B&B Short Recap Friday, July 7, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At the cliff house, Steffy confides in Finn about Thomas’s reaction to learning about the Rome kiss not being a secret. Finn is surprised that Hope didn’t plan to tell Liam about it and realizes that Thomas had tried to protect Hope. Steffy worries about the impact of the situation on Liam and Hope’s marriage. Steffy and Finn share a heartfelt moment, but Steffy appears worried.

Meanwhile, Wyatt finds Liam upset at Spencer and learns that things didn’t go well between he and Hope. Liam questions whether he can trust Hope after witnessing the kiss and contemplates getting a divorce. Wyatt is taken aback by Liam’s decision and encourages him to think it through. Liam expresses his belief that Hope has feelings for Thomas, which he sees as a betrayal.

At Thomas’s house, Hope confesses to him that Liam wants a divorce after witnessing the kiss. Hope blames herself for pursuing Thomas despite the warnings, and she fears she has destroyed her marriage. Thomas tries to console her and remind her of their past together. Hope reveals her attraction to Thomas and admits that she wants him, while feeling that Liam wants Steffy. They share a passionate kiss.

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B&B Short Recap Thursday, July 6, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke, Ridge, and R.J. discuss Hope’s decision to kiss Thomas and the potential consequences for her marriage with Liam. Brooke worries that Hope’s actions might be influenced by Brooke’s own past mistakes, but R.J. believes Hope will fight for her relationship with Liam. At the cabin, Liam tells Hope that he cannot forgive her for kissing Thomas, and he wants a divorce. Hope pleads with him, but Liam is convinced that she has feelings for Thomas and accuses her of always finding ways to keep Thomas in their lives.

Meanwhile, Steffy urges Thomas to admit to the Rome kiss, but Thomas insists that he didn’t plan it and doesn’t want to ruin Hope’s marriage. Steffy reveals that Liam knows about the kiss and wants to divorce Hope. Thomas feels responsible for the pain he has caused and worries that Rome has become a dark cloud over Hope’s marriage. Later, Hope seeks comfort from Thomas after learning about Liam’s decision, and they embrace.

The situation between Hope, Liam, and Thomas becomes increasingly complicated as Liam firmly decides to end his marriage, leaving Hope devastated and seeking solace in Thomas’s arms.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope, devastated by Liam’s announcement that he wants a divorce, sends him several desperate text messages. At the cabin, she breaks down in tears and blames herself for everything. R.J., her brother, tries to console her and reassures her that it was just one mistake and things will be okay.

Meanwhile, Liam is haunted by the image of Hope and Thomas kissing. His brother, Wyatt, encourages him to fight for his marriage and find forgiveness. Steffy, reflecting on her own encounter with Liam, discusses the situation with Finn and plans to have a conversation with Thomas. At Forrester, Ridge and Brooke express their understanding of the situation and the power of love to bring people back together.

In a tender moment, Liam surprises Hope by returning home. Hope pleads for a chance to earn his trust back and expresses her love for him, hoping that he still wants to make things better. The scene ends with a fragile glimmer of hope as she gently touches Liam’s cheek.

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B&B Short Recap Monday, July 3, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy firmly tells Liam that he can’t show up at her home and kiss her, emphasizing that she is happily married and demands respect. Liam expresses confusion about his own actions and admits to feeling disconnected from Hope and his marriage. Steffy urges him to snap out of it and reminds him of their past and current relationships.

At the cabin, Hope confides in R.J. that she believes Liam will leave her. Brooke enters and senses something is wrong, prompting Hope to reveal that Liam saw her kissing Thomas in Rome. Brooke initially blames Thomas but quickly learns that it was Hope’s own initiative. Hope breaks down, questioning her actions and expressing her love for Liam.

Meanwhile, at Forrester Creations, Ridge commends Thomas on the success of the line and praises his commitment to working with Hope. Ridge reflects on Thomas’ growth and his gratitude that Thomas has moved on from his obsession. Alone in the office, Thomas reflects on the kiss and looks at a photo of Hope.

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