Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Marlena talked to Shane on the phone about John. Kayla and Steve showed up while Marlena was on the phone. Marlena let them know that she was trying to talk to John. Kayla suggested she get in touch with Kimberly. Steve wondered why she wanted to talk to Shane. Marlena told them what Cat told her about John saving her mother. Steve and Kayla were excited to hear that and thought John would be relieved. Marlena said he saved Catharina’s life. When Kayla left to go to the hospital, Marlena and Steve kept each other company. She opened up to him about being lonely without John. He asked if she heard from John during the holidays. Marlena said all she got was strawberries for Christmas. She asked if John was safe, but Steve didn’t know. He said Shane wouldn’t tell him what John was doing. Marlena said she was afraid John was slipping away from her. Chad and Cat ran into each other in the town square. She told him that she planned on staying in Salem and wondered if it was going to be an issue with him. He said it wasn’t up to him to decide where she lived. She promised to stay away from him. Chad said Salem was big enough for both of them and wanted to put everything behind him. Cat said she wanted to do the same thing. Maggie asked Xander about working with Philip. Xander said it was great when he found out he was Victor’s son and he trusted him to run the company over everyone else. When Philip showed up, he took it away. Maggie said he still had the company. He just had to run it with Philip. Xander said Philip was the worst. He said he wanted to get rid of Philip. A concerned Maggie warned him not to do anything rash. Xander said he wouldn’t do anything that would take him away from Sarah and Victoria. Maggie said he didn’t say he wouldn’t do anything. She let him know that Victor loved him and Philip. While they were talking, Maggie let him know that she wasn’t losing another family member so he shouldn’t do anything stupid. Xander brought up the will and letter to which Maggie said the situation was settled in court. She said the partnership wouldn’t be easy, but they had to find a way to work together. Xander asked if she was referring to her situation with Alex. He apologized to her for what he said. She said if he and Philip got along, they would break the curse. Xander agreed try and get along with Philip.
Stephanie told Sarah that Philip’s letter was a fake. She said Philip shouldn’t be co-CEO and told Sarah what Philip did. Stephanie said she wouldn’t have gotten involved with Philip if she knew what he was doing. She told Sarah she had to tell her the truth and wondered how Xander would take the news. Sarah said she didn’t know how Xander would take the news. When Sarah left, Stephanie checked her messages and listened to one that Philip left. He asked her not to say anything about the letter. She deleted the message and said it was too late. When she saw Kayla, she told her that she and Philip broke up. Kayla wanted to know what happened, but Stephanie thought it was better that she didn’t know what happened. She said she saw Philip’s true self and it made her sick. Kate went to see Philip at Titan and wondered what he wanted. Philip said Stephanie overheard them talking about the letter. He let her know that Stephanie was upset and thought she was going to say something. Kate talked about how judgmental the Bradys were. She wondered what he was going to do about it. Philip said he didn’t know where Stephanie was. He said he was dead if the truth came out. Kate said Stephanie wouldn’t be upset if she didn’t care. She thought he could reason with Stephanie once she cooled off. He said it could ruin Stephanie and Belle’s lives. While they were talking, Sarah came in and said she knew everything. When Philip and Kate acted as if they didn’t know what she was talking about. Sarah said she knew about the letter and how she found out about it. Philip assumed she didn’t tell Xander yet. Sarah said she didn’t tell him, but he was a dead man when she did. Kate suggested that she didn’t tell Xander the truth. She said it would protect Xander and Philip and keep Xander from hurting Philip. Sarah wanted to know why he did this. Kate said it was Vivian’s fault, but Sarah didn’t think that wasn’t good enough. Philip said Xander wasn’t above doing crazy things. He said he could keep Xander in check. Philip said he wanted to make Victor proud of him. He said this was his last attempt to prove that he was worthy of Victor’s legacy and asked her not to take it away from him. Sarah apologized to him before she left. Kate said she was glad he stood up to Sarah. He said he wanted to speak from the heart with Sarah. When Sarah went home, she told Xander that she talked to Stephanie about Philip. Before Sarah could tell him what Philip did, Xander said he promised Maggie to get along with Philip.
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