Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nate and Elena go out on their first date and since they have such a good time they decide to go on another date. Abby and Chance enjoy the last day of their honeymoon and decide that when they return home they will live in the Chancellor Mansion. Abby also decides that her last name will be Abby Newman Abbott Chancellor and Chance is happy she decided to include his last name. Nick tries to persuade Victoria to sell the Grand Phoenix back to Phyllis but Victoria later calls her lawyer and asks him to look through the contract to find a way to push Phyllis out so she can sell the building for a tidy profit. Devon calls Amanda to invite her to share his take-out dinner with him and she gladly heads to his place. Lily and Billy decide to use Chancellor Communications resources to find out the person who tried to shoot Adam but instead shot Chance.

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