Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Billy: [ Sighs ] Andy, can I get another one, please?
[ Groans ] Oh, hi. What are you doing here? I thought you were going to madison to take the kids to go see “the nutcracker.”
Victoria: Well, we rescheduled it because one of their friends from school is having a party, and I wanted them to have a chance to say goodbye before they left.
Billy: That’s good. That’s probably the right decision.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: What, they’re not here with you, are they?
Victoria: Thankfully, no. They’re with hannah, so they don’t have to see you like this.
Billy: What, like, how, victoria? I’m fine.
Victoria: Drinking alone in the middle of the afternoon, really?
Billy: I mean, what’s the big deal? I’m having something stronger than a club soda while the sun’s out.
Victoria: Does lily know where you are? Because I doubt she’d be okay with this.
Billy: Well, that doesn’t concern you. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Victoria: I wish that i didn’t know what it feels like to be in her shoes.
Lily: Thank you.
Nate: Lily.
Lily: Hey.
Nate: Hi.
Lily: Here for a midday pick-me-up, as well?
Nate: Actually, I am headed upstairs to help elena start packing for the big move.
Lily: Aw, I’m so happy you guys are moving in together.
Nate: We are, too. Thank you.
Lily: Yeah, of course. Yeah. It seems like devon and amanda are really happy living together, as well, so guess everything worked out, right? Romantically, at least. But you and devon seemed to be getting along well on christmas.
Nate: Yeah, yeah, we’re good. I saw him earlier. We talked about dom and how much he missed having him around since abby and chance got back.
Lily: Yeah, I know. I noticed that, too. Seems like he’s grown really attached to the baby, but who can blame him? He’s so adorable.
Nate: I told him to talk to abby and chance about his feelings, maybe revisit their original arrangement. But devon didn’t seem sold on the idea, so not sure he’ll follow through.
Lily: Well, I think it might be better if he didn’T.
Devon: Hey.
Abby: All of my favorite guys in one room. This is amazing. How’s it going?
Chance: Better now. I mean, devon’s got some serious baby-whispering skills, I’ll tell you.
Abby: Well, we lucked out with the timing of your visit.
[ Chuckles ]
Devon: Well, you know i always love to spend time with this little guy. I do. But I actually came by ’cause i wanted to discuss something with the two of you.
Phyllis: Hey. Are you back on work mode after the holiday?
Nick: Just a quick meeting.
Phyllis: Ah.
Nick: I see you in boss mode, too.
Phyllis: No, I mean, hotels don’t close during this time, so, anyway, I didn’t have any time off. That was fun, our video chat with summer and the gang.
Nick: Yeah, well, it was pretty clear harrison liked your christmas gift the best.
Phyllis: Oh, no. You know, it’s not a contest. But if it were, I’d win.
Nick: I’m actually wearing the gift you gave me right now.
Phyllis: I know. I smelled your essence. So don’t expect a birthday gift from me. I didn’t plan that far in advance.
Nick: I will lower my expectations, yeah. Besides, I gave myself the best birthday gift ever. I’m gonna go and see summer.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. That’s fun.
Nick: You’re upset you didn’t think about it first, right?
Phyllis: Well, no, of course not. I mean…aww, kind of. I would just love to see her, that’s all. But have so much fun. Really, enjoy your time with summer. Have a ball.
Billy: Ahh. Thank you, andy. Let’s not pretend that this isn’t exactly what you wanted, victoria.
Victoria: You think I want to see you self-destruct?
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: You think I like sending our kids away to boarding school?
Billy: Okay —
Victoria: Do you know how hard it is to go to these lengths trying to protect them from seeing their father fall apart?
Billy: You could’ve stopped this whole thing. You knew exactly what adam and victor were doing. You basically gave them the green light. Like the red queen — “off with his head.”
Victoria: When are you gonna stop blaming other people for your problems, billy? You think my dad and adam drove you here? They didn’t force you to order that drink, did they?
Billy: No, they didn’t, but they sure as hell —
Victoria: I’ve heard enough. You know what? You don’t need this anymore.
Billy: Hey. Wow, wow, wow. Look who caused a mess now. Give me that.
Victoria: This is apple juice. What are you doing? You want me to think that you’ve been drinking too much? What — what are you up to, billy?
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Billy: What’s the big deal? It’s a little early to have a scotch, even for me.
Victoria: You’re a grown man drinking apple juice at a bar. It’s not normal, billy.
Billy: Well, would you buy the fact that I, um, you know, bought it for johnny and katie and I acquired a taste for it?
Victoria: No. No, I wouldn’t buy that. It’s not plausible. Obviously, you ordered that because it looks a lot like scotch.
Billy: You’re the drink detective now?
Victoria: Why do you want me to think the worst of you? Are you trying to make me feel guilty because you lost your job? Is that what’s going on here? Because, if so, that’s the most passive-aggressive thing that I’ve ever witnessed. Not to mention it’s completely ineffective.
Billy: Well, you’re onto something there. It’s damn near impossible to get a newman to feel guilty about anything. It’s like the empathy gene skipped a few generations.
Victoria: That’s so nice. It must be the apple juice talking.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Why don’t we get back to you? You’re trying to punish me or something. Is that why you’re playing the victim?
Billy: I’ve had enough fun for today, victoria. I’ll see you around.
Nick: This sudden impulse to go to italy is like a new year’s resolution/birthday gift to myself, you know? I guess I’m trying to be more spontaneous.
Phyllis: Ah. Well, that’s a downside about having your birthday on new year’s eve. Forces you to think. It’s a real thinker, you know? You’re examining your life choices and you’re thinking, “what the hell am I doing with my life?” You know? Um… not that you’re doing that. I’m sorry, I was just thinking out loud. Well, I admire that…you’re spontaneous — trying to be more spontaneous. That you’re examining your life choices. I mean, I could think of worse places to do that than milan with our daughter. Have so much fun, really. And if you need anything from over here, just say the word.
Nick: Well, I, uh — i appreciate it, but I’m not really your problem anymore.
Phyllis: Okay. Alright. Well, that is true. Have a good time.
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: And happy new year.
Nick: You too.
Nate: You think I made a mistake advising devon to talk to abby and chance?
Lily: Well, look, I know that your heart’s in the right place, but having been on the other side of this situation, you know, where I had mac help me bring the twins into the world, I just — I know how sensitive it can be.
Nate: Mm. Maybe I should have told him to talk to you instead of throwing my two cents in about something that’s way out of my personal experience.
Lily: No, it’s fine. I mean, look, new parents are just overwhelmed with gratitude and joy and relief that they finally have, you know, their little miracles in the world. But there’s also a lot of doubt, too. I mean, when I was gonna have the twins, you know, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to be a parent. So, if devon comes to them and, you know, says something, it might make them feel like he’s implying he can do a better job.
Nate: No, I don’t think he would frame it like that.
Lily: Well, no, I’m just saying, from abby and chance’s perspective.
Nate: Listen, I have the utmost respect for the both of them, but I wonder if abby has looked at it from devon’s perspective. I mean, she left dom with him instead of her parents or siblings while she searched for chance. That right there told him that he was the one most equipped to take care of that baby.
Lily: Yeah, but she was going through a crisis. I mean, I doubt she thought things through.
Nate: Now they have to deal with the repercussions. I just hope they can resolve this and everyone comes out happy.
Lily: Well, look, they’re all friends, they all love dominic. I’m sure they’ll figure something out that everyone is comfortable with, so… anyway, I have to go and chat with my little babies, so I’ll see you later. And please tell elena I said hi.
Nate: Yes, will do.
Lily: Okay, bye.
Nate: Bye-bye. Hmm.
Abby: Well, dominic is down for his nap, so what’s up?
Devon: Nice. How about we all take a seat?
Abby: Okay.
Devon: I just want to start off by saying what an incredible experience this has been so far, being dominic’s godfather and even being able to watch him while you guys were out of town.
Chance: Yeah, yeah, well, we are so grateful that we have you to rely on, really. It means the world to us.
Devon: It means the world to me to be able to help you guys out, and I also want to tell you just how much I appreciate you guys for being so open about wanting dominic to know who I am and just for making me feel so welcome, being here.
Abby: Of course. You’re part of our family. And the bond that you share with our son is special and important.
Devon: I-I couldn’t agree more. Which is why I wanted to talk to you guys about amending our agreement. I just heard something amazing!
Chance: I’m sorry, I — I may have missed something here. You were just saying how well things were going.
Devon: They are, they are. This — this whole experience has been — it’s been more than I ever anticipated. Like, I — I obviously planned on caring about dominic and feeling a bond with him because of our biological connection, you know? But so much has happened that none of us could have predicted. Like, I-I never imagined that i would be a part of dominic’s delivery, you know, and his birth, or that I would be the first person to hold him, you know, in his life. It was a special moment. The moment became probably one of the most significant moments in my life.
Abby: Well, it was amazing to witness.
Devon: And I also — I never expected you to leave him with me the way you did, you know? I’m happy that you did because i loved every second of it, and i feel like that time that we had together really cemented our bond, and it’s got me thinking a lot about the arrangement that we have. And I think that that arrangement makes sense for the idea that I had of the kind of relationship I was gonna have with dominic, like a family friend, someone who, you know, comes over for the holidays or for birthdays and graduations and stuff like that. But it’s turned into a whole lot more for me. I’m hoping that we can all agree that that’s a good thing for dominic, too. I guess what I’m trying to ask you guys is if you would consider amending this agreement that we have to better reflect how I’m feeling.
Chance: What would you like to change?
Devon: I mean, for starters, I would just like to spend more time with dominic.
Abby: Well, you know you’re always able to come over here and visit whenever you’d like.
Devon: I do. I was thinking, though, more in terms of — of time, you know, scheduled for just the two of us, where we can plan it out and we can, you know, look forward to it. I was even thinking, too, i mean, he can — he can have his own room in my place for when he stays over.
Abby: Okay. [ Sighs ] Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you’re asking for shared custody.
Devon: I don’t think I would use those words — not “custody” — but, practically speaking, yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.
Lily: Well, I’m so glad you guys are having fun. I’m really jealous of your surf and sand. But have a good time, okay? And call me tomorrow. Okay, love you. Bye. Kids are having a good time with their dad in hawaii.
Billy: That’s great.
Lily: How are you? Uh-oh, what happened?
Billy: I might’ve thrown a wrench into the plan.
[ Sighs ] I ran into victoria at society, and I was, you know, “drunk billy in despair,” and she started asking me questions about why I was drinking during the day, and she — she grabbed my drink from me. She figured out it was apple juice, and she started to question me again and I didn’t really have an answer for her, you know? I was caught off guard and i didn’t have a cover story in the moment.
Lily: And you think she’s not gonna be able to let it go?
Billy: She’s either gonna figure out what I’m doing or she’s gonna talk to someone. And if she goes to jack, he’s gonna tell her the truth.
Lily: You know if she tells nikki, nikki for sure is gonna tell victor.
Billy: This isn’t good. This isn’t good, damn it. I mean, we were this close to tricking adam. I just hope that I didn’t push it too far. I mean, all of this could be for nothing now. And I know you probably wouldn’t mind if that happened.
Lily: [ Sighs ] I mean, look, it’s no surprise that I don’t love watching you pretend to fall apart, but i understand how important it is for you to redeem yourself publicly. But you might have to find another way.
Billy: Or we figure out a way to keep victoria quiet.
Lily: I mean, do you really think that’s possible? You’re not exactly her favorite person since you brought gaines to her wedding.
Billy: That’s for sure.
[ Sighs ] But I got to try. (Vo) at dog chow we believe helping dogs live their best life…
Abby: I’m sorry, I guess I’m just a bit confused. Did we do something to make you feel left out or like you weren’t included? I mean, I can’t think of a single instance of that happening. I mean, you always said that you felt very welcome here. I mean, you’ve been included in everything in dominic’s life.
Devon: 100%, I do. I always have, and, guys, please, don’t — don’t think this is about anything you’ve done. It’s not that. This is only about me wanting to spend more time with dominic, honestly. ‘Cause I — I’ve been thinking a lot lately myself about my history with father figures, and, you know, I didn’t have one in my life until I met neil. And I didn’t know my biological father until much later in life. And I just — I know how important those relationships are to kids and also, I mean, on top of everything, we don’t know what the future holds.
Chance: What do you mean you don’t know what the future holds? What do you think might happen in the future?
Devon: Well, I’m not — I’m not worried that something’s gonna happen, but I think that if this last year has taught us anything, it’s that life is very unpredictable. And I just want dominic to know that he can always count on me, and not as a father. I don’t want to take that role from you. I want to make that very clear. I just want to be somebody that loves him and supports him, that’s it.
Abby: Isn’t that already happening? I mean, as little as dominic is, I can still tell that he loves and trusts you.
Devon: Absolutely, and i thank you for saying that, which is why I felt so confident to come over and — and ask you guys if we could put something in writing.
Abby: [ Sighs, chuckles ] Wow.
Chance: Listen, I get where you’re coming from.
Devon: Thanks.
Chance: I do, I do. But abby and I will talk about this by ourselves, and then we’ll circle back and discuss it with you further, okay?
Devon: Sounds good. Thank you.
Chance: Yeah.
Devon: Please take your time thinking about it. But I appreciate you listening. I’ll talk to you guys later.
Abby: I don’t understand this.
Chance: I do. It’s because of me.
Phyllis: Hey.
Lauren: Hey.
Phyllis: What brings you by the grand phoenix?
Lauren: Oh, I just wrapped up a lunch meeting.
Phyllis: Oh, okay, well, I’m glad you’re not one of my exes.
Lauren: Oh, really? Which one, pray tell, nick or jack?
Phyllis: Both, both, both. Nick just now.
Lauren: And?
Phyllis: [ Groans ] He told me he’s going to visit summer. I’m jealous.
Lauren: Well, what’s stopping you from hopping on a plane to italy? Anything?
Phyllis: No, I can’t do that. You know that. That would be so awkward and weird and look like a stalker. No, no. Besides, you know, the hotel, I mean, it’s the holiday season. I can’t go anywhere.
Lauren: Alright, so you’ll plan it for a different time.
Phyllis: Yeah.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Lauren: Huh. Jack just texted me. He’s gone to new york. He canceled our meeting for tomorrow. So doesn’t look like you’re gonna be running into him for a while.
Phyllis: Wait, jack went out of town to do business? Who does that during the holiday?
Lauren: Uh, I don’t know. Must’ve been a last-minute emergency.
Phyllis: Or maybe he left town to get away from me.
Nick: Hey, let me help you with that.
Sharon: Thanks. Coffee’s on the house.
Nick: Oh. Well, I really just came by because I wanted to talk to you. I need to ask you a favor.
Sharon: Sure.
Nick: Well, you should hear what it is first, ’cause it’s kind of a big deal.
[ Phone buzzes ]
Victoria: Yes.
[ Sighs ] Fine, send them in.
[ Groans ]
Lily: Hello.
Victoria: I thought you had had enough fun for the day.
Billy: I’m here to discuss something a little bit more serious.
Victoria: Oh, serious. You mean sober?
Billy: Ha-ha.
Victoria: Well, it looks like you’re back to your old self.
[ Sighs ] That must be a relief for you.
Lily: Well, it’s not a relief because it was never a concern.
Victoria: So you’re in on whatever bizarre game it is that billy’s playing. That time you came to me and you asked me what signs you should look for if — if billy was suffering a relapse, that was totally insincere. You were just playing on my emotion?
Lily: I’m really sorry about that.
Billy: But there was a reason for all of it, and I hope once i explain it to you, you will understand and maybe even come on to our side.
Victoria: Oh. I highly doubt that.
Billy: Just hear me out, please. Don’t settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile.
“The young and the restless”
will continue.
Billy: And turnabout is fair play, so now, all I have to do is get adam to publish and article about my supposed downward spiral.
Victoria: To what end?
Billy: I prove that I haven’t been drinking or gambling, and i threaten to sue newman media unless they publicly acknowledge the pain that they caused chanccomm and my reputation.
Victoria: You know, billy, only you would come up with a plan this stupid. You want to try to redeem yourself by pretending to be a drunken failure, when the solution is right there, right in front of your face? Get another job. Work at jabot or chancellor industries. Work hard, do well.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Earn your good name back.
Billy: Right, and that would mean victor and adam get away with what they did, and that’s not gonna happen. And if they did the same thing to you, you would not take it laying down.
Victoria: Yes, because i would have caught them before they had a chance to do anything.
Billy: Okay, great. You’re savvier than I am. You’re the ceo of the year. You happy with that?
Lily: Okay, look, i understand your concerns. I had the same ones as you. This is a very outside-the-box kind of plan. But there’s also a poetic justice to it. I mean, do you really want adam to come out on top? He continues to get away with things that he does. That’s been his M.O. His entire life.
Victoria: How I feel about adam is irrelevant.
Lily: Is it, though? ‘Cause you did try to intervene when he was attempting to scoop up chanccomm.
Victoria: Well, don’t misunderstand that. Making a play for chanccomm was a financially sound decision that I made for this business. I wasn’t doing it to try to rescue billy. I don’t have that compulsion anymore.
Billy: I don’t need rescuing. I just need you to stay out of this. Just wash your hands clean of me, like you’ve wanted to do for a very long time. I will succeed or fail on my own.
Victoria: So you want me to stay silent while you set a trap for my father?
Billy: What I am doing is proving to victor that adam has no place running newman media, the company that was handed to him on a silver platter. And I am going to take him down. And I know, deep down, you want to see that happen, too. So just stay out of the way, okay? Forget that we even saw each other today.
Victoria: I resent being put in the middle of this mess. None of this would be happening right now if you had just listened to me in the first place and left ashland alone.
Billy: Yes, I made some mistakes, but I also got screwed over, okay?
Lily: Look, um, we get this is a lot to ask of you, so we’re gonna go and give you some time to think it over, and we’ll wait to hear back from you.
Victoria: Don’t hold your breath.
Sharon: Of course, I’ll watch christian while you go to milan. I won’t even consider that doing you a favor because I will have so much fun doing it.
Nick: Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Sharon: I’m really glad that you didn’t change your mind about going on the trip.
Nick: Yeah, I figure it’s gonna be a great way to ring in the new year and celebrate my birthday.
Sharon: Well, I was thinking there might be a little bit more to it than that because, on christmas eve, you seemed sort of pensive and, I don’t know, reflective. And then faith mentioned something about a dream you had? Um, yeah. It’s not a big deal. I mean, I barely even remember it.
Sharon: Okay. If you say so.
Nate: Hey, guys.
Sharon: Hey, nate.
Nick: Hey, man.
Nate: Hey. Sharon, you mind if I grab a couple of coffees from you?
Sharon: Of course. I’ll be right back.
Abby: Don’t blame yourself.
Chance: Mm.
Abby: Look, he said specifically that this was not a reaction to us or anything that we did.
Chance: I know, but he did say that his bond strengthened with dominic after he delivered him and after he took care of him while you were gone. All of those things happened because I went on that mission.
Abby: Just stop. I refuse to let you beat yourself up over this anymore. Yes, devon and dominic, they have a very special bond, and i meant what I said, I think that’s a beautiful thing. But if we want to blame someone, let’s just go ahead and blame me.
Chance: Oh.
Abby: Because I am the one that let devon take care of dominic while I was away. I mean, I should’ve just left him with one of our moms.
Chance: No, abby, when he said the future is unpredictable, he meant me. He doesn’t trust me. He doesn’t think I can come through for you or dom.
Abby: That’s a big leap. What makes you think that?
Chance: [ Sighs ] Because I might have said some things to him the other night that I probably shouldn’t have said.
Abby: What exactly did you say?
Chance: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: You know, despite jack’s very thoughtful offer to spend christmas eve night with his family, I had to turn him down.
Lauren: I don’t get that. Why?
Phyllis: Really? Okay, I already crashed the whole gathering at the chancellor house earlier. I just couldn’t bring myself to have dinner with the abbotts that evening, that’s all.
Lauren: I’m sure jack would not have included you unless he knew that you were going to feel welcomed.
Phyllis: His sisters, they hate me, honestly. I mean, they would’ve been polite, but, you know, I’m gonna consider it my christmas gift to them that I didn’t show up. I don’t — maybe jack was upset. I don’t know.
Lauren: I’m sure he felt rejected. And you know what? I’m really not buying this excuse because the phyllis i know would revel in the opportunity to make ashley and traci feel uncomfortable.
This is about you and jack.
Phyllis: Yeah, it is. It’s about me and jack. Definitely. We’re in a weird place right now, very delicate, and I don’t want to screw things up by pushing out of the friendship into something else.
Lauren: Well, it sounds like your fear has already caused some sort of damage to your relationship.
Phyllis: Okay, well, what do I do?
Lauren: Well, it depends how long he’s going to be in new york. Maybe you make it up to him on new year’s eve.
Nate: [ Whistles ] Hey, hey, how’s it going?
Devon: Hey, man. I’m not sure how it’s going yet, ’cause I just got back from abby and chance’s, and I took your advice, did what you suggested, and I talked to them about how i was feeling about dominic and asked about amending the agreement that we have so we could spend more time together.
Nate: And how did they take it?
Devon: Abby was surprised that I wasn’t satisfied with the way things are currently.
Nate: What about chance? Did he feel threatened?
Devon: I — I made it as clear as I could that I’m not trying to take his place in dominic’s life, but, you know, by the end of the conversation, he said that he understood where I was coming from.
Nate: That sounds like a good sign.
Abby: Devon told me about your conversation at society, and he made it sound like it wasn’t a big deal. I mean, he said that you were having a hard time adjusting to life back at home. But, I mean, I already knew that. Was there more to it than that?
Chance: Look, abby, I…
[ Sighs ] I was just a little restless. Okay? I was on edge. I should’ve just kept my thoughts to myself, or at least been aware of who I was talking to. I mean, devon’s our baby boy’s biological father. Of course my mental state’s gonna concern him.
Abby: What kind of concerns do you think he has?
Chance: I may have just hinted that I’m just a little bit overwhelmed. You know, not just at life at home, but about being a father. You know, I’m trying to make up for not being here when my son needed me. When I chose to go on a mission that went horribly wrong. I — but, baby, I want you to know, being a father is a dream come true for me. It is. It truly is, but it is happening under circumstances that none of us could have ever imagined. And, abby, it is so much harder than I thought it would be. I mean, and then you got devon over here who’s been here since the baby’s first breath. He instinctively understands dominic. He’s able to calm him down when he’s upset. He’s doing things that maybe i can’T.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Well, um…I guess I just didn’t realize how much you were struggling. But the way that you’re feeling, I think it’s natural. I mean, you’re just getting to know dominic. Your relationship, it’s gonna grow with him over time.
Chance: Yeah, I know, I know, I know. You’re right. I just think telling devon all that has made him feel like he needs to take action because he doesn’t know if he can count on me.
Billy: The silence is deafening.
Lily: Look, you might have to accept the fact that victoria’s not gonna go along with your plan. I think she’s too upset with you for trying to dig into ashland’s past.
Billy: Yeah, well, she might not ever get over that.
Lily: You know, what she said about you having other ways to redeem yourself isn’t wrong. You know, if you’re not gonna take the coo job at chancellor, then come on as a consultant. I’m gonna consult with you anyway. You might as well take the title and salary, and then build your reputation back that way.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
[ Doorbell rings ]
Billy: Or… we hit the bike trails every weekend
Abby: I think that we have to take devon at his word and understand that this doesn’t have anything to do with you or with me, it just has to do with his connection to dominic. And it kind of feels like what happened with mariah. She grew way more attached to dominic after he was born than anyone expected, and it just took some time and she realized that she had to step back and get a new perspective.
Chance: Yeah, yeah, I wasn’t there for all that.
Abby: I think that devon probably feels similarly. He just has a different approach. So we just need to be patient, and we will figure this out.
Chance: You think so?
Abby: Yeah, yeah. As long as we are in this together. But, you know, I do have to say that I’m a little bit worried that you didn’t come to me with all of this. I know that you are so happy to be a dad, and I understand that it’s probably frustrating that your connection with — with dominic didn’t click into place right away. But he’s gonna get bigger, and your connection with him is just gonna grow over time. But right now, we are just gonna have to think of different approaches. Yeah.
Chance: You’re amazing.
Abby: I know. I, um — I am in love. But please know that you can talk to me about anything. You’re not gonna scare me off or disappoint me. You might not realize it, but I’m pretty tough.
Chance: Well, I’m sorry you’ve had to be.
Abby: Stop. I am the luckiest woman in the world to be your wife. And I am so happy that you are home.
Nate: I’m encouraged that abby and chance are open to further discussion about your agreement.
Devon: Yeah, me too. Me too. I hope that they see that, you know, dominic spending more time with his godfather is a good thing. But I don’t want to talk your ear off. Coffee’s probably getting cold.
Nate: Elena’s probably thinking I’m trying to get out of helping her pack.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Come on, say hi. Come on.
Devon: Alright.
Sharon: Do you want a refill? Or do you want to ask me for another favor? Because I already agreed to watch christian, and you said you didn’t want to talk about your dream.
Nick: Okay, your intuition was correct. I have been wrestling with some things, and they have bubbled to the surface in my dream.
Sharon: So you want to talk about it?
Nick: No.
[ Laughs ]
Sharon: Okay. Hey, if you change your mind, you know I’m always here for you, right?
Nick: Always.
Phyllis: You think I should spend new year’s with jack?
Lauren: Why not? I mean, worst case scenario, you’ll have a very pleasant evening with a very good friend.
Phyllis: If that’s the worst case scenario, then you lack imagination.
Lauren: Okay. Let’s go best case scenario. The clock strikes midnight, and would you want to be kissing jack?
Phyllis: Oh. I don’t — maybe.
Lauren: So this theoretical kiss, is that one on the cheek or is it on the lips?
Phyllis: Lauren, I don’t know. I don’t know. This whole thing is so complicated.
Lauren: Well, it’s a moot point because I just texted jack.
Phyllis: Did you text him and tell him that I wanted to spend new year’s eve with him? Are we in middle school?
Lauren: No! I would never do that. He doesn’t even know that I’m here. All I asked was how long he was going to be in new york. And he said a few weeks.
Phyllis: Oh, okay, a few weeks. Okay, good. See? Well, then it wasn’t m to be. It worked out. I mean, and it’s just for the best because me and jack and the holiday, that’s just — that’s just a bad mix.
[ Sighs ] Yeah.
Victoria: I still think this plan is outrageous and it’s flawed. I mean, there are a million things that can go wrong.
Billy: Is there a “but” in there somewhere?
Victoria: But I’ve given it some thought, and I’ve decided that I won’t get in your way.
Billy: Thank you.
Victoria: No, don’T. I haven’t finished. I’ll keep quiet for a price. I mean, if I go along with this, there has to be something in it for me.
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