Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Steve and Justin gathered Thanksgiving dinner to take to St. Luke’s. Kate joined them and let them know that Roman was doing better. He just wanted to stay upstairs. They talked about Hattie being the one who poisoned the cupcakes. She left to do something. Alex promised Joy that he wouldn’t tell Chanel what she told him. Stephanie arrived with Thanksgiving dinner. She wondered about Joy being at his apartment. He let her know they were running lines together. Stephanie told him that she was taking Philip on as a client. Alex didn’t think Philip had a case since Victor left everything to Xander. They got into a debate about the situation. She justified taking on the case because she cared about Philip. Stephanie told him about being engaged to Philip and how she wanted him to choose between her and Victor. Alex was shocked that Philip chose Victor over her. She thought Alex would have done the same thing Philp did. Their relationship ended badly, and she had her own regrets about it. Alex wondered if she wanted to get back together with Philip. Vivian called Philip to talk about their plan. He assured her that she would get her cut since she forged Victor’s letter. Kate showed up after he got off the phone. They discussed their plan. Philip told her that he hired Stephanie to get public sympathy. Kate liked the idea, but she was concerned about their past. Steve asked Justin about his legal opinion about Cat. Justin didn’t understand how she got out on bail.
Maggie arrived at the Kiriakis mansion and saw Bonnie wearing an apron. Bonnie told her that the cook ate the poisoned cupcake and couldn’t make the food. She let Maggie know that she was preparing to fry a turkey. Maggie warned her that she should cook the turkey outside. The smoke alarm started going off while she was making the turkey. While she was cooking, she almost burned down the mansion. She thought she could still serve side dishes. Maggie advised her to take it easy. She was thankful they still had each other. Kayla showed up at the pub while Bonnie was on the phone with Justin. She wanted him to bring takeout for Thanksgiving. He suggested getting pizza. Bonnie was surprised by his suggestion. He said some families order pizza for Thanksgiving. It was a nod to Wally Kurth’s character’s family on General Hospital. Kayla overheard their conversation and invited the family to spend Thanksgiving at the pub. Sarah assured Xander that they would have a great life even if she didn’t walk again. He was prepared to give Kristen the company to get the serum from her. He knew he couldn’t do it now. Xander vowed to make Philip regret keeping him from giving up Titan. He promised her that he would only fight Philip in court. All that mattered to him was Sarah being home. Philip told Kate that his relationship with Stephanie wouldn’t be a problem. Kate reminded him about the obsession he had over Chloe. Chloe wasn’t a factor in his life anymore. She informed him that Stephanie had feelings for Alex. She was worried that he would get hurt. Philip assured her that he changed and wasn’t after Stephanie. She invited him for Thanksgiving dinner at the pub. Everyone gathered at the pub. Philip made the announcement that he kicked Xander out as head of Titan. Kate was happy while everyone was shocked.
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