Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
EJ went to Rafe’s house to see Ava. He offered to be her attorney because she helped Kristen escape. She denied helping Kristen, but EJ didn’t believe her. He said he had eyes and ears everywhere. He said he knew what she did. She asked what he was going to do about what he knew. He said he wasn’t going to tell Rafe because he knew Rafe would rush to go after Nicole. He said he wasn’t going to let that happen. She told EJ that Rafe and Nicole’s attraction was in the past. She asked why he thought Rafe would go after Nicole. He thought about Nicole telling him that she had sex with Rafe. He told Ava that their attraction was obvious. She wanted to know what was in it for him to help her. He said Nicole was helping him move on and their relationship was turning into something real. He said he wanted it to continue so it was in both of their interests to keep what she did for Kristen a secret. She asked him why he came over if he was going to keep it a secret anyway. He wanted her to know that he knew what she was up to.
Chad went to the DiMera mansion to question Chad about Kristen. Rafe said he knew Chad went to see Kristen. He said she couldn’t have gotten away on her own. Chad asked if he was accusing him of helping her. Rafe said he wasn’t accusing him. He asked if Kristen told him she was planning on running away. He said she deleted his call logs after she called Brady on his phone. Rafe said she called her accomplice. Chad gave him the phone. Rafe took the phone and left the mansion. Sami tied the guard to a chair. He ended up waking up. They got into an argument until Lucas showed up, Lucas grabbed the guard and asked who he worked for. Sami said she has been asking him that, but he won’t answer. They offer to get the guard immunity if he told them who his boss was. The guard wasn’t interested in the deal. They were going to take him to the police themselves. While they were taking him out, he pushed Sami against the wall and ran off. Lucas went after him, but he lost him. He told Sami they should go to the police, but she wanted to go home first. Allie told Tripp that Sami was kidnapped. She asked why anyone would kidnap her mother. He thought the devil did it. Allie said she thought he didn’t believe in demonic possession. He said what happened on Halloween opened his eyes. Someone knocked on the door. When Allie opened the door, it was Lucas and Sami.
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