Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Michael and Sasha wake up in bed together after a night of too much drinking. Sasha tells Michael she knew about Drew and Willow kissing twice. Michael only knew about one kiss, so he asks Sasha about the second kiss. Sasha tells him the second kiss happened when Congressman McConkey died. Sasha tells Michael Willow felt badly about the second kiss but emotions were high and it just happened but Michael thinks Sasha chose to kiss Drew a second time.
Sasha feels badly for breaking Willow’s confidence and sleeping with Michael. Michael tells Sasha the only one to blame for this is Drew. Willow tells Drew that she is going to tell Michael the whole truth because it is the only way she has to save her marriage. Drew thinks Willow will hurt Michael more if she tells him the whole truth.
Sam tells Alexis that Dante asked her to get married and shows her the ring Dante gave her. Alexis gives Sam a hug and tells her it’s about time Dante gave her a ring. A few minutes later Alexis goes out to the nurses station with a serious look on her face. Jason sees her and sends Danny and Scout to get something to eat. Alexis tells Jason she doesn’t know what happened, but Sam suddenly started having trouble breathing and the doctors kicked her out of this room.
Portia and Lucas try their best to revive Sam but after thirty minutes of doing CPR and using the defibrillator paddles a stunned and heartbroken Lucas must pronounce a time of death on his sister.
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