Days Short Recaps Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jack wanted to know if Jennifer could forgive him for what he did. She slapped him and reminded him how he did the same thing her father did by sleeping with Kate. She told him how that destroyed her family. Jake tried to kiss Kate, but she stopped him. She thought he wanted to be with her because he thought she was lonely or because he was lonely. He wanted her because he thought she was beautiful. She reminded him about their age difference. Jake talked to Xander about being attracted to Claire. Claire was surprised when Theo showed up at her place. Jake told Kate how he was attracted to her since he met her. She told him she just wanted her car fixed when she went to his garage. Jennifer didn’t want Jack to touch her when he approached her. She told him happy anniversary before she walked away from him. Claire talked to Theo about the way she felt about Ciara. She mentioned how she was jealous. Xander told Charlie about Claire being in a mental hospital. Charlie wasn’t going to judge Claire for getting help. Xander mumbled how she didn’t have much choice. JJ found Jennifer outside of the pub and asked her how she felt. Abby found Jack at the park. He told her what happened. She apologized and he told her the whole thing was her fault.

Xander advised Charlie to ask Claire out for dinner. Claire told Theo that she thought he wanted Ciara when they were together. He said it wasn’t true. She realized that now, but she always thought Ciara was better than her in every way. Abby couldn’t believe Jack blamed her for what he did. He told her how she shouldn’t have told Jennifer what happened. He told her how he and Kate agreed not to tell Jennifer. He said because of her thoughtless and reckless decision, Jennifer had to find out anyway. Jennifer told JJ how Jack slept with Kate. After they made love, Kate told Jake it couldn’t happen again. Jennifer talked to JJ about what Jack did with Kate. Jake couldn’t believe Kate didn’t want to be with him again. Abby couldn’t believe Jack called her reckless. She reminded him how he was with Kate. He said it was one mistake. He said she should have come to him. She thought he wanted her to keep quiet. He didn’t want her to hurt Jennifer. She said she was the one who deserved to know. Jennifer tried to explain to JJ what happened between Jack and Kate. Abby explained to Jack why she revealed the truth. She told him she was drinking and he wanted told her how she shouldn’t have mixed alcohol with her medication. She told him how he shouldn’t sleep with people who aren’t his wife. He got upset and didn’t want to look at her. Kate didn’t want to hurt Chad by being with Jake. He said they could keep seeing each other without telling him. Chad was outside of Kate’s door.

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