Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Leo sits in the town square with his laptop. Rafe joins him and says he got his message, so he asks what was so urgent that he needed to be there immediately. Leo shows Rafe his laptop and says that Lady Whistleblower has struck again.
Jada goes home where Javi is using his phone and asks Javi if she was interrupting something.
Joy meets EJ outside of the Brady Pub. EJ gives her the check and orders her to pack her things and go. Joy hesitates so EJ asks if they have a problem.
At the DiMera Mansion, Alex argues to Johnny that Joy doesn’t want to leave her job and admitted she loves her job when he tried to talk her out of leaving. Johnny gets upset and tells Alex that this is none of his business, telling him to butt out before he messes everything up right as Chanel comes home and asks what the hell is going on in here. Chanel asks if anyone is going to tell her what they are fighting about. Johnny claims it’s nothing but Chanel says it didn’t sound like nothing. Alex then informs her that it’s about Joy.
Jada notes that Javi seems very protective of his phone. Javi jokes that he was putting together his top secret Christmas shopping list. Jada mentions being surprised that Rafe didn’t beat her home since she stayed at the office late. Javi informs her that he actually did but he got a message and left. Jada asks about the message. Javi says it was for his job at Black Patch and apparently from Leo.
Rafe laughs off Leo’s emergency being about Lady Whistleblower. Leo complains that his impostor has dropped another column stuffed with more Body and Soul spoilers including his story about an island called Weivenip being the backwards version of Pineview which came to him in a dream. Rafe questions the plot holes to the island. Leo argues that he hired him to find the impostor before everything gets spoiled.
Chanel questions why Alex and Johnny would be fighting about Joy. Alex informs her that there’s something that she needs to know as it affects her. Chanel asks what it is. Alex starts to explain but Johnny jumps in and claims that Alex slept with Joy.
EJ tells Joy to take the check while Joy complains that she really liked her job. EJ acknowledges the sacrifice and says that’s why he’s offering such a generous sum, reminding her that she agreed to take it. EJ adds that there are plenty of jobs out there and with this money, she could go back to school and get a master’s degree or she could head to Los Angeles for acting with a fresh start. EJ mentions having an old friend on the west coast who is a filmmaker always looking for fresh talent. EJ insists that he can help her, but she knows what she must do. Joy then takes the check as Kate walks up and questions what is going on.
Jada tells Javi that she was pretty surprised when Leo showed up on Thanksgiving and hired Rafe to find out who was spoiling stories. Javi says he was more surprised that Rafe accepted even after he went over a list of Leo’s crimes. Javi remarks that Rafe didn’t listen to him when he told him not to meet with Leo. Jada questions why he would tell him that.
Leo shows Rafe more of Lady Whistleblower spoiling his stories and complains that somebody is obviously out to get him. Leo adds that none of the cast knew about the stories. Rafe asks if anyone else had access to his computer. Leo mentions catching Javi on it after he came out of the shower in his room. Rafe says Javi told him all about it and how Leo accused him of being Lady Whistleblower. Leo confirms he did but he thinks subconsciously that he thought Javi was too good for him, so to protect himself, he pushed him away. Leo says he reminds himself every day that good things are possible. Leo admits he feels really terrible about screwing things up with Javi. Rafe asks if there are any other suspects. Leo says that Salem is fertile ground for producing a cohort of the duplicitous and underhanded. Leo then stops and declares he thinks he knows who it is.
Kate didn’t realize EJ and Joy knew each other. EJ tells Kate that they were just talking about her which Kate questions. EJ says she is the producer of Body and Soul, so he thinks Kate should know that Joy has decided to quit the show. Kate questions Joy as to why that is. Joy responds that she’s not really sure it’s for her, claiming she has anxiety and that she’s missing New York. Kate says she’s not unsympathetic but she can’t allow her to quit because she has an ironclad contract and she wouldn’t want to be in breach of that.
Chanel questions Alex sleeping with Joy. Johnny claims that Alex just told him. Chanel questions why Alex would tell Johnny that. Johnny says he sensed something going on with them at rehearsal, so Alex dropped by to go over some script edits and he admitted it. Chanel questions why they were fighting about it. Johnny says he was just concerned that it might not be a good idea and asks Alex if that’s right.
Jada questions Javi as to why he didn’t want Rafe to meet Leo. Javi calls Leo a complete and total jerk for accusing him of being Lady Whistleblower off of sketchy circumstantial evidence after they had a pretty hot first date. Javi says that after Leo turned on him, he realized he was better off without him, so he doesn’t want Rafe to be sucked in to Leo’s vortex. Jada thinks it’s sweet that Javi wants to protect Rafe, but jokes that they aren’t going to sleep together and Rafe is only helping Leo find out whoever took over the column. Jada asks Javi why he doesn’t want Rafe to help Leo with the case.
Leo tells Rafe that he believes Kate is the Lady Whistleblower since he pitches her the stories so she knows them. Rafe questions why Kate would want to sabotage her own show. Leo then suggests it’s both Kate and Abe since they are the producers. Leo relates it to the plot of the Broadway musical The Producers, suggesting Abe and Kate are going to make money by tanking their own show. Rafe says he doesn’t buy it. Leo tells Rafe to come up with something then and asks if he has any ideas. Rafe responds that he actually does.
EJ tells Kate that he’s well aware that Joy has a contract. Kate tells EJ that contracts are legally binding. EJ claims that is why Joy hired him. EJ says that Joy is a young actress with talent and knows what is best for her, so he took her case for free. EJ says he’s sure they can work this out for everyone’s benefit. EJ says Joy has become deeply unhappy, so he’s sure Kate won’t hold her to some contract and wouldn’t get the best out of an actress who already has a foot out the door. Kate says she wouldn’t want someone working for her who doesn’t want to be there. Kate argues that Joy is their Regan and everyone loves her. EJ argues that she could recast the role as he’s told that’s a fairly common practice. Kate says they could but she doesn’t want to. Kate argues that Joy has a very special gift and if she puts her mind to it, she thinks Joy will be a big star. Kate promises that she and Abe will work with her to address any concerns. Kate asks Joy to reconsider and not break her contract.
Chanel questions Alex and Johnny having a knock down drag out fight because Alex is having a fling with Joy. Alex goes along with it and claims it’s true that Johnny wasn’t happy when he told him that he slept with Joy. Chanel asks if that’s what Johnny meant by saying Alex is going to ruin everything. Johnny claims he was just concerned after the whole Alex and Stephanie fiasco, that this would only cause more problems. Alex says he was just telling Johnny that what he and Joy do are their business, joking that it’s not like they are married so they aren’t hurting anybody. Chanel says that’s not exactly true.
Jada questions Javi being worried about Rafe taking Leo’s case. Javi talks about not trusting Leo and questions if Rafe will ever figure out who Lady Whistleblower is, joking about who it could be. Javi remarks that Leo seems adamant to take someone down for this and if Rafe doesn’t find the culprit, he wouldn’t put it past Leo to blame Rafe himself. Jada doubts that, pointing out that this person is messing with Leo’s livelihood, so if she was Leo, she would want it solved too. Javi gets a text and says he has to go, then quickly exits which Jada calls abrupt.
Leo asks Rafe who his suspect is but Rafe doesn’t want to say. Leo questions why not. Rafe says he doesn’t want to accuse anyone without concrete evidence. Rafe feels if he tells Leo, then he will accuse them. Leo argues that he’s paying Rafe. Rafe says that’s all the more reason to stay tight-lipped about it. Rafe says they cannot let the person know they are investigating and if Leo goes around making false accusations, word will get out. Rafe tells Leo to give him some time and if he comes up with something concrete, he’ll let him know. Leo asks Rafe to work fast and then asks if he would be willing to put in a good word for him with Javi. Leo argues that he is a decent guy. Rafe agrees to put in a good word for him but warns that once Javi puts his mind to something, he isn’t likely to change it and it seems like he’s made up his mind. Leo acknowledges that he really messed that up as Rafe then walks away.
Alex questions who Chanel thinks is getting hurt by he and Joy sleeping together. Chanel argues that it hurts Joy because there’s clearly a power imbalance in their relationship. Chanel says it’s not the same as the actor and the publicist, but Joy is new in town and vulnerable. Chanel adds that she and Johnny promised to look out for Joy. Chanel brings up that Alex still isn’t over Stephanie so she doesn’t want Joy to get hurt. Alex tells Chanel not to worry because he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt either.
EJ tells Kate that Joy will not be pressured in to anything as she’s made her decision. Kate tells EJ to let Joy speak for herself. Joy responds that Kate is right and declares that she wants to stay. Kate calls that such good news and tells Joy not to worry as she and Abe will happily address all o her concerns. Kate says she’ll start working on the schedule and knows they can make adjustments to get Joy to New York more often. Kate knows Joy misses her family but adds that Body and Soul is now her family too. Kate then heads in to the Brady Pub. EJ questions Joy about what the hell that was.
Chanel decides she should head upstairs to learn her lines for tomorrow and exits. Alex then asks Johnny what the hell was that. Alex questions why Johnny would tell Chanel that he and Joy slept together. Johnny says he had to think fast and apologizes. Johnny adds that it doesn’t matter since Joy is leaving town. Alex complains that now Chanel is going to think that’s his fault. Johnny apologizes again and admits that he panicked. Johnny suggests they take a deep breath and insists everything is going to be fine if Alex doesn’t say anything. Alex reluctantly agrees even though he looks like the bad guy now thanks to Johnny. Alex decides that out of respect for Chanel and not wanting anyone else to get hurt, he won’t say anything. Johnny thanks him but Alex says not to thank him as he doesn’t deserve it because he handled this like a little bitch.
EJ questions why Joy told Kate that she’s staying and what she’s trying to pull. Joy says she realized Kate was right that she does like her job and being an actress, so she questions why she should give that up. EJ argues that she’s interfering in his son’s marriage. Joy argues that Johnny bears quite a bit of responsibility for what happened. EJ asks if she wants him to double her money. Joy says she’s sorry that Johnny is not comfortable with her being around but he’s going to have to get used to it because she’s not going anywhere. Joy then walks away.
Rafe goes home to Jada, who asks how it went with Leo. Rafe asks how she knew he was meeting with Leo. Jada jokes that she’s the police commissioner so she knows everything in this town. Jada then admits that Javi told her and that he wasn’t too happy that Rafe took the case. Rafe assures he made that clear. Jada asks about the case and if he has any leads. Rafe admits he has a hunch on who it might be. Jada asks if he cares to share. Rafe suggests Hattie Adams since she was fired shortly after taping Body and Soul and was pretty upset about it, even putting a curse on the show. Jada mentions hearing about that. Rafe thinks it’s a pretty good lead. Jada asks if he’s going to track Hattie down. Rafe responds that he is and asks if she has a problem with that.
Leo remains in the town square with his laptop and continues reading the spoilers in Lady Whistleblower’s column. Leo remarks that he can’t even be bad since they aren’t a bad writer. Javi then appears and says it’s a shame what happened after he read Lady Whistleblower’s column. Leo asks if he’s gloating now and rubbing it in. Leo guesses he deserves that after accusing him. Leo tells Javi that he really loved being a head writer as it was fun and exciting and he finally felt respected, but now it’s all gone up in smoke. Javi says he understands as he remembers how excited Leo was to watch the premiere, so it’s obvious how much the job meant to him. Javi tells Leo that for what it’s worth, he’s sorry it’s going bad for him. Leo brings up today’s episode and invites Javi to his room to watch it with him. Javi questions Leo inviting him to his room. Leo says it’s just to watch the show and suggests they could order room service. Kerry, the guy that Leo almost hooked up with a few months ago, then approaches. Javi questions them knowing each other. Leo flashes back to when they were in his hotel room together. Kerry explains that they went out once but Leo didn’t think they had a spark. Leo says it wasn’t that and asks if they know each other. Javi says they don’t know each other yet while Kerry reveals they matched on a dating app. Javi then informs Leo that he and Kerry are on a date. They agree to go to Small Bar, so Javi tells Leo to have a great night as he and Kerry walk away.
Rafe questions Jada having a problem with him tracking down Hattie. Jada brings up that Hattie is her main suspect in the poisoned cupcakes and adds that she already has an APB out on her, so she doesn’t need Black Patch getting in the way and she doesn’t want the investigation messed up. Rafe jokes that Javi warned them about him working for Black Patch throwing a wrench in to her investigations. Jada says she’s just asking that he let her take the lead on finding Hattie. Rafe questions why he should since he’s a private investigator and it’s legal for him to trail someone. Jada argues that it’s an active police investigation. Rafe argues that if they weren’t together, she wouldn’t even know about it. Jada complains that Rafe could end up spooking Hattie off while Rafe questions if she’s worried that Paulina will think he’s doing a better job than her. Jada says that’s not it and decides may the best investigator win. They shake hands as Rafe wishes her luck.
Johnny paces in the living room as EJ comes home. Johnny asks if he gave Joy her check. EJ responds that he handed it to her but Kate interrupted and talked Joy in to believing she would become the next Julia Roberts and that she would address all of her on set concerns. EJ assures that he tried to convince her but Joy wouldn’t listen and has decided to stick around. Chanel then comes back downstairs.
Alex goes over his lines at home until Joy shows up at his door. Joy says she won’t stay long and just wanted to let him know that she didn’t take the money, so she’s staying which excites Alex. Alex asks what changed her mind. Joy informs him that Kate happened to be walking by as she was taking the money and she made her realize that she really wants this job, so she won’t cave in. Alex congratulates her for standing up to EJ. Alex says there’s also something he needs to tell her. Alex then informs Joy that Chanel now believes they are sleeping together.
Chanel questions why Johnny looks like he just got cheating on an algebra test. EJ asks Chanel how things are on Body and Soul. Chanel says things are going well and she’s really connecting to her character. Chanel mentions having ten scenes with Joy tomorrow and asks Johnny to run lines with her which he agrees to. Chanel says goodnight to EJ and heads back upstairs. Johnny tells EJ that he can’t handle this. EJ says he has no choice and he’s afraid he will have to learn to live with his secret. Johnny then heads upstairs.
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