Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, September 1, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Hey. You here for a meeting?

Billy: No. No, just here to grab a drink.

Phyllis: Getting a drink now when you’re — you’re gonna be here tonight?

Billy: Yeah. Is that okay with you?

Phyllis: It’s okay with me. It’s just odd.

Billy: Odd? Odd like you hosting a party for Victor and Adam, two people you despise?

Phyllis: Well, I despise them, but see, I’m getting paid for tonight. You’re here voluntarily.

Billy: Yeah. Well, to be honest, it’s not voluntary. I love the oysters. Can’t get enough of them.


Sally: Well, I will be attending the launch party tonight in my professional capacity, and I’ve seen the guest list, so I know that you will be there, too, so I just wanted to give you a heads up so you wouldn’t be surprised when you see me.

Jack: You thought somehow i would be traumatized seeing you at a party thrown by your new employer? Just how fragile do you think i am?

Sally: [ Scoffs ] It’s not that, I just didn’t want you to think that I had some ulterior motive being there, like I was following you.

Jack: Thought never occurred to me. And it wouldn’t have mattered if it did.

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