Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Charlie went to see Ava. She told him how Tripp was accused of raping Allie. He said he heard about it from his girlfriend. He told her how it was okay because he wasn’t being charged. She was upset because people were still going to accuse him of being a rapist. Shawn ran into Ben at the cemetery and they talked about how they saw Ciara. Charlie apologized for the way his comment sounded to Ava. She told him how her son was being accused of rape. He explained that Claire told him how the case was dropped. She let him know that he knew everything because was the one who raped Allie.
Nicole went to see Rafe at the station. She told him what happened with Eric. He let her know how he and Hope were getting close again just before he left town. He said she left town. Nicole heard how she left before Ciara’s funeral. Rafe told her how he saw Hope and they ended things. He understood because she was hoping Ciara would be found. Allie talked to Claire about pulling a gun on Tripp. Claire was shocked to hear that. Claire thought she might hurt her case because she tried to shoot Tripp. Claire thought it would come up in court. Charlie told Ava he didn’t know Allie so he couldn’t have raped her. She let him know how he was in London at the time watching Tripp. He said that didn’t prove he raped her. She said the DNA test was proof he raped her. Ava let Charlie know how Allie had a boy because of what happened to her and he was in London when the boy was conceived. She wanted to know if he had an explanation why Tripp’s DNA matched her son. Charlie said it was because he raped her. Ava told Charlie how Tripp denied being with Allie. He wanted to know how he could explain the DNA. She said he couldn’t explain it but she could do it. Rafe advised Nicole to talk to Eric about how much she missed him. She didn’t want to stop him from helping people. Shawn and Ben continued to talk about losing Ciara. Ava told Charlie that they shared DNA because they are brothers.
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