Days Short Recap Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sarah admitted that she loved Xander, but she wouldn’t lie for him. Belle jumped on the opportunity to trap her by asking if she would lie when it came to Xander trying to kill Brady. Justin objected, but Belle continued to say that Xander belonged in jail. The lawyers wanted to talk to the judge, and she decided they needed a break. She wanted to consider what to do next. Philip was proud of Belle on her hunch about Sarah. He hoped that Sarah wouldn’t get in trouble. Belle believed that Sarah wouldn’t get in trouble. it would force Xander’s hand in the case. Xander told Justin that he apologized to Brady and gave back his job. He thought everything was good between them. Justin warned him that Sarah would have to confirm that he tried to kill Brady, or she had to lie under oath. Sarah realized that Xander had a lot to lose from the case. He could lose his birthright or be sent to prison. Belle continued questioning Sarah. When she asked Sarah about trying to kill Brady she relied on spousal privilege. After Sarah’s stunt, the judge decided to call a recess. Belle let Philip know that they had a good chance of winning the case despite what Sarah did. Philip wasn’t sure how they could win. Belle told him that Sarah refusing to testify against Xander made him look more guilty. Justin tried to reassure Xander that things could have been worse. Belle could have brought up that Xander tried to shoot Philip. Justin asked for the war to end regardless of the outcome. Xander couldn’t make any promises about that. Philip thanked Belle for what she did for him. She told him that she did what Victor wanted. He flashed back to him and Vivian talking about the forged letter. Belle would rather see Philip run Titan than Xander. Xander tried to kill almost everyone in her family. He reminded her that Xander almost killed Sami for Kristen. Belle joked that Xander wasn’t that bad. The judge was ready to make her decision.

The judge believed Xander and Philip’s claims were valid and decided to reward both of them with the company. They agreed that their father would want to see them working together. Johnny congratulated Alex on his scenes. Alex questioned if he was talking about the lie he told Faith to make things good for her. He said he wasn’t acting and was imitating life. Johnny apologized to him for telling Chanel that he slept with Joy. It was the only story he could think of when Chanel walked in the room. Stephanie overheard their conversation and got the wrong idea. She informed Alex that she didn’t need an explanation. Alex wanted to explain everything, but she didn’t want to hear it because they weren’t a couple. To keep Johnny’s secret, he said he slept with Joy in the past. They agreed that the producers should know about it. Stephanie walked away from him. Johnny thanked Alex for keeping his secret. Alex was upset that Stephanie thought he was a player again. Johnny thought Alex cared a lot about Stephanie’s opinion. It was annoying to him that Johnny got to keep his reputation clean while he’s cheating on Chanel. Everyone thinks he’s a player that couldn’t keep it in his pants. They agreed that they wanted everything to blow over soon. Chanel approached Joy about being with Alex. She told Joy that she wasn’t the only one who had to work closely with someone she slept with. Joy talked to Chanel about her situation with Johnny. She made it seem like she was talking about Alex. Joy thought it might be a good idea to stop hanging around her and Johnny. Chanel didn’t want to lose her friendship. After her conversation with Chanel, Joy ran into Stephanie. She wanted Stephanie to help her find a gift for Alex. Stephanie wanted to know if she was dating Alex since she’s the show’s publicist. Joy denied being with Alex. Stehpanie gave her permission to date him. Stephanie ran into Philip and found out the judge’s ruling. She was happy that he got to keep half the company. They hugged each other, and it turned into a kiss. Sarah tried to make Xander feel better about the ruling. She thought it would be a chance for him to get along with Philip. He didn’t see that happening. After Sarah left the room, Xander vowed to get rid of Philip.

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