Days Best Lines For The Week of January 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

EJ: I don’t know about you but I’m ready to call it a night.
Nicole: Ooh I wore you out, did I?

(To EJ about Theresa and Brady’s drug recovery)
Theresa: You’re not really up to date on the current century.

Theresa: Addiction is not a moral failing. It’s a disease.
EJ: I’d say it’s both for the two of you.

(about handling the drug situation)
Ava: I think I might have a way.

Stefan: Yeah? What are you going to knock on the door of every drug dealer in Salem and ask to buy the product back?
Ava: I’ve got people I can call.
Stefan: People you can call. What is this straight out of the Godfather? What’s next you’re going to make ‘em an offer they can’t refuse?

(to Tate)
EJ: I’m going to make sure you’re an old man before you get out of prison.

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