Y&R Best Lines Friday, August 6, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Rey: You know, chess really isn’t my game.

Victor: Uh-huh. Well, if it were ever to become your game, I think you’d be a formidable opponent, you know. I think you have a rather analytic mind. You doubt me, doubt what I say?

Rey: No, I’m just — sounded a whole lot like a compliment from you.

Victor: [ Laughs ] Yeah. It is.

Rey: Oh, I’m not used to that coming from you. It’s more like, “stop harassing me, detective, and talk to my lawyers.”

Tara: My little boy is having to deal with losing his father, and now you’ve done this to his mother? I hope you’re proud of yourself.

Phyllis: I am proud of myself. I’m very proud of myself, actually.

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