Days Short Recap Friday, March 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Tate went to the Bistro to check on Sophia. He wanted to talk about what happened at the DiMera mansion. Sophia wondered why he was there on a Friday night to which he said he and Holly weren’t speaking to each other. Tate said they argued over the adoption and Doug. When Sophia asked if he was jealous, he said he wasn’t. Tate said he wasn’t jealous but thought Doug was shady. He apologized for talking about his problems with Holly. Sophia said she was okay with it because they have moved past their issues. While they were talking, he talked to her about John being missing. Amy ended up calling Sophia. Sophia said there was good news about the meeting Amy had with Paulina. Holly went to the Horton house to talk to Doug. She said she had a way to fix the situation with Melinda. Holly suggested they sneak into Melinda’s place and steal the necklace. When Doug thought Holly was kidding, she said she wasn’t. Holly said Melinda couldn’t report a stolen necklace stolen again. She told him about Melinda’s involvement with her brother being switched. Doug said they weren’t going to break into Melinda’s place. He thanked her for what she’s done but wouldn’t let her break the law for him.

EJ told Belle not to shut him out. Belle didn’t want to let him in. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about her and said he missed her. EJ wondered if she felt the same way. Belle said she was disgusted by what he did to Jada and Rafe. EJ denied having anything to do with what happened but knew people were trying to get her to ignore her feelings. Belle said he was the same monster he’s always been. When EJ came into Belle’s place, she told him what he did to Jada and Rafe was despicable. EJ tried to defend his actions, but Belle brought up what he and Kristen did to Ava. She wondered how she was supposed to forgive him after what he’s done. EJ told her that nothing needed to come between them. Belle asked how she was supposed to defend her boyfriend after the crimes he’s committed. He thought it was cute that she called him her boyfriend. She said she was going to prosecute him. They ended up making love. While they were in bed, she told him that she could lose her job if Paulina found out she slept with him. He told her to tell Paulina that there wasn’t a case since there wasn’t any evidence against him. Belle thought he seduced her to get her to drop the investigation. She told him to leave. Johnny asked Roman what he meant when he said EJ did the same thing as Arnold. He couldn’t believe Roman would compare his father to Arnold. Roman said if Arnold was a rapist, EJ was too. When Roman tried to clarify what he meant, Johnny said he was telling the truth. Roman said EJ brought Arnold to Salem. When Roman couldn’t take it anymore, he went in the back. Kate came in the pub and ran into Johnny. Johnny told her that Roman accused his father of being a rapist but then tried to get out of it. When Kate reacted, Johnny wanted her to tell him truth. Kate suggested he have a conversation with Sami. Johnny said Sami would never let EJ get away with raping her. Kate said EJ raped Sami. A shocked Johnny wanted to know what happened. Kate told Johnny what happened when Sami asked EJ for help when she went skiing with Lucas and the roof caved in. She said EJ agreed to help if Sami had sex with him. An angry Johnny refused to believe what Kate was saying. He said his father wouldn’t have done that to his mother. Kate said she understood that what she was saying was hard to hear. She knew he believed her and apologized for telling him what Roman couldn’t. Johnny asked when it happened to which Kate said it happened before he was born. Johnny wondered why he never knew what happened. Kate said they wanted to keep it a secret from him and Allie. He asked if that was the reason why he and Allie had different fathers and realized that Allie was conceived in love while he was conceived in rape. When she tried to comfort him, he left the pub. At the DiMera mansion, Paulina told Chanel about her meeting with Amy. She said everything was good with the exception of EJ. Paulina said she told Amy that EJ wouldn’t be a problem for much longer because she was going to use her influence to make sure he went to prison. She said she was concerned about Belle having an affair with him. Chanel was okay with EJ going to prison but was concerned about Johnny. Paulina said EJ did it to himself. Belle called Paulina and told her she was recusing herself from EJ’s case. EJ came home and ran into Chanel. He apologized to her for what happened with Amy. While they were talking, Johnny came in and punched EJ.

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