife over the head.

Gwen: Okay.

Ava: Okay, so if you’re not down here in the next ten minutes, your name’s gonna come up in conversation… a lot. As in, “gwen hit abigail over the head.” You understand?

Gwen: Mm-hmm. Yep. Right. I will be there as soon as I can. Okay, bye.

[Cell phone beeps]

Xander: Wait? What’s going on? Who was that?

Gwen: That was the wedding planner that I reached out to.

Xander: It’s a bit early for a call, isn’t it?

Gwen: Yes. I know, but that’s what is the best thing about her. Early bird and all. I think I’m actually gonna pop round and go see her.

Xander: What? Now?

Gwen: Yeah. She had a cancellation this morning, so–

Xander: Well, do you want me to come with you?

Gwen: No. I’ll just go take the meeting, and we’ll see how it goes, okay?

[Drum music crescendos]

Jack: So sarah is–

Abigail: She’s not in her right mind.

Jennifer: That poor girl.

Abigail: It’s so sad. It’s heartbreaking, really, and, you know, obviously, I can relate, so–

Jennifer: Yes, of course you can.

Abigail: Anyway, it’s also a really difficult situation for tony, because god only knows why, because of sarah’s delusion, she believes, for some reason, that she’s tony’s old flame, renee dumonde.

Jack: How strange.

Abigail: So strange. It’s strange, complicated, especially because sarah, aka renee, is madly in love with him.

Anna: Let me at her!

Tony: That’s enough!

Sarah as renee: You can’t–

Tony: Both of you!

Sarah as renee: You keep her away from me, tony.

Tony: Listen to me, renee.

Anna: Renee? Now you’re calling her renee?

Tony: It’s the only way she’ll respond.

Anna: Has the world gone mad?

Tony: No need for any insults or threats. We need to act like adults, civilized, sane people, so that we can be able to work this thing through.

Anna: Only one of us is sane here.

Tony: Will you please, for my sake?

Sarah as renee: All right. I’m sorry, tony. I will calm down, for your sake. I’m sorry.

Kayla: Oh, there you are, sarah.

Anna: Oh, thank god you’re here. Did you bring the men in white coats with you?

Steve: What’s going on?

Anna: What’s going on is this deranged woman crashed in here and attacked me. Please take her back to the hospital, where she belongs.

Trelegy for copd.

Kayla: Why don’t we get you back to the hospital and take care of those tests?

Sarah as renee: No thanks. Not going.

Anna: Please, kayla, can’t you do something about this?

Kayla: I can’t force her.

Anna: Why not?

Sarah as renee: Because it’s a free country.

Kayla: And she’s not endangering anyone.

Anna: She almost attacked me, before you got here.

Sarah as renee: No. You attacked me, so, kayla, steve, why don’t you take her to the hospital and get her anger issues checked out, while I go freshen up?

Tony: Kayla, is there nothing else you can do?

Kayla: If she won’t submit to the tests, I mean, we could get a court order, but–

Tony: What are we supposed to do until then?

Kayla: Keep her safe.

Tony: Steve!

Steve: For now, until we can figure something out.

Anna: You are not seriously suggesting that we’d let her live here.

Kayla: Well, at least then we would know where she is. I’m sorry. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to call us.

Anna: Anything else? You haven’t done anything.

Tony: I’ll be in touch.

Sarah as renee: These have to go.

Anna: Keep your hands off. You’re not actually going to let her stay here.

Sarah as renee: Well, he’s not letting me do anything. It’s my family home, is it not, tony?

Tony: You can stay, for now.

Anna: Well, I’m not going anywhere either. Tony and I are husband and wife.

Sarah as renee: You were husband and wife. Tony, you need to be liberated from this horrible woman.

Anna: Liberated?

Sarah as renee: I’m gonna hire you the best lawyer in town. I’m gonna see if I can get in touch with don craig and get you out of this nightmare of a marriage.

Anna: Tony and I are very happily married, and don craig went out to mail a letter one day, and we never heard from him again.

Sarah as renee: Well, I’ll find someone, and when I do, if you don’t leave, I will have you forcibly removed.

Tony: I don’t think so.

Sarah as renee: Don’t worry. Renee is gonna take care of everything.

[Dramatic music]

God, it’s good to be home.

Chad: Hey, jack.

Jack: Chad, abigail’s waiting to hear from you. Listen, I owe you so much. We so appreciate everything you and tony did to bring our girl home.

Chad: I’m just happy that she’s okay. No injuries. A little bit traumatized, but abby’s resilient, so she’s gonna be okay.

Jack: Yeah, of course she is, and listen, she told us all about sarah. What happened to that girl. That hell. Actually, I was just about to call xander, let him know what happened and tell him that sarah didn’t leave him voluntarily.

Chad: Well, I’m sure he’ll be very happy to hear that.

Jack: He will. He will. Although–

Chad: Although what?

Jack: Xander’s getting married.

Chad: To gwen?

Ava: Is this supposed to be some sort of disguise?

Gwen: I’m trying not to call too much attention to myself.

Ava: By dressing like a snowman?

Gwen: Oh, god. I can’t believe that you made me come down here.

Ava: Oh, well, you just want me to sit at the station and rot?

Gwen: You know that I am not supposed to be seen with you.

Ava: Oh, believe me, gwen. That is the least of your problems.

[Cell phone rings]

Xander: The little birds are chirping this morning. Oh, it’s jack.

[Cell phone beeps] Morning, mate.

Jack: Xander, hey. Listen, I’m sorry to call so early, but abigail just got back.

Xander: Oh, that is just wonderful news, jack. I knew she was on her way home, but now that she’s back safe, thank god. You and jennifer must be thrilled.

Jack: We are, but you need to know that sarah was there too.

Xander: Sarah was where?

Jack: On the island with abigail.

Xander: I don’t understand.

Jack: Listen, do you remember the day of your wedding, a year ago? You got a call from susan banks at the pub. She said that she saw sarah going upstairs with rex.

Xander: Yeah, how could I not remember that?

Jack: That was actually kristen.

Xander: Yeah, jack. I know it was.

Jack: What you don’t know is that kristen didn’t only impersonate susan banks. She also impersonated sarah.

Xander: What?

Jack: The woman that you saw in bed with rex, the woman who broke up with you, was kristen in a sarah mask.

Xander: Oh, my god. No! But I–oh, my god.

Jack: I’m sorry to tell you like this.

Xander: No, but wait, wait, wait. What about when sarah came back to salem to visit maggie? That was kristen too?

Jack: No, no. Believe it or not, that was ava vitali.

Xander: Well, no, I don’t believe it, jack. It’s too insane. It can’t be true.

Jack: I’m afraid it is. Abigail confirmed it.

Xander: Where is sarah now? Where is she, jack?

Jack: They’re taking her to the hospital.

Xander: I have to go find her. I have to see her. I have to–[Cell phone beeps].

Jack: Wait. Before you do that, there’s one more thing you need to know. You–xander? Hello?

Jennifer: Oh, you are our hero. We can’t thank you enough.

Chad: No. Are you kidding me? Seeing the kids’ faces when abby tucks ’em in at night is all the thanks I need.

Jennifer: They missed their mama so much.

Abigail: Not as much as they would have missed me if it weren’t for grandma and grandpa being here.

Jennifer: Well, they were a comfort to us. Trust me. I’m gonna go check on g-pa right now.

Chad: How you doing, baby? Tired? You want some rest? What can I do for you?

Abigail: Not a thing. I’m too wound up to be tired. How’d it go with ava?

Chad: She stonewalled me. No surprise there, but I could tell that she was panicked. I mean, we know she didn’t assault you, but given her track record, trask shouldn’t have a hard time getting those aiding and abetting charges to stick.

Abigail: Right, so if she wants to save her own neck, there’s only one way to do it.

Chad: That’s to name her accomplice.

Gwen: You’re not gonna rat me out, are you?

Ava: You know, despite committing my fair share of crimes, I’ve managed to stay out of prison for most of my life. I’m not getting locked up for this.

Gwen: What are you saying?

Ava: What I’m saying is, if I do get arrested, the only way out may be to give them a name, so I’m gonna ask you one simple question. Why shouldn’t I sacrifice you to save myself?

Jennifer: How did xander take the news?

Jack: Stunned, but he’s gonna be even more stunned when he hears the whole story.

Jennifer: You didn’t tell him, jack?

Jack: I tried, but he hung up before I could. I mean, he wanted to go find her. He was gonna run off, and I told him that she was at the hospital.

Jennifer: Right, but he knows that the real sarah didn’t reject him, right?

Jack: Right. He knows that, but he doesn’t know that the real sarah considers herself to be tony’s late inamorata, renee dumonde.

Tony: I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you had to go through this, darling.

Anna: Don’t you “darling” me. You were playing along with that girl’s delusions.

Tony: Anna, please. Can we have a little compassion? Sarah is mentally ill. What she needs right now is some kindness.

Anna: Oh, really? Well, what if treating a crazy woman with kindness drives your sane wife crazy?

[Eerie music]

Sarah as renee: Tom and alice horton. Long time no see. You know, everyone keeps trying to tell me that I’m your granddaughter sarah, but I’m not. I’m renee dumonde, and I’m here to take my life back, and to finally be with the man I love.

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