B&B Short Recap Monday, October 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Carter and Hope continue to make out. Carter is half dressed, and they kiss passionately until Hope puts the brakes on. She says that she’s not ready, Because of her recent romantic history, she needs to be cautious, take things slowly, and keep this a secret. They kiss some more.

Deacon and Brooke chat at Il Giardino (mostly about Hope). They’re both glad that Carter spoke up about Hope and saved her line, for now. They agree that Steffy has made Hope’s work life very tough. Brooke wonders if Hope and Liam might reunite, but he doesn’t think so. Deacon compares Liam’s going back and forth between Steffy and Hope to the way Ridge did the same with Brooke and Taylor. Brooke is uneasy about that comparison. Deacon jokes that they should find some nice guy to set Hope up with.

Steffy is on the phone, in her office, with a buyer who doesn’t want anything more to do with Hope For The Future. Ridge comes in, so they talk about it. Steffy fears the worst about HFTF, and she doesn’t think Brooke will take it well if they have to end Hope’s line. Ridge is sympathetic but agrees that they have to do what’s best for the company. Steffy thinks that Hope too invested in HFTF and will think it’s personal. Ridge agrees that they should keep an eye on the numbers. They wonder why Carter stuck up for Hope and her line.


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