Days Transcript Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Eli: Oh, this man’s on a roll.

Abe: Of course I am! The woman said yes.

Lani: I still cannot believe that my aunt and my dad are getting married.

Abe: Well, indeed we are, so I would like us to raise glasses and have a toast to love.

Paulina: Oh.

Eli: To love.

Lani: To love.

Abe: Love, to love.

Paulina: Oh, and let’s not forget about marriage.

Abe: Oh, that’s right. Cheers.

Abigail: So is that why you want to play john in the movie? You don’t want me to have a sex scene with another man? I mean, you do realize I’m gonna be acting, right?

Chad: Yes, of course. I was just–I was kidding.

Abigail: Were you? ‘Cause your jealousy is kind of what got us into trouble, in the first place.

Chad: I was wrong about you and jake. I regret ever going there. You know that.

Abigail: Well, I don’t know. I’m kind of starting to wonder if it’s happening again. Do you want johnny to give you the part in the movie because you don’t trust me with ej?

Chad: No, it’s got nothing to do with him. I just want to spend time with you as much as I can. And I think that doing this movie will be good for us.

Abigail: Really?

Chad: Yes. I have a feeling that this could bring us closer.

John: Hey.

Roman: Hey, I’m sorry for coming by so late without calling first, but I just wanted to let know I told johnny i won’t help him fund that movie.

John: Nice. Thank you, roman. I know that wasn’t easy.

Roman: No, but you’re right. The last thing we want is for marlena to have to relive that time.

John: I hear you. Hey, come on in.

Roman: Okay.

John: So tell me, how did johnny take the news?

Roman: Well, I just explained to him that when I agreed to invest I thought he was doing a movie about sami. And now, it’s all about this devil business, and I just think that telling that story is not a good idea.

John: Yeah, well, I’m sure he was disappointed.

Roman: Yes he was, and I, you know, I felt bad about having to let him down, but we’ll get past it. The important thing is that we do everything we can to protect marlena.

John: Amen to that.

Just let go, marlena. Give in to me. Give in to me. Give in to me.

[Dramatic music]

Excellent. You’re finally starting to let go. You’re almost there, marlena. We have already achieved so much together. If you let me back in, there will be no limit to what we can accomplish. But we cannot delay. Our time is now. I need you to be mine tonight.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]


[Soft music]


Ciara: Was that just me, or did that feel different? Extra special?

Ben: It was definitely not just you.

Ciara: I didn’t think it was.

Ben: Uh-uh.

Ciara: And that kind of has me wondering.

Ben: Oh, yeah? What are you wondering, my love?

Ciara: I’m wondering if we just made a baby.


[Ominous music]

Babe, what was that? Is there a storm coming or…

Ben: Everything looks clear.

Ciara: So then what made the window fly open?

Ben: I have no idea. Maybe it’s just a big gust of wind?

Ciara: That appeared out of nowhere, and just disappeared? That’s pretty weird, ben.

Ben: I really hope that wasn’t, like, some kind of bad omen.

Ciara: Bad omen of what?

You should be very proud of what you’ve helped me accomplish so far. You attacked julie williams, in the hospital, and convinced everyone it was her husband doug. You had him committed to bayview, so you would not expose our collaboration. Then, best of all, you persuaded ben weston to father a child, to bring his and ciara’s baby into the world. You convinced him to let go of all of his fears about the future. Now, marlena, you must let go of yours. Woman: I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Abigail: So you think us acting together would bring us closer?

Chad: I do.

Abigail: Hmm. Well, what if I turn out to be a big diva on set?

Chad: Wouldn’t care if you were.

Abigail: No?

Chad: No.

Abigail: It’s not gonna bother you if I insist my room is stocked daily with purple hydrangeas and chocolate-covered pretzels?

Chad: It’s an independent film with a shoestring budget. I don’t think anybody’s gonna be getting a dressing room.

Abigail: I want the pretzels. Milk chocolate.

Chad: Okay.

Abigail: Not dark.

Chad: All right, you got it. But I do think that playing john and marlena would be really cool. I mean, just think of everything that they’ve overcome, all of the times that they’ve been separated, and they got back together. And they just keep getting stronger and stronger. It’s a really beautiful love story they have.

Abigail: They’re a real super couple.

Chad: Yes they are. It gives me hope that we can come back together. And who knows? Maybe, by the time the film is done, we’ll be able to sleep in the same room.

John: You know, when I saw that revised script, I almost blew a gasket.

Roman: Did you talk to marlena, tell her what’s going on?

John: Well, you know, I was going to, but when I got over to the hospital, she was so upset.

Roman: About what?

John: Well, she had this really heavy therapy session with ben weston, and I guess she didn’t like the way the session went. She wanted to talk to him some more, but, roman, she was so drained. I said, “no, no, honey, time for you to shut it down tonight.” I brought her home, and she got right into bed.

Roman: Okay. So she doesn’t know the new direction johnny’s going in?

John: You know, maybe I’m being a little overprotective by not telling her, but she’s been having such a rough time lately, I just didn’t want to pile on.

Roman: Okay, was she upset about something else other than ben?

John: Doug.

Roman: Oh, oh, yeah, doug. God, that poor guy. Not in his right mind. I mean he even attacked his own wife, and I mean, marlena did what she had to do, to protect him and everybody else.

John: Told her the exact same thing, but she still feels like she failed doug. I think that’s why she’s so driven to try to help ben right now.

Ciara: Ben, what do you mean by “bad omen”?

Ben: I don’t know.

Ciara: Ben, what happened? You were feeling so good earlier, so optimistic after seeing marlena.

Ben: I was, and I am. I am.

Ciara: So then why are you talking about bad omens?

Ben: I just think it’s kinda strange. You know, I mean, you decide to throw away your birth control pills, we make love, and then you wonder out loud if we just made a baby. And then, all of a sudden, the windows blast open, and all the candles blow out.

Ciara: So what are you saying, what do you think that means? You think someone’s trying to warn us not to get pregnant?

Ben and ciara’s child is so important for the future. I want that baby. I need that baby for myself.

[Dramatic music]

– Oh…oh. – What’s going on?

Ciara: Ben, answer me. Do you think that some unknown force is trying to warn us not to get pregnant?

Ben: Of course not, no, baby. I know it was just the wind.

Ciara: Ben? You promised me that you’d be honest with me from now on. Baby, what’s going on?

Ben: I guess I’m just just a little nervous about having a baby.

John: I’m telling you, roman. Doc is just really beating herself up lately.

Roman: She’s a great doctor, the best; everybody knows that.

John: Yeah, I know, but still she feels like she failed doug. And then she had to make that painful decision to have him committed there. It’s just kind of shaken her confidence.

Roman: Well, you know, hopefully get some rest’ll help.

John: Yeah, yeah, I think she’s too wired to sleep though. That’s why I made her some tea. Probably should run it in to her.

Roman: Yeah, good call. You know what? If you need anything, either one of you, just say the word.

John: Oh, thanks, man. And thank you again for backing out of that film. I mean, even though it’s just gonna be on the big screen, we don’t need that particular bit of history repeating itself.

I can feel you’re still fighting me, that you’re not ready to fully commit. I know you’ve always done everything for everyone else and nothing for yourself. Except when you let me in and feel my power coursing through your veins. You need to let yourself go completely and feel that way again. Perhaps you’d be more open to the idea if you knew my plans, which can only come to fruition with your help. You can never go back on the approval you gave ben to bring a child into the world. The future is in your hands, marlena. I think it’s time that I share with you exactly what I have in store for that child.

Abigail: Chad.

Chad: Now, I’m not trying to pressure you at all. I just miss sharing a room with you, and a bed. But I know you’re not ready for that, and I respect that. And I would never try to skip past everything that I have to do to make things right between us anyway. I just–I’m just expressing hope for the future.

Abigail: Well, it’s like i told you in boston. There’s nothing I want more than to be able to trust in our marriage again and our love.

Chad: And you’re not there yet. I understand. And I’ll wait as long as it takes. But I just want you to know I love you. I always have, and I always will.

[Soft music]

And that’s just about what i wanted to say. I’ll let you go to bed.

Abigail: Hold on.

Chad: What?

Abigail: Why don’t you stay in my room tonight? This is the sound of an asthma attack…

Chad: What did you say?

Abigail: I think you heard me.

Chad: I did–I think I did. I just–I wanted to make sure.

Abigail: [Sighs] Ever since I came home, I’ve kept you at arm’s length. But you’ve been very patient, and you’ve been understanding, and you’ve been devoted, and you’ve taken care of the kids. You’ve taken care of me and given me the time and space that I need. Everything I have asked, you have done and more, and so, I think it’s time I let you back in.

[Soft music]


Ciara: Oh, baby. I didn’t expect one session with marlena to magically erase all of your reservations. I mean, having a baby is still a huge step, no matter what. It’s life-changing, so it makes sense for the both of us to be a little bit nervous. I’m nervous, too, baby, as much as I am excited about the idea.

Ben: But we will stay on it, and we’ll just be hopeful that I don’t pass down any of the mental illness I had to our child, and if, god forbid, we see any signs at all that I did, we find treatment.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Right away.

Ciara: Mm-hmm, that’s right.

Ben: I’m sorry for freaking out. It’s just that you could be pregnant right now.

Ciara: Well, the odds are pretty slim for the first try. And so that means we are gonna have to try again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

Ben: And again.

Ciara: And again.

Ben: I am down for that.

Ciara: Hmm?

Ben: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: Although, honestly, weston, between the two of us, I am getting the short end of the stick here.

Ben: What do you mean short?

Ciara: Well–

Ben: What?

Ciara: I mean that I’m gonna be the one to gain all the weight, I’m gonna wake up with the morning sickness, the swollen ankles. All you’re gonna have to do is run to the store and get me my cravings whenever I want.

Ben: Mm-hmm, and I’m going to love every minute of it. In fact, what can I get you right now? Ice cream, pickles? What can I get you?

Ciara: Just this, babe.

My plan for ben and ciara’s baby is so monumental, so magnificent, and it all begins with–

John: Hey, doc, still awake?

Damn that john black, always trying to come between us.

John: What the heck? Is this thing locked?

Just ignore him, marlena. He’ll go away.

John: What the hell’s going on in there? Looks like it’s stuck. Hey, doc, are you okay in there? Doc? Hang on, doc, I’m coming! Come on!

Tackling tough messes can

take more time than you have,

[Soft music]


John: Hey, sweetheart. You okay, honey?

Marlena: Oh, yeah.

John: Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just got really worried when I couldn’t open the door, and I swear I heard some voices in here.

Paulina: One key lime pie to go.

Eli: Oh, you know I’m gonna enjoy this.

Paulina: Well, to each his own, baby, to each his own.

Eli: Hey, and congrats again.

Lani: Oh, thank you so much for dinner.

Paulina: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Oh, bring it in. Bring it in.

Paulina: Aw.

Eli: I love you guys.

Abe: Oh, hey, take care.

Eli: See you guys later.

Paulina: Goodnight.

Eli: Goodnight.

Abe: That was a lovely evening, don’t you think?

Paulina: Hm.

Abe: Everything okay?

Paulina: I can’t believe I asked lani to call me mama. What was I thinking?

Abe: Hey, you know, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, just got carried away. Now, I know how you feel. Being lani’s dad is–it means everything to me.

Paulina: Well, after all that celebrating, I am wiped out. I think I’ll get ready for bed.

Abe: You know, let me ask you this–now that we are engaged, when do you want to do this?

Paulina: You mean, you want to set a date?

Abe: Yeah, any thoughts?

Paulina: Well, I guess that depends upon if you want a big wedding or a small one. Big takes a lot more planning.

Abe: Well, if it was left up to me, I’d do it tomorrow.

Paulina: I guess we’ll be having a small one.

Abe: So I will defer to my bride.

Paulina: Abraham, we are on the same page about pie and wanting our wedding to be an intimate affair. And now, for our first big challenge after becoming engaged–

Abe: Challenge? What do you mean?

Paulina: Finding a free date for both of us when we can get hitched–ah!

[Soft music]


Ciara: I don’t really want any food right now, do you?

Ben: Not really, kinda tired.

Ciara: Yeah, me too, but I don’t think I can go to sleep quite yet. Maybe there is something good on tv.

Ben: Yeah, check it out. I’ll watch anything.

Ciara: Okay.

Oh, my god. It’s “rosemary’s baby.”


John: Were you on your phone?

Marlena: No, I was asleep.

John: Maybe the voices came from that. Sound machine might have switched over to the radio or something. It looks fine to me.

Marlena: Oh. Well, I didn’t hear anything. Maybe I was talking in my sleep. What did you hear me say?

John: I’m not sure. I was out in the hall. Everything was mumbled.

Marlena: Okay.

John: No, no, no. Where are you going?

Marlena: Well, honey, I’ve been awfully worried about ben. I want to get dressed and go check on him.

John: No, no, you need to rest. You can talk to ben tomorrow.

Marlena: No, I don’t think–

John: He’s gonna be fine. He’ll be fine.

Marlena: It’s not–

John: He’ll be fine. Right now, I’m a lot more concerned about you, okay?


For once in my life,

I feel a little good

thing inside

looking in your eyes

I only want to love you

and hold you tight

I feel fine

because you’re mine

we’re in the light

dancing in the light

of love

holding you tight

tripping in the light

of loving


my world is gonna shine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine, mine

because you’re mine, mine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine

because you’re mine your mission:

Eli: Hey, roman.

Roman: Hey, well, look at you two out on the town.

Lani: Yeah, we were just out at dinner celebrating.

Eli: Yeah, abe and paulina got engaged last night.

Roman: Oh, great, I like it.

Lani: Yeah, we’re really happy for them both.

Roman: Yeah, so am I. I didn’t think he’d propose this soon, but they do seem like a great match.

Eli: Made in heaven.

Paulina: So you thinking, like, a saturday night vibe or more easy like sunday morning?

Abe: Well, I have no preference. You know, of course I like having a nice wedding, but it’s the marriage. It’s the marriage that’s important.

Paulina: Abraham, we are on the same page. So how about mid-december?

Abe: Yeah, that’s almost too close to the holidays.

Paulina: Right, right.

Abe: Yeah. How do you feel about earlier in january?

Paulina: Hmm, oh, no good. I’m breaking ground on a project in bal harbour, and that time of year in salem, kinda bleak, no?

Abe: Yeah, I see. I see what you mean, yeah. Well, how about the third week in november?

Paulina: Well, that actually could work.

Abe: Ooh, that’s great. That would be more than a month’s notice, so theo and brandon could arrange to be here too.

Paulina: Oh, you think we could pull it all together by then?

Abe: I think anything we put our minds to will work.

Paulina: Well, then it’s all settled. A little more than a month from now, we’ll be husband and wife.

Abe: Ooh.

Paulina: Oh.

Ben: Why’d you turn it off?

Ciara: It’s a horror movie, and it’s not really what I want in my head right before I go to sleep.

Ben: Is it about a woman who gives birth to the devil’s baby? Just seems pretty dumb.

Ciara: It wasn’t a bad omen, ben.

Ben: What do you mean?

Ciara: That movie coming on was totally random. No one is trying to tell you that you’re evil and that I’m rosemary.

Ben: I mean, who said that?

Ciara: I can see it in your eyes, babe. You’re freaked out that I landed on that movie. Am I right? Baby, I am not some submissive pixie, and you are not evil. You are the best. You are a loving, caring, wonderful man, and you are gonna make the most amazing father. I know it because it’s true. And you’ve come way too far and worked way too hard to let fear ruin that. So let’s just forget about all of this nonsense that happened and focus on what is really real, and that is our love for each other.

[Soft music]


John: Here you go.

Marlena: Chamomile?

John: Hope it helps.

Marlena: Oh, I guess i thought it would be hot.

John: Yeah, well, I was on my way to bring it to you when roman stopped by.

Marlena: Oh, roman came by? Why?

John: We’ll talk about it later–tell you what I’ll do. I’ll go heat this up, okay?

Marlena: Hey, why don’t we talk about it now?

John: Well, I was going to, but I know that you were kind of upset about ben. Johnny has decided to rename his movie from “the sami brady story,” to “the marlena evans story.”

Marlena: Why would he change a movie about sami to a movie about me?

John: Well, apparently he’s fascinated about your past, specifically when you were… when you were… marlena: Possessed by the devil.

John: You know, I was upset enough just by knowing it was gonna be a part in the movie. Now, the whole damn movie’s gonna be about it.

Marlena: Oh, no.

John: But don’t worry about that; that’s why roman came by. He told me he changed his mind about investing. Johnny’s having a hard time coming up with the cash ’cause practically everybody has said no.

Marlena: So he won’t be able to make the movie?

John: I’m not gonna let him.

Marlena: That was his dream.

John: His dream was to make a film, and he can still do that. He’s just not gonna do this one, ’cause the last thing you need is to have to relive that part of your life, honey.

Chad: I can’t believe this is real. I mean, I’ve wanted this and you for so long. But I…

Abigail: What?

Chad: I just–I have to ask you something, but I don’t know if I should.

Abigail: You can ask me anything.

Chad: So does this mean we’re back together? When I heard about the science behind the new

Abigail: I don’t want to shut you out anymore; I want to be close to you.

Chad: I want that too, more than anything.

Abigail: But I think we also have to be realistic about where we are, you know? Our problems don’t disappear just because we made love. We’ve still got a lot of things to work on, and I’ve got a lot of things to work on. Everything–the guilt that I feel, after everything that happened with gwen’s baby, and… but I don’t want to work on things alone. Moving forward, I would like to work on everything together.

Chad: We will, I promise.

[Soft music]


Abe: Look how far we’ve come. It’s all because of you.

Paulina: Me, really? What did I do?

Abe: You kept your promise not to hide things anymore, no more secrets, no more lies. I mean, ever since, it’s just been wonderful. You made peace with your daughter, with my daughter, with me. I’ve never been happier. And I hope you feel the same way.

Paulina: Of course I do. Of course. Oh, mm.

Lani: Okay. The babies are asleep thanks to our excellent nanny. And thank you for cleaning up.

Eli: No problem, but now I am in the mood for something sweet.

Lani: You have got to be kidding me. I don’t ever want to see another pie for as long as I live.

Eli: No, no, I’m not talking about a pie. No pecan pie, or key lime pie, or florida lime pie.

Lani: Mm-hmm.

Eli: I want some lani pie.

Lani: Oh. Well, come get it.


Ciara: Are you sure you’re okay?

Ben: Yeah, I am.

Ciara: No more worries about random gusts of wind or horror movies with devil babies?

Ben: No, no, no, no. Dr. Evans made me see that there is no reason why we shouldn’t have a child. And god forbid, any issues come up, we’ll handle it together, like we handle everything. We are gonna make the most beautiful family together.

Ciara: Oh, my god. I love you so much.

Ben: I love you so much. You can barely keep these eyes open.

Ciara: Yeah, I’m tired. Will you hold me? I want to fall asleep in your arms.

[Soft music]


John: I hope you’re not upset with me and my bringing up that movie.

Marlena: No, of course not.

John: All right, you know I support johnny. Just that he needs to understand that this project, it’s never gonna happen.

Marlena: I assume you you talked to him?

John: Well, you know I did. And so did allie, but I think he needs to hear it from you. And I was just thinking that, once you were feeling better, you know, you could talk him out of it, but now I don’t even think you’re gonna have to have that conversation.

Marlena: Oh, well, I’m glad for that.

John: And everything that is in the past is gonna stay in the past where it belongs. And it’s just gonna be smooth sailing for me and you, baby, from now on out.

[Ominous music]

[Sound machine crackling]

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