Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Alan and Traci return home and are having lunch with Jack and Diane. Traci tells Jack and Diane how much she and Alan missed each other since her agent had scheduled an unexpected reading of her latest books for her fans. Alan had a speaking engagement and was unable to meet with her after her book reading. Alan tells Traci how much he loves her and if he thought that he would say yes he would propose to her right now. Jack and Diane excuse themselves because they know Alan and Traci need to talk alone. Alan thinks he scared Traci with the talk of marriage. Traci tells Alan that if he proposed she would say yes. Alan tells Traci how much he loves her and that he wants to be her friend, partner, lover. and family. Alan tells Traci that he never thought he needed love until he met her. Traci tells Alan that his love was an unexpected gift that she thought would never come her way. Traci yes to Alan’s proposal and Alan rushes off to get a ting for Traci to make the proposal official. Traci happily tells Jack and Diane the news that she and Alan are getting married but since the proposal had happened so quickly that Traci still can’t believe it.

Phyllis is trying to find a way to get out of the locked room inside Havenhurst. Phyllis is worried when Sharon doesn’t wake up when she calls her name. Phyllis goes to the couch and doesn’t feel a pulse on Sharon so she does CPR on Sharon until she breathes. Phyllis is so upset that the distorted voice killed Sharon, but she is relieved that the CPR was able to save her life. Phyllis tells Sharon that the answer to the last riddle is that they must work together to get out of that room is to work together. Phyllis tells Sharon that it wasn’t possible for them to work together before because they were too busy fighting with each other to work together. The ladies shake hands and agree to work together to find a way home.

Billy tells Nick that he called the number to the burner phone Phyllis used to call Nick. Billy says that nobody answered. He got a text message from the burner phone number that said “click here for information about Havenhurst.” Nick does a search for Havenhurst on his phone and finds out the hospital is closed but is in the vicinity of where the medical supply van was stolen. Billy and Nick head to the Athletic Club to tell Chance and Summer about the possible clue. Chance thinks it might be a trap so he wants to do some more research while Nick and Billy head to Havenhurst with the Newman security team.

Alan is sitting on a bench at Chancellor Park looking at the ring he bought Traci when his cell phone beeps. Alan opens the message and sees surveillance footage on his phone of the room where Sharon and Phyllis are being held prisoners.

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