Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[soft dramatic music]
A free man. You are back home where you belong. I’m happy.
Thanks to you. Thanks to you. I can’t tell you what a relief it is. This whole time thinking that I was the one that put Sarah in that chair.
Hey, everyone who loves you knows the pain you were in.
To think that I trusted Fiona Cook. I mean, a wom– I don’t even know the woman. She turned out to be a homicidal maniac.
Yeah, well, just thank god it’s over and the right person is behind bars.
[relaxed music]
Hello, Sarah.
What are you doing out of jail?
The DA dropped the charges. Your mother-in-law is a free woman. Here’s to freedom.
I wouldn’t bother signing that, Xander.
Don’t try talking me out of this now, Justin.
Oh, that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to let you both know that someone has filed an injunction prohibiting the transfer of Xander’s Titan stock to you.
What the hell is going on, Xander?
Your guess is as good as mine. Who filed this injunction? It’d have to be a family member. Well, it can’t be Alex. We all know he’s not Victor’s son.
But I am. [tense music]
Philip. What the hell? You– you filed this injunction?
That’s right, big brother. I’m back. And I’m here to stop you from throwing away our father’s legacy.
Hola, prima. What’s shaking?
Oh, my God.
Javi! Oh, my God, I can’t believe it. It’s been so long. It’s really you?
Damn right it is, chica. Cousin Javi is here. He’s queer, and Salem better get used to it. [laughs] [tender music] [soft dramatic music]
You know, from what I hear, you never gave up on anything or anyone you ever wanted. I am your son, after all. I’d like to think I have that fighting spirit in me. And for that reason, I am not giving up on my marriage to Gabi. No, no.
I’m gonna fight for the woman that I love.
[suspenseful music] [grunts] Ah.
Excellent work, Ivan.
I am glad to have your approval, Madame.
This– I’ve been thinking, enough with the “Madame.” We’ve known each other for years. Just call me Vivian. [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
Madame, with all due respect, I am your loyal servant. It would be quite inappropriate for me to call you by your first name.
Fine, fine. Have it your own way. But I’m just glad we’re in cahoots again.
Now, do me a favor and make sure my son is still breathing. [soft dramatic music]
He lives, Madame.
[sighs] What a relief. I’ve just had these pangs of guilt resorting to these draconian tactics.
But as you said before we embarked on this mission, it was all for his own good.
You’re right. It’s all for his own good. Yes, it is. I know.
Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, Javi?
And spoil the surprise? You know I love my grand entrances.
Yeah, I do know that. And, hey, we just found out about Tía Hilda. I’m so sorry.
Thanks. We’re all grateful that Mami didn’t suffer at the end. How’d you find out?
Tío Gabriel sent Rafe a letter along with your mami’s engagement ring.
Her ring? Why would he send that?
I guess she wanted him to have it.
[chuckles] Of course she did. Rafael was always her favorite, and he was the son she really wanted, not the one she got.
But I don’t understand. EJ was ready to throw the book at you. Why would he let you go?
My attorney convinced the DA to change his mind. So I’m not gonna face any charges at all.
You hit me with a car and left me for dead, and that was before you threatened to finish the job by pushing me down a flight of stairs. How is this possible?
Well, my darling, dearest daughter-in-law, it’s all thanks to you. [chuckles] [relaxed music]
Funny. Last time I was in this room, Alex was my new half-brother.
You can’t do this to me, Philip.
Now, I wasn’t exactly thrilled that Dad’s company was in the hands of that vainglorious jerk. No offense, Justin.
You don’t know what’s at stake here.
As it turns out, Alex is pretty much Steve Jobs compared to you. I mean, you’ve only been CEO for a few months and you’re already packing it in, handing the whole thing over to Stefano’s degenerate daughter.
Damn you, Philip.
Well, once I caught wind of this idiotic deal, I was impelled to do all I could to block it since I’m Victor’s son too!
But he didn’t leave Titan to you, did he? So you can’t do this. You have no legal right. He has no right at all.
Oh, I beg to differ. [dramatic music]
You know, when I first heard about Stefan’s impending divorce from that wretched woman, I knew it was too good to be true.
As you pointed out to me, Madame, your son has a weakness for Gabriella Hernandez.
Indeed he does, a serious and debilitating weakness. But don’t you worry, my darling. Mother’s here to make sure you don’t fall prey to another cuckolding shrew ever again. [ominous music] [somber music]
I don’t think it was a slight against you, Javi.
It kind of feels that way.
Look, I’m sure your mami only gave the ring to Rafe because she knew you weren’t gonna marry a woman.
Yeah, but what if I wanted to give it to a man? Better yet, what if I wanted to keep it for myself? What do you think? – Fabuloso.
I know, right? However, it pales in comparison to that rock on your finger. Girl, let me get a closer look at this bling. [chuckles] Wow, Gabriella. You scored up, huh, marrying a super wealthy DiMera?
I don’t think I’ll be married to him much longer.
We’re getting a divorce.
[relaxed music]
You’re free because of me? What are you talking about?
[scoffs] Oh, come now, Sarah. Surely you can figure it out. I mean, first you didn’t see Brady driving the car, then you did. Then you claimed you were confused. Oh, no, wait. Then you saw me driving instead. [scoffs] At this point, what jury is going to believe you?
You know that I lied about Brady to save your son from killing him.
A noble gesture, which very happily turned out in my favor.
[exhales sharply] No. No, it– it can’t be that simple. I’m not the only one that remembers seeing you driving that night. Brady does too.
I really do owe you. I mean, not only did you fly from Paris to support me, but you– come on.
You did so much more than that. You’re the reason I’m free.
Eh, you’re my brother. Kind of have to be there for one another.
Yeah, yeah, but you went above and beyond. You really did. And I can never thank you enough. It’s just that–
As grateful as I am that my name is cleared, my conscience, not so much, man.
Meaning Fiona never would have been driving that car that night if I hadn’t been drunk out of my mind. That’s what I mean. If I hadn’t fallen off the wagon, Sarah would probably not be in that chair.
Brady, remember, you weren’t driving. [somber music] Now you just need to resolve to stay sober. Nothing to be gained by beating yourself up.
True. Thanks for that. There actually may be some good news regarding Sarah.
Yeah. With a little bit of luck, there’s a chance that Sarah could be back on her feet again, thanks to Kristen. [soft dramatic music]
So it sounds like you all have a lot to talk about, so I’m going to take my leave.
No, Kristen, don’t go. This deal is happening whether Philip likes it or not. We just need a couple minutes here.
OK, Xander, sweetheart. It is gonna take a lot longer than a couple minutes. And I really do not want to be privy to your family drama.
Kristen, please.
No. You can keep the first vial, and just let me know when you’re ready to make the trade for the second.
Kristen, wait! Philip, this is ridiculous. You have no claim to Titan. Father didn’t even put you in his will.
Only because my parents are trying to protect me from any, you know, legal trouble.
Right, because you faked your death to frame Brady. The end result is the same.
Not quite. Since, as you may recall, Brady let me off the hook last year, enabling my return to the land of the living, and as such, I am prepared to assert my rights.
Any right you have is to watch from the sidelines while I do what I wish. That’s what Victor wanted. [dramatic orchestral music]
Actually, it’s not.
This letter was originally mailed to the psychiatric facility where I was getting treatment in Europe. But I’d already left to come home for Dad’s funeral, so it only recently made its way to me in New York.
What does it say?
Why don’t you tell him? [soft dramatic music]
Signed by Victor. It’s dated just before the plane crash.
Well, let’s see here. Vic is informing Philip that he’s made a new will and that he wishes that he– quoting here– “that he had the option to leave Titan to Philip.” But he can’t because he’s supposed to be dead.
I’m the rightful heir. And it’s only by happenstance that I’m not in charge this very minute.
Then why the hell didn’t you make this claim earlier?
As I said, I didn’t know about this letter until now.
He doesn’t really have a case, does he, Justin?
Well, it’s hard to say, but this is certainly enough to contest the transfer of Titan to Kristen.
Look, Philip, you just don’t really understand what’s going on here. Kristen has a serum that can– it can cure Sarah’s paralysis, but she won’t give it to us unless she gets Titan, and– this is my wife we’re talking about. I’m appealing to you as your brother. Please, you’ve got to drop this lawsuit. [dramatic music]
Sorry, Xander. Not a chance in hell.
So Dr. Rolf developed a serum that could cure Sarah’s paralysis. Kristen has offered to hand it over to Xander and Sarah in exchange for exonerating me. However, as it turns out, they had nothing to do with my release anyway.
Right. So is Kristen willing to stand by her offer?
She says that she’s making arrangements to hand the drug over to Xander. What? What?
It just seems so out of character of her, you know, to be so generous.
Yeah, well– [knocking] Yeah, well, Kristen, she’s been full of surprises lately.
Like this one. [ominous music]
Well, unfortunately for you, Sarah, Brady wouldn’t have made a credible witness either since he would have to admit that he was blackout drunk that night, anything that he thought he saw or heard just wouldn’t stand up in court, obviously.
OK, fine, then forget what Brady and I remembered. You confessed, Fiona. You admitted your guilt to me, to Xander, to Brady.
Aha, but not to the Salem PD. And since I didn’t tell the police that I was responsible for the accident and I denied confessing it to anyone else, I’m sure you can deduce that I am in the clear. [relaxed music]
Oh, my God.
So Stefan slept with that skank while you were in prison.
And then you slept with his brother to get back at him.
[chuckles] Well, you know me. I had to even the score.
Yeah, I get that. [laughs] I don’t know, man. This is like an episode of “The Real Housewives.” [laughs] [somber music] Oh, I’m sorry. You’re still hurting, and I shouldn’t make jokes.
No, you shouldn’t. I am still hurting. And not only that–
Not only that, what?
I’m starting to have second thoughts about ending my marriage.
So what? You’re still in love with this guy?
Yeah, I guess I am, even after he betrayed me. Is that pathetic?
No, of course not. You can’t choose who you love. You know that. If you could, I would have had a much easier time of it growing up in Texas. As Mami always told me… [speaks Spanish]
Mm. The heart wants what it wants.
Right? And if your heart wants Stefan, there’s no sense in fighting that.
I don’t even know if he feels the same way. He could be completely done with me. He hired his own divorce lawyer, and I’m expecting papers any day now.
OK. Maybe when he, you know, sees the dotted line waiting for his signature, he’ll remember the beautiful, sexy, amazing woman that he’s been married to. And then he’ll forget how to sign his name. [laughs]
Yeah, maybe he will.
[groans] What was Stefan thinking? These divorce terms are much too generous.
Especially since the woman cheated on him with his own brother.
Well, maybe I can make a few adjustments.
Oh, better not. That might raise suspicions.
[groans] You’re right again, as usual. I’ll just sign the damn thing.
Uh, will there be no issue, you copying your son’s handwriting?
Forgery happens to be one of my great talents.
Oh. To write.
Thank you. Here we go, “Stefan O. DiMera.” Our son is free at last. [dramatic music] Cahoots.
[ominous music]
Shall I deliver it, Madame?
Oh, no, Ivan. Thank you. I’d like to do the honors.
Well, if you’re caught, Madame, you’re gonna get thrown right back in the prison.
Don’t worry. I’ll be very discreet. Now, you just take care of my son. [soft dramatic music]
Stefan’s wedding ring.
Oh. He won’t be needing this anymore, will he?
Some day, you’re gonna be very angry with me when you find out what I’ve done, and then you’ll realize it was the best thing I could do for you.
Madame, we should not linger.
Oh. I love you, my son. See you soon.
I hope your marriage works out, querida, if that’s what you really want.
It is. I do. I do want to work it out. And talking to you has helped me to see that.
Well, you know, I am an expert in matters of the heart, right? [laughter]
I wouldn’t go that far. But you did help me realize that I love Stefan, in spite of all.
When you love someone, it’s got to be in spite of all because we all have faults and we all make mistakes.
So true. But enough about my screwed-up life. I want to hear about you. You still haven’t told me why you came to Salem.
Well, in a nutshell, now that Mami’s gone, I figured I should do what I want for once. Follow my dreams instead of having them stepped on because you know how needy and complicated that woman is. I mean, God rest her soul. So I thought Salem would be a fresh start for me.
Does that mean you’re moving here?
That’s the plan. [laughs]
[laughs] Oh, my God, yes!
And it’s not too complicated since everything I own is in the back of that beat-up, old car in your driveway fresh from Corpus Christi.
In that case, you have to stay with me and Rafe.
I was hoping that you’d say that. [laughs] But do you have room for me? You think it’d be cool con tu hermano?
Ah, sí You’re family. We have plenty of room. And Rafe is gonna love the idea!
[laughs] Even if I’m still wearing his ring?
As long as you’re only borrowing it, I’m sure he’ll be cool.
We’re gonna have so much fun. We get to hang out all the time.
Well, not all the time. I still have to find a job and I’m not sure doing what yet.
Oh, my God. I have the best idea. Come work for me.
I’m sorry. Am I interrupting?
It’s OK. I need to get home and pack.
Oh, that’s right. You’re heading back to Paris.
I am now that my brother is free.
Thanks to you.
No, thanks to you being innocent. I need to get home to Nicole and Jude.
I know. I know. It’s been good having you around, and I’m so grateful for what you did for me.
No, I’m just happy it all worked out.
Yeah, again, thanks to you. I’m gonna miss you.
I’m gonna miss you too. But, hey, we’ll be in touch.
Miss you too.
Video chats.
Yeah, tons of them, absolutely. Yeah.
Eric. [sighs] Alone at last. [tense music]
I don’t understand. What happened to the woman that was so desperate to make amends with Xander, who would play with Victoria for hours and said that she loved me like a daughter? Was that all just a lie? [relaxed music]
No, Sarah. It was real.
I’d do anything to get that back.
I’m so terribly ashamed of myself, but I’m also somewhat self-aware. So I know that my bravado is just a façade. It’s just a way to cope. And my drinking, well, it does dull the pain of knowing that I have ruined everything, as I always do.
Sarah, wait.
I know I have no right to ask you this, but I was hoping you’d do me a favor.
Did you not hear what I just said? Sarah needs this serum. She’ll never walk again.
Look, I feel for Sarah. I really do. But for one thing, there’s no guarantee that experimental serum is gonna work. And even if it’s legit, do you really think it’s worth giving up a multibillion-dollar company?
Yes! That’s absolutely what I think. Put yourself in my shoes, Philip. This is my wife we’re talking about, the love of my life, the mother of my daughter. Have a heart. Think about what this would mean to me, mean to Sarah.
Look, the way I see it, you kind of brought this on yourself.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Well, let’s face it. The accident which paralyzed Sarah, it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been naive about a woman who apparently treated you like crap when you were a kid and then abandoned you.
Watch where you’re going with this one.
I’m just saying. If you’d been paying more attention, maybe you would have realized that your mother was still a hopeless drunk before she mowed down your wife.
You son of a bitch.
So what brings you by? [soft dramatic music]
This. I got you a new car.
What? Why?
Well, I figured I was the one who had your old car crushed into a tiny, little cube, so…
Ah. Whoa, this car has a waiting list. I mean, I think it’s years long.
Well, you are going to be seeing a lot more of Rachel, and our daughter deserves to be driven in style, yes? Oh! It has an added bonus feature. It’s self-driving, just in case.
Kristen. You don’t have to worry about that because I’m sober and I’ve been going to meetings, OK?
Brady, I am so proud of you.
You’ve actually been in a very generous mood lately. Even Eric had to agree when I told him that you were willing to hand that drug over to Sarah.
Oh. Well, I mean, I haven’t handed it over yet.
Xander, come on! Let go. This isn’t helping.
Fine. [tense music]
Maybe you should just go and cool off, OK?
You’re not gonna get away with this, you little punk!
Whatever you say, brah!
Phil, what? You can’t seriously think it’s a good idea for Xander to give away the company, to a DiMera no less?
Yes, I have my own reservations, but you can’t expect this to be easy for him. This isn’t just business. He’s doing it for his wife.
And I’m doing this for my father. You knew Victor just about better than anyone. So you must know that he’d be devastated to think we were giving up the company. So I’m gonna honor his memory by making sure that never happens.
You want me to work at Gabi Chic?
Yes. Javi, it’d be perfect. I just lost my personal assistant, and I desperately need to replace her.
What happened to the last one? You fire her?
Not exactly.
Oh, so she quit.
All right, what’s the deal? Am I walking into a “Devil Wears Prada” type sitch?
[chuckles] No, it’s not like that. It’s just that Connie, my assistant, tried to kill me and Rafe, and now she’s in the loony bin where she belongs.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You have to work for me. Take the job. We’ll have a blast.
Will I get free stuff?
Of course, tons of freebies.
All right, it’s a deal. I’m in. [laughs] All right, now I’m gonna go get my stuff from the car. I’ll be right back. It’s addressed to you.
It’s my divorce papers.
What the hell’s going on here? Ivan. Is that you?
It’s good to see you again, Mr. DiMera.
What the hell is going on? Why am I in here?
I apologize for the discomfort, but I’m just following your mother’s orders.
My mother’s or– My mother’s having me kidnapped. Where are we going?
Back to the motherland.
To the mother– Alamainia. Why?
So you can start a new life without Gabi Hernandez in it.
No. No. [grunts]
So why haven’t you given Sarah the drug? Kristen, you’re not going back on your word, are you?
No, no, no, no, no, of course not. [chuckles] I met with Xander just a little while ago, and I already gave him the first half of the serum.
Why not give him the whole thing?
Well, Rolf is putting the final touches on the other half. I’ll hand it over as soon as everything is, well, sorted out. [soft dramatic music]
Damn you, Philip. Damn you.
Hey. So glad you’re home. I need to talk to you about the meeting with Kristen.
Um, OK. But first, I– there’s something that you need to know. I just ran into Fiona.
Yeah. She’s free. She’s not facing any charges.
How the hell is that even possible?
Um, I will explain it all, but she wanted me to give you this.
– Dear Xander, I’ve decided to leave Salem. I know I’ve made a terrible mess of things, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but please know that I honestly did try to change for you. I wanted so badly to be a part of your life, a part of my granddaughter’s life. I just couldn’t quite pull it off in the end, obviously. Perhaps one day in the not-too-distant future, I’ll really change and become a person who’s worthy of your forgiveness, God willing. But even if that never happens, I want you to know that I do love you very much, and I always will, and I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. Love, Mum. [somber music]
You OK?
I’m fine. I just hate that she’s getting away with what she did to you. Nothing we can do about it now. At least she’s out of our lives now.
So what happened with Kristen?
That’s what I need to talk to you about. [tense music]
How did it go?
As expected, Xander’s head exploded. He was counting on using Titan to get Sarah that miracle drug.
Ha, ha! Well, he’ll just have to find another way to help his invalid wife because soon Titan will belong to us.
He actually signed them.
Oh, Gabriella, I’m so sorry. Maybe you should call him. I mean, if he knew that you were having second thoughts, maybe he might admit to having them too.
No. He definitely made up his mind.
[grunts] You got to help me get out of here. I need to stay in town to fight for my marriage.
Madame thinks that’s a bad idea.
I don’t give a damn what she thinks. She can’t force me to get a divorce.
She already has.
The hell does that mean?
I think it’s best if you just relax and try to enjoy the ride.
No, no, no, no! Ivan, wait. Wait. You got to get me out of here. I need to get to Gabi and tell her that I love her, and I need her in my life. Ivan, no, no, no! I need to tell Gabi that I love her! You son of a bitch!
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