Days Short Recap Thursday, December 17, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Charlie begged Ava not to tell Tripp the truth. He wanted her to keep quiet so they would both be protected. She told him how she couldn’t do it. Tripp was outside of the door and wanted her to open the door. She went to the door so Charlie picked up a vase and hit her with it. Jennifer told Julie about her suspicions of Jack and Kate being together. Julie assured her how Jack loved her. She didn’t know what to think because she didn’t know he would sleep with Kate. Jake wanted to go out in public with Kate. She wasn’t ready for that. Kate let her know how Jennifer overheard her making plans with him and thought she was going to be with Jack. She didn’t want to tell her the truth because it’s bad enough Gwen knew the truth. Gwen sent Jake a text pretending to be Abby. Chad walked in the room and she asked him why he assumed Jake was with Abby. He explained what happened. She pretended to care about their relationship and tried to convince him they would work things out. Steve talked to Allie. He let her know that he believed her as well as Tripp. She told him how he couldn’t have it both ways. He wanted to hear her side of the story. She was willing to tell it to prove Tripp was a liar. Charlie couldn’t believe he hit her. Tripp tried to get inside, but Charlie wanted him to go away. Julie called the DiMera mansion and Gwen answered the phone. She made it seem like Jack and Kate were together. Chad came back in the room and admitted how he couldn’t find Jake and Abby.

Allie talked to Steve about what happened when she was raped. She couldn’t remember what happened after she and Tripp kissed. She told him how she never got the note Tripp said he left her. Steve told her how it was easy to prove that he left a note. He wanted her to talk to him if she remembered anything else about the assault. Tripp called Ava so Charlie declined the call. Tripp was determined to break down the door so Charlie grabbed a pair of scissors to stab him. Jennifer was fixated on who Kate was talking to on the phone. Julie tried to make her feel better. She had an idea for Jennifer. She suggested they find out who Kate was with at the Inn. Allie told Steve Tripp touched her. He questioned if the memory was from the same moment. She wasn’t sure, but the DNA test proved she was the father so she didn’t know who else touched her. He appreciated her talking to him and apologized for what happened. Chad went to the garage to find Abby and Jake together. He saw how the garage was empty. Gwen showed up there too. Chad asked her not to tell Abby he was there looking for her. Julie told Jennifer how she talked to her friend at the Salem Inn and he said Kate was there with someone. He told Julie how the guy’s name started with a “J.” Tripp told Steve what happened when he went to Ava’s place. They were headed back to her place. Charlie was happy Ava was still alive. He had to convince her not to say anything. Ava started moaning and scared him. Allie talked to Kate about going through with the lawsuit. She told her how she talked to Steve about it. She said he made her question something. Steve and Tripp went in Ava’s apartment, but she wasn’t there. Charlie had her tied up in his apartment.

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