Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Belle told John and Marlena how she and Shawn were getting remarried. Shawn talked to Roman about getting remarried. Shawn told him how he talked to Hope. Roman asked him about Hope. They talked about how she was doing. Ava called Philip while he was talking to Sarah. He asked her for some privacy. She hid behind a door to listen to the call. Ava told him how he should have been laundering money out of the company. He assured her he could handle Xander. Belle continued to talk to her parents about marrying Shawn. Jan met with Claire and she told her how her parents were getting remarried. Jan wanted to know why she thought she wouldn’t like it. Xander wanted to do business with Charlie at Julie’s Place. He told him how he thought Philip is stealing through the company. Sarah didn’t get much info while eavesdropping on Philip. She offered to take him to work. Belle asked John and Marlena if she could have her wedding at their place. She asked Marlena to perform the ceremony. Jan wanted information about where Shawn and Belle would get married. Claire told her they were getting married at John and Marlena’s place. Jan pretended to be happy for them. Jan pumped Claire for more info about the wedding.
Jan advised Claire to ask Charlie to the wedding. She told Jan how it was just for family, but she warned her that she would look like she was blowing him off if she didn’t talk to him about it. Xander continued to talk to Charlie about Philip embezzling money from Titan. Philip ran into Shawn and they argued over Belle. Shawn told him how he and Belle were getting married. Belle walked up to them to find out what was going on with them. Shawn told her how Philip thought he proposed to him. She told Philip how she popped the question. Philip wished them luck. Shawn offered an invitation to Philip, but he declined it. Philip went to Ava’s apartment. Xander told Charlie to tell him everything that he sees Philip doing. Claire showed up to talk to Charlie. Xander told her off for what she did to Charlie. Xander didn’t know why she didn’t want to go out with a good man like him. Belle thought Shawn did too much by inviting Philip to the wedding. Jan saw Belle and Shawn kissing each other.
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