Best Lines provided by Eva
Adam: Good morning, Sally.
Sally: Yeah? What’s good about it?
Adam: Wow, that’s some mood you’re in.
Sally: [ Sighs ] Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I know you’re my boss and I’m supposed to make an effort to be charming and all, but I am just so mad right now, I could scream.
Nick: If you expect me to agree that you’re some kind of authority on Victoria, that is not gonna happen, alright? I’m just talking to everyone who’s in her life, trying to get a read on some of the actions she’s made. Honestly, I would like to stay out of her personal business if it can be helped, but I need to know if there’s an issue here or not.
Billy: Well, it actually sounds like you’re trying to see if I’m gonna use my resources at ChancComm to go after Ashland Locke. You know, you want me to do the digging because if it blows up in my face, then I’m the one that takes the brunt of it.
Nick: This idea just occurred to you, digging into Ashland’s past to try and come up with some dirt to get him out of Victoria’s life? Sounds to me like it’s something you’ve been gearing up to do, and you’re gonna do it whether you get any encouragement from me or not.
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