Y&R Short Recap Monday, January 25 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Christine

ChanceComm had a meeting to go to in NY. Lily and Billy decided she’d travel to NY, and he’d join in by video chat since he’d have the kids full time while Victoria was out of town. Amanda planned to accompany Lily to NY, and they were both excited about Manhattan. Amanda and Lily discussed the fact that Lily could pick up and go any time, while Billy couldn’t because he had young children. Amanda was hurt over the restraining order and wanted to teach Imani a lesson. She decided not to go public with her story for now, but she didn’t rule it out for the future. Katie didn’t want Victoria to leave, but Billy helped her feel better about it. Victoria tried to stay home for Katie, but Nikki convinced her to go on the trip. Billy introduced Katie to Lily, and it went well. Victoria found out, and she seemed fine with it. Adam talked with Nate about hiring a mental health professional for Chelsea. Adam noticed Chelsea seemed to make progress during emotionally charged moments. He thought that if she worked with Sharon, it’d make her angry enough to recover. He asked Chelsea to work with Sharon. She didn’t want to, but she agreed, so she could keep an eye on Sharon and Adam. He asked Sharon to work with Chelsea. She thought his plan for her to agitate Chelsea into recovery was unethical. He asked her to think about it. Amanda and Nate chatted about his new job and about her family. He revealed he was more inclined to mentor Moses. She said Devon always seemed to know just what she needed to hear. Nate was glad Devon and Amanda had each other.

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