Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Traci tells Jack that her trip to New York helped her find out that Dina’s emerald necklace once belonged to an Italian princess but was stolen from her and later sold on the black market. Jack and Traci decide to solve the mystery of how Dina came to own the necklace. Abby tells Chance about her miscarriage five years ago and her divorce from Stitch. Abby talks to Mariah about her fear of trying to have children again. Mariah advises Abby not to let her fears keep her from being happy with Chance. Amanda tells Billy she wants to find out why her mother Rose left her at a fire station and chose to raise Hilary. Victor tells Billy that if he publishes the article on Adam he will be a very sorry man. Adam and Chelsea consider kidnapping Billy and Lily in order to stop the publication of the story. Billy is so upset by Victor’s threats toward him that he publishes the story without Amanda’s legal approval and Lily fears a lawsuit.

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