Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, August 3, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Welcome home.

Victor: Hey, son.

Nikki: We’re barely in the door, and here you are, wanting to talk business, I’m sure.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] That is not the only reason that I’m here. But we do have a lot to discuss


Victoria: Mm. Well, I assume that you’ve made a reservation at one of your favorite fancy restaurants that most people couldn’t get into even if they tried.

Ashland: Oh, it’s a favorite, alright, and it’s impossible to get into. But that’s only because it’s a hole in the wall and only does take-out.

Victoria: Hole in the wall? Take-out, you? No.

Ashland: You just trust me, ’cause you are about to be transported. I’m gonna have them send over everything on their very limited menu. This is going to be the culinary equivalent of great sex.

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