Days Short Recap Friday, July 2, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eli told Gwen and Xander that Dr. Snyder was found dead in the lake. Eli asked Gwen about the tension between her and Snyder. She said she didn’t have a problem with Snyder. She said he was her doctor and that was it. Eli got a message saying Snyder was dead before he was in the water. When Eli left, Gwen yelled at Xander. She reminded him that he said he knew how to get rid of a body. He said he did his best. He told her to blame Tripp for why Eli suspected her. She started to panic when she wondered if they answered all of Eli’s questions. Xander said Julie could contradict her claim about the last time she saw Snyder. She hoped Julie didn’t see Snyder’s face. He said they better hope not.

Abe brought Lani to Julie’s Place. She pretended to be surprised when everyone came out. During the party, someone showed up to get Paulina’s signature for the demolition order. She signed the order. The guy left. When people asked her about the guy, she was nervous. Abe took the order out of her hand. He read that they were demolishing the town square. Abe, Eli and Lani left to stop the demolition. Paulina went to see what was happening. Abe, Lani, Eli and Chanel went to stop the demolition. They told the foreman to stop what he was doing. The man told them the town square was going down. He started destroying Tom and Alice’s plaque. He said it would be the future home of Price Town. Paulina showed up. Ben came home and saw Ciara. He asked if she was real. She said she was real, but she didn’t get her memory back. She said she wasn’t coming home to him. She said she was there to get him to sign the divorce papers. She said he ignored her when she tried to reach out to him about the papers. He said he burned them. Ciara had another set of divorce papers. Ben took the papers, but didn’t want to sign them. He said he knows she remembers him. She said she had a life with Theo. She said it had nothing to do with him. He threw the papers. She told him to sign them because she and Theo were engaged.

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